Marketing remote work from home

The demand for marketing and digital marketing specialists is rising when today's businesses increasingly seek innovative solutions for their marketing needs. Are you interested in working in marketing? Looking for digital marketing freelance jobs? You have come to the right place! Search and apply for the best freelance marketing jobs opportunities with our smart tool. With Vollna, it is easy to find full-time work-from-home positions for marketing and digital marketing specialists.

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6234 projects published for past 72 hours.
Job Title Budget
Shorts/Reels Video Creator
400 - 750 INR
1 minute ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 06/01/2023
IN India
I'm looking for a skilled video editor who can transform my Audio into captivating Instagram and YouTube Shorts. The ultimate goal is to ramp up viewer engagement, so the editor must have a knack for creating fast-paced, energetic content that resonates with social media audiences.

Key Requirements:
- Proficiency in video editing software
- Experience with social media video content
- Ability to create fast-paced, energetic edits
- Understanding of current social media trends

Ideal Skills:
- Creative storytelling through visuals
- Attention to detail
- Ability to meet tight deadlines

Sample video of how my video looks like :

See you in Chat!

Skills: Audio Services, Videography, Creative Writing, Video Production, Video Editing
Hourly rate: 400 - 750 INR
1 minute ago
  • Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Creative Writing, Audio Services, Videography, Video Production, Video Editing
Credit Risk Management Marketing Expert Needed
35 - 50 CAD
2 minutes ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$2'562 total spent
3 hires
1 open job
5.00 of 2 reviews
Registered at: 24/12/2021
CA Canada
I am seeking a professional marketing expert to assist with strategizing, generating leads, and boosting sales for my credit risk management company.

Key Responsibilities:
- The primary objective of the project is to enhance the company's online presence and generate leads.
- The marketing strategies to be implemented will include SEO, PPC advertising, and social media marketing.

Target Audience:
- The target demographic for the marketing efforts will be small businesses and corporations.

Platform Management:
- The web and social media platforms have been set up, however, they will require additional management and optimization.
- The specific platforms included in the marketing efforts are LinkedIn mainly and YouTube (potentially).

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Prior experience with marketing for financial or risk management companies.
- Proficiency in SEO, PPC advertising, and social media marketing.
- Strong understanding of B2B marketing.
- Experience managing LinkedIn and YouTube for business promotion.
- Proven track record of generating quality leads and boosting sales.

Company Website:

Skills: Internet Marketing, Sales, Marketing, Linkedin, Social Media Marketing
Hourly rate: 35 - 50 CAD
2 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Sales & Marketing, Linkedin, Internet Marketing, Sales, Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Podcast Specialist Needed for Weekly Episodes
750 - 1250 INR
2 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 26/07/2024
IN India
I'm seeking a talented individual to bring my podcast vision to life. The ideal freelancer should be a pro in both public speaking and podcasting, with a knack for captivating storytelling and engaging content creation.

Key Tasks:
- Recording and Editing: Your role will involve ensuring smooth recording sessions and delivering polished, professional quality episodes.
- Scriptwriting and Content Planning: You'll be responsible for crafting compelling scripts and structuring content in an engaging way.
- Marketing and Promotion: Experience in promoting podcasts and building a listener base is crucial. Your strategies will help grow the show's reach and engagement.

Key Details:
- Each episode should run between 30 minutes to an hour.
- The goal is to release new episodes on a weekly basis.

If you're passionate about podcasts and have the skills to make them stand out, get in touch. Kindly provide samples of previous work or relevant experience. Looking forward to working with you.

Skills: Copywriting, Content Writing, Video Editing, Public Speaking, Content Management System (CMS)
Hourly rate: 750 - 1250 INR
2 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Business, Accounting, Human Resources & Legal, Copywriting, Content Writing, Video Editing, Public Speaking, Content Management System (CMS)
Marketing Brochures
15 - 35 USD
2 minutes ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$5'516 total spent
5 hires
4 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 1 open job
17.54 /hr avg hourly rate paid
291 hours
5.00 of 6 reviews
Registered at: 14/09/2022
CA Canada
We have 6 divisions of various chemical sales and 1 General information handout - The chemical types are - Acid, Hydraulic Fracturing, Coil Tubing, Production, Water Treating, Diverter

I'd like an overall theme to utilize on PDF printouts. Need to be editable to add new products or remove discontinued products.

I have examples of the current and will provide our website address to make sure the information packages fit the web design.
Hourly rate: 15 - 35 USD
2 minutes ago
  • Design & Creative, Graphic, Editorial & Presentation Design
TikTok Influencer Marketing Manager (Turkey)
1,000 USD 3 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$24'395 total spent
87 hires , 5 active
65 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 2 open job
4.98 of 75 reviews
Registered at: 09/01/2019
HK Hong Kong
We are a global gaming marketing agency promoting games in the Global market. We are seeking an Influencer Manager to identify and manage TikTok content creators in Turkey according to our client requirements. We could outline the task in more detail once you would confirm to have any interest. Looking forward to hearing from you.
K-rgds, Joeri
Fixed budget: 1,000 USD
3 minutes ago
Non-Profit Fundraising for Over $50,000
600 - 20,000 INR 5 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$116'082 total spent
120 hires , 1 active
3 open job
5.00 of 5 reviews
Registered at: 25/07/2018
IN India
I am seeking an experienced fund raiser who can help our non-profit organization raise over $50,000.

Key Responsibilities:
- Plan and execute effective fund raising campaigns
- Engage donors through social media campaigns and WhatsApp
- Ensure that the target amount is met

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proven track record in fund raising for non-profit organizations
- Experience in managing social media campaigns and using WhatsApp for fundraising
- Strong communication and negotiation skills
- Ability to work towards and achieve ambitious fund raising targets

If you have a passion for helping non-profit organizations achieve their goals, and have a proven track record in fund raising, we would love to hear from you.

Skills: Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, Research Writing, Social Media Marketing
Fixed budget: 600 - 20,000 INR
5 minutes ago
  • Writing & Content, Sales & Marketing, Research Writing, Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Créateur de Contenu Numérique Francophone
250 - 750 EUR 5 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
FR France
En tant que créateur de contenu dans notre équipe, vous serez en charge de la promotion de nos services sur diverses plateformes de médias sociaux.

Votre travail consistera à:
- Concevoir des contenus captivants pour Facebook, Instagram, et Tiktok
- Mettre en valeur les services de nos clients
- Augmenter la visibilité de nos clients

Le contenu sera principalement en français, donc une maîtrise parfaite de cette langue est impérative.

Idéal pour les créateurs de contenu expérimentés dans le marketing des médias sociaux, possédant un sens aigu de l'esthétique, une connaissance approfondie des tendances actuelles et une compréhension des meilleures pratiques des médias sociaux. L'expérience préalable avec les infographies et les vidéos est un plus, mais pas nécessaire pour cette position.

Skills: Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, French Translator, Social Media Marketing
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 EUR
5 minutes ago
  • Sales & Marketing, Translation & Languages, Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, Social Media Marketing, French Translator
Non-Profit Fundraising Campaign Manager
600 - 20,000 INR 5 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$116'082 total spent
120 hires , 1 active
3 open job
5.00 of 5 reviews
Registered at: 25/07/2018
IN India
I'm in search of a proficient and creative Fundraising Campaign Manager to support our non-profit organization. Our campaign targets to raise more than $50,000.

Key Responsibilities:
- Strategize and Execute Fundraising Campaign: We need someone who has experience in creating and managing successful fundraising campaigns. You will be responsible for creating a solid plan towards our target amount.
- Social Media and Google Ads Expertise: We aim to promote our campaign through social media platforms and Google ads. Any experience in these areas is a huge plus.
- Excellent Communication Skills: As our campaign manager, you should have excellent communication skills to reach out to our audience, keep them informed about our cause, and engage them in our fundraising activities.
- Strong Analytical Skills: You should be able to analyze campaign performance and adjust strategies as needed to ensure we're on track to meet our fundraising goals.

Ideal Candidate:
- Previous experience in fundraising campaigns, especially for non-profit organizations.
- Proven record of success in raising large sums of money.
- Expertise in social media campaigning and Google ads.
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
- Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and meet deadlines.
- Proficiency in using analytical tools to measure campaign performance and make data-driven decisions.

Looking forward to collaborating with you for our fundraising campaign!

Skills: Internet Marketing, Google Adwords, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Fixed budget: 600 - 20,000 INR
5 minutes ago
  • Sales & Marketing, Internet Marketing, Google Adwords, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Corporate Sales Telecaller for Software & Laptops
12,500 - 37,500 INR 8 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$64'019 total spent
65 hires
2 open job
5.00 of 8 reviews
Registered at: 26/08/2015
IN India
I'm in need of a skilled Telecaller based in Bangalore with experience in selling to large corporations. The primary goal is to sell software licenses and laptops.

Key Responsibilities:
- Conduct telecalling campaigns targeted at large corporations.
- Highlight the cost-saving benefits of buying software licenses and laptops from us.
- Follow up on leads and maintain a sales pipeline.

Ideal Candidate:
- Proven experience in B2B tele-sales, specifically targeting large corporations.
- will be plus if has knowledge of software and laptop market.
- Excellent communication skills and persuasive abilities.
- Ability to understand and effectively communicate cost-saving benefits.

Skills: Internet Marketing, Telemarketing, Sales, Leads, Customer Service
Fixed budget: 12,500 - 37,500 INR
8 minutes ago
  • Data Entry & Admin, Sales & Marketing, Customer Service, Internet Marketing, Telemarketing, Sales, Leads
Website redesign and SEO optimize
not specified 9 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
2 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 26/07/2024
US United States
Website Redesign Plan

User-Friendly Navigation:
Category Organization: Create clear categories for merchandise (e.g., Clothing, Accessories, Home Goods, Electronics). Each category can have subcategories for easier browsing (e.g., Clothing - Men, Women, Kids).

Search Functionality: Implement a robust search bar that allows users to find products easily. Include filters for size, color, price, etc.

Visual Appeal:
Modern Layout: Use a clean, modern design with ample white space. Incorporate high-quality images and a consistent color palette that reflects your brand identity.

Responsive Design: Ensure the site is mobile-friendly, with a responsive design that looks great on all devices.

Fast Loading Speed:
Optimize Images: Compress images without losing quality to reduce load times.

Minimize Code: Remove unnecessary scripts and styles and use a content delivery network (CDN) for faster loading.

Enable Browser Caching: Allow browsers to store certain elements of the site to improve load times for returning visitors.

SEO Optimization:
Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords for your merchandise categories and incorporate them naturally into product descriptions, titles, and meta tags.

Content Creation: Start a blog or resources section with articles related to your products, which can help drive traffic and improve SEO.

Alt Text for Images: Use descriptive alt text for all images to improve accessibility and search engine visibility.

Engaging Content:
Product Descriptions: Write compelling, informative product descriptions that highlight key features and benefits.

Customer Reviews: Implement a review system where customers can leave feedback, enhancing credibility and encouraging purchases.

Social Proof and Engagement:
Social Media Integration: Link to your social media profiles and allow customers to share products easily. Consider embedding an Instagram feed showcasing customer photos.

Email Sign-Up: Create an email subscription form to keep customers updated on new arrivals, promotions, and blog posts .

Analytics and Monitoring:
Set Up Tracking: Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. This data can inform future improvements.
Budget: not specified
9 minutes ago
Illustrator for Comedian-themed T-Shirt Designs
150 USD 10 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
AU Australia
We are seeking a talented illustrator to create unique and eye-catching t-shirt designs in the style of old school Presidential Campaign promotion t-shirts. However, instead of political figures, the designs will feature famous comedians. The goal is to capture the essence of political campaign aesthetics while incorporating the humor and personality of comedians. The designs should be visually appealing, taking into consideration color schemes, typography, and overall composition. We are looking for someone with a strong portfolio showcasing their illustration skills and experience in creating engaging designs.

Relevant skills:
- Illustration
- Graphic design
- Knowledge of vintage design aesthetics
- Familiarity with t-shirt design trends

Size: Small
Duration: Under 1 month
Expertise: Intermediate
Fixed budget: 150 USD
10 minutes ago
Comprehensive Digital Marketing for Lead Generation
100 - 400 INR
11 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
IN India
I'm seeking a digital marketing specialist with proven experience in social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and email marketing. Your primary objective will be to increase our lead generation.

Key Responsibilities:

1. Social Media Marketing: Craft and execute strategies that will increase engagement on our social platforms, targeting professionals aged 26-40.

2. SEO: Optimize our website to increase visibility on search engines, thereby driving potential leads to the site.

3. Email Marketing: Setup and manage campaigns to convert leads and maintain client relationship.

The ideal candidate should have evidence of strategic digital marketing approaches that resulted in lead generation for similar target audience.

Skills: Graphic Design, Internet Marketing, SEO, Facebook Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Hourly rate: 100 - 400 INR
11 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, Sales & Marketing, SEO, Graphic Design, Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Social Media Marketing
I am looking for a video editor for for my youtube channel
40 USD 11 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$8'771 total spent
34 hires , 11 active
77 jobs posted
44% hire rate, 0 open job
4.76 of 20 reviews
Registered at: 11/06/2023
BE Belgium

I am looking for a professional to create / edit one YouTube video.
The length of the video should be between 10-15 minutes long.
I will provide the script and voice over. (You will not have to do any research regarding the video topic for the video, you will have to find clips/photos/background music/etc to create the video).

I am are looking for someone who:
- Has experience/work in creating social media video content, especially YouTube videos.
- Has experience using video editing softwares such as Adobe Premiere Pro
- Fluent in English
- Able to work within the deadline (24 hours)

- The style should adhere to our brand guidelines.
However, you can be very creative to make the video entertaining and engaging.

If you have read the middle of this job description, please type your favorite animal at the beginning of your proposal.

videol examples:

Also, if you’ve ever made a youtube cashcow video. please attach samples of your work.

I look forward to hopefully working with you!
Fixed budget: 40 USD
11 minutes ago
Tik tok social media management
5 USD 15 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$10 total spent
1 hires
81 jobs posted
1% hire rate, 31 open job
5.00 of 1 reviews
Registered at: 09/05/2024
US United States
Ok i need someone who can grow my tik tok account to 10,000 organic followers and get me 100,000 video views. You must be able to create high quality engaging videos of my affiliate products as well as other fun videos to get views to monetize my account fast . My budget 5 dollars only . Understand this before applying for the job . THIS A MONTHLY JOB
Fixed budget: 5 USD
15 minutes ago
Data entry, Excel, Ms word,copy typing, powerpoint
400 - 750 INR
17 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
IN India
I am in need of a freelancer who can help me increase brand awareness amongst young adults in a short span of time.

- **Objective**: The main goal here is to enhance the visibility of my brand and its products among the young adult demographic.
- **Target Audience**: The focus of the promotional campaign will be the young adult demographic.
- **Timeline**: The project needs to be completed within a week, so it is crucial that the freelancer has experience in executing fast-paced campaigns.
- **Deliverables**: The key deliverables are:
- A detailed strategy to target the young adult audience
- Engaging content (could be in the form of text, images, videos, etc.) that resonates with this specific group
- Metrics and analysis post-campaign to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign

Ideal skills and experience for this job would include:
- A track record of successful brand awareness campaigns, especially within the young adult demographic
- Proficiency in creating engaging content
- Strong analytical skills for post-campaign evaluation
- Ability to execute fast-paced projects without compromising on quality.

Skills: Data Entry, Excel, Facebook Marketing, Copy Typing, Creative Writing
Hourly rate: 400 - 750 INR
17 minutes ago
  • Writing & Content, Data Entry & Admin, Sales & Marketing, Copy Typing, Creative Writing, Data Entry, Excel, Facebook Marketing
Social Media Virtual Assistant
not specified 18 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$855 total spent
2 hires , 2 active
2 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 1 open job
29.99 /hr avg hourly rate paid
22 hours
no reviews
Registered at: 20/04/2023
GT Guatemala
Hola! Mi nombre es Diego Quirin un gusto en saludarte. Busco contratar a alguien para el siguiente trabajo…

El trabajo realmente es muy simple conociste en crear una cuenta en TikTok, YouTube e Instagram y subir contenido diariamente que yo te mandaría. El contenido ya está 100% terminado, lo único que requiero es que crees las redes y lo subas a esas redes.

Me dejas saber si te interesa y cuánto me cobrarías mensualmente por este trabajo.

Espero poder trabajar contigo.
Budget: not specified
18 minutes ago
Emotional 30-Second Ad Creatives for Physical Product
600 - 1,500 INR 19 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
IN India
I am seeking a skilled professional with a strong background in creating compelling 30-second ad creatives. The primary aim of the ad will be to drive sales for a physical product.

Key requirements include:
- Proven expertise in ad creative development, particularly for radio
- Ability to craft emotionally resonant narratives
- Experience in promoting physical products

The ideal candidate will have a portfolio demonstrating their ability to create engaging, emotionally-driven ad content that effectively boosts sales.

Skills: Internet Marketing, Marketing, Advertising, Slogans, Creative Writing
Fixed budget: 600 - 1,500 INR
19 minutes ago
  • Writing & Content, Sales & Marketing, Freight, Shipping & Transportation, Slogans, Creative Writing, Internet Marketing, Marketing
Establishing Diverse Dropshipping Business
250 - 750 GBP 23 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
GB United Kingdom
I am venturing into the vast world of dropshipping and I am searching for an experienced professional to help me establish my business. The chosen expert should be versatile, as I'm currently undecided on my primary product range - this could be anything and will require you to do some market research & supplier finding

In summary, the ideal candidate should have:
- Experience in setting up dropshipping businesses
- Ability to conduct valuable and targeted market research
- Versatility and adaptability in strategic planning.

Skills: Research, Marketing, Business Plans, Supplier Sourcing, Market Research
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 GBP
23 minutes ago
  • Writing & Content, Product Sourcing & Manufacturing, Sales & Marketing, Business, Accounting, Human Resources & Legal, Research, Marketing, Market Research, Business Plans, Supplier Sourcing
TikTok shop Setup and Affiliate Program Marketing Manager
15 - 195 USD
24 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$31'060 total spent
701 hires , 8 active
779 jobs posted
90% hire rate, 3 open job
8.30 /hr avg hourly rate paid
757 hours
4.99 of 705 reviews
Registered at: 15/03/2023
AU Australia
We are a leading health and supplement brand committed to providing high-quality products that enhance overall well-being. We are seeking a dynamic and results-oriented TikTok Shop Manager to spearhead the launch and growth of our TikTok shop, as well as establish a successful affiliate program.
Job Responsibilities
* TikTok Shop Setup and Management:
* Develop and execute a comprehensive strategy for launching and managing our TikTok shop.
* Optimize product listings, including compelling product descriptions, high-quality images, and engaging videos.
* Manage inventory, pricing, and promotions within the TikTok shop.
* Monitor and analyze shop performance metrics to identify opportunities for improvement.
* Affiliate Program Development:
* Develop and implement a robust affiliate marketing strategy aligned with the brand's goals.
* Recruit and manage a network of influencers and affiliates.
* Create and manage affiliate marketing campaigns and promotions.
* Track and analyze affiliate performance to optimize ROI.
* Content Creation and Management:
* Collaborate with influencers and content creators to produce high-quality content.
* Manage TikTok shop's social media presence and community engagement.
* Sales and Revenue Generation:
* Drive sales and revenue growth through TikTok shop and affiliate program.
* Identify and capitalize on emerging TikTok trends and opportunities.
* Data Analysis and Reporting:
* Use data insights to optimize strategies and improve performance.
* Proven experience in managing TikTok shops and implementing successful affiliate programs.
* Strong understanding of the TikTok platform, algorithms, and trends.
* Experience in the health and supplement industry preferred.
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
* Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.
* Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
* Proficiency in using TikTok analytics and affiliate marketing tools.
Hourly rate: 15 - 195 USD
24 minutes ago
Data Collection from Multiple Sources
750 - 1250 INR
25 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 19/02/2022
IN India
I'm in need of a comprehensive data collection from a list of sources I've compiled.

Key Requirements:
- Proficient in web scraping techniques.
- Able to extract data from social media platforms, websites, and surveys.
- Prior experience in compiling and managing large datasets would be beneficial.
- Attention to detail is essential to ensure that all relevant data is captured and recorded accurately.

Please note that this project does not involve active data analysis. The primary focus will be on effective and accurate data collection from the specified sources.

Skills: Copywriting, Data Entry, PDF, Word, Copy Typing
Hourly rate: 750 - 1250 INR
25 minutes ago
  • Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Data Entry & Admin, Copywriting, PDF, Copy Typing, Word, Data Entry
Website Copywriter
100 USD 27 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$59'662 total spent
45 hires , 11 active
70 jobs posted
64% hire rate, 3 open job
31.53 /hr avg hourly rate paid
1360 hours
4.89 of 31 reviews
Registered at: 19/03/2022
IL Israel
We are looking for an experienced copywriter to help us revamp the language of

We will not change the images or videos, but will focus on what the company is actually doing, which is not completely reflected on the website now.

Here is what Insait is doing:

Insait develops a GenAI-based digital agent for customer processes in service, sales, and marketing for financial entities. The system is designed to automatically handle onboarding, KYC, and operational processes from the website and turn them into a conversational platform, requiring no resources from the organization.

The key advantage of Insait's platform resides in our GenAI-based predictive analytics, being able to identify personalized, cross-sell capabilities for financial institutions, driving better client experience, and higher close rates with larger deal sizes.
Fixed budget: 100 USD
27 minutes ago
Marketing Automation Technical Specialist - | AirTable | Notion
300 USD 31 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 22/11/2018
GB United Kingdom
We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Marketing Automation Technical Specialist to join our team. As a Marketing Automation Technical Specialist, you will be responsible for designing automation that support the objectives of the project.

This automation will need to work with Airtable, the data for this to be populated by a Typeform.
The aim is to be implementing, and managing the build of this marketing automation. The outcome is to have this data route and go into Airtable, to then trigger other autOmations.

primary goal will be to optimiSe our marketing flow and meet the customers needs through the effective implementation of your automation. This role requires a deep understanding of marketing automation platforms, such as AirTable, Notion, Typeform, ChatGPT modules, and knowing the best modules for the desired results.

- Develop and execute marketing automation for our product.
- Design and implement a future proof workflow in line with our other scenarios
- Create and get this automation ready for launch
- Have one eye on and meeting the needs of our audience and drive growth
- Collaborate with the marketing team to have the best solution
- Be up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in marketing automation

- Proven experience as a Marketing Automation Technical Specialist or similar role
- Strong knowledge of marketing automation platforms (AirTable, Notion, Typeform integrations, etc.)
- Experience in integrating marketing automation platforms with CRM systems
- Proficient in JSON etc
- Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
- Strong attention to detail and organisational abilities
- Reliable and passionate about your work, as we are.

If you are a results-driven professional with a passion for marketing automation and are looking for an exciting opportunity to make an impact, we would love to hear from you.
Fixed budget: 300 USD
31 minutes ago
Social Media & Graphic Designer Needed
1,500 - 12,500 INR 34 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
IN India
I am in need of an expert social media creative and reels & graphic designer. My focus will be mainly on Instagram and Facebook. The goal of the project is to increase my brand awareness and drive traffic to my website.

Key Project Elements:
- Create captivating images and videos for Instagram and Facebook
- Design engaging graphics that reflect my brand
- Understand and follow social media trends to keep content fresh and engaging
- Work towards increasing brand awareness and driving traffic to my website
- Deliver content that is consistent in style and tone

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proven experience in social media content creation
- Proficiency with graphic design tools like Photoshop or Canva
- Strong understanding of Instagram and Facebook algorithms
- Creative and able to deliver high-quality content consistently
- Ability to understand and effectively communicate brand essence
- Experience with creating reels is a big plus
- Strong track record of increasing brand awareness and driving website traffic through social media

If you're confident in your ability to meet these criteria and are ready to make a real impact on my brand, I'd love to see examples of your previous work and hear about your strategies for this project.

Skills: Graphic Design, Banner Design, Logo Design, Photoshop, Facebook Marketing
Fixed budget: 1,500 - 12,500 INR
34 minutes ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Sales & Marketing, Graphic Design, Banner Design, Logo Design, Photoshop, Facebook Marketing
Urgent Facebook Social Media Marketing - 27/07/2024 01:12 EDT
15 - 25 USD
37 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 24/07/2024
ID Indonesia
I'm in urgent need of a proficient marketing specialist who can help me implement strategic marketing on Facebook.

Key Responsibilities:
- Devise and implement comprehensive social media strategies specifically for Facebook.
- Create engaging written and visual content for posts.
- Monitor and analyze social media traffic to adjust strategies accordingly.

Ideal Candidate:
- Prior experience in successful social media marketing with a focus on Facebook.
- Proficient in using Facebook's marketing tools.
- Exceptional communication and analytical skills.

Please only apply if you are available to start immediately and can commit to a fast-paced project.

Skills: Internet Marketing, Twitter, Facebook Marketing, Pinterest, Social Media Marketing
Hourly rate: 15 - 25 USD
37 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Sales & Marketing, Twitter, Pinterest, Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Social Media Marketing
In Need Of A Rockstar Sales Funnel Builder (VSL Booked Call Lander) on GHL
60 USD 38 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
US United States
We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated Sales Funnel Builder to create a basic VSL (Video Sales Letter) funnel for our business. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of designing and implementing successful sales funnels that have generated significant revenue. As a Sales Funnel Builder, you will be responsible for developing and optimizing the entire sales funnel, from lead generation to conversion. This includes creating persuasive copy, designing visually appealing landing pages, setting up email automation sequences, and integrating payment gateways. Strong communication skills and the ability to collaborate with our marketing team are essential.

I have my lander on GoHighLevel (GHL) and I need this to look extremely clean and professional, it will be a basic VSL Lander with A VSL at the top, testimonials/social proof, some info about the offer and a book a call link that routes to my calendly

Skills required:
- Sales funnel design and optimization
- High level graphic design
- Copywriting for sales funnels
- Landing page design
- Email marketing and automation
Fixed budget: 60 USD
38 minutes ago
Setup postmaster tools and DMARC and email deliverability for Google Work Space
20 - 46 USD
39 minutes ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$4'019 total spent
23 hires
30 jobs posted
77% hire rate, 1 open job
42.08 /hr avg hourly rate paid
122 hours
5.00 of 1 reviews
Registered at: 13/05/2013
EE Estonia
I am an admin for a very small company and we need to setup a email campaign so we need the following work done

- Setup DMARC and email deliverability
- Setup Postmaster Tools
- Setup anything else to make sure our email is not seen as spam

The domain is on go-daddy and hosted on google workspace.

Important : I expect that the person will guide me through what is needs to be done via web call and not do the work unmonitored (given password access to the domain)

Please let me know how long you estimate it will take
Hourly rate: 20 - 46 USD
39 minutes ago
  • IT & Networking, Network & System Administration
Lead Generation via Instagram & Website
250 - 750 USD 43 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
AE United Arab Emirates
I'm looking for a marketing expert to help me generate sales leads through my Instagram and website. The main focus of the campaign will be on content creation and distribution of blog posts and articles.

Ideal Candidate:
- Extensive experience in digital marketing, particularly on Instagram and websites
- Excellent content creation skills, particularly in writing blog posts and articles
- Proven track record of lead generation
- Familiarity with Instagram's unique content and engagement strategies
- Strong analytical skills to track and report on campaign success

The end goal is to boost my sales leads with a strategic, well-executed marketing campaign.

Skills: Internet Marketing, SEO, Sales, Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 USD
43 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Sales & Marketing, SEO, Internet Marketing, Sales, Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Social Media Campaign Admin
not specified 43 minutes ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$4'221 total spent
14 hires , 3 active
29 jobs posted
48% hire rate, 1 open job
6.53 /hr avg hourly rate paid
610 hours
4.03 of 6 reviews
Registered at: 27/11/2020
US United States
Looking for someone to help me set up social media advertising campaigns and set up automation to collect customer data points and start drip campaigns
Budget: not specified
43 minutes ago
Professional Logo Introduction Animation Needed for Real Estate Development Company
30 - 50 USD
44 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
3 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/02/2019
IN India
We are a leading Real Estate Development company seeking a skilled freelancer to create a high-quality logo introduction animation for our brand. This animation will be used in various digital marketing materials, presentations, and videos to enhance our brand identity and leave a lasting impression on our audience.

Project Requirements:

Duration: The logo introduction should be between 5 to 10 seconds long.
Style: We are looking for a modern, professional, and sleek animation that reflects the prestige and sophistication of our real estate developments.
Format: The final deliverable should be in high-definition video format (1080p or 4K) and compatible with common video editing software.
Sound: Include subtle, high-quality sound effects that complement the animation. A background music option would be a plus, though not mandatory.
Brand Identity: The animation should align with our brand’s colors, style, and overall aesthetic. We will provide our brand guidelines and logo files in various formats.
Creative Elements: Incorporate innovative transitions, effects, and movements that make our logo introduction stand out. We are open to creative ideas that can add value to our brand presentation.
Revisions: We expect at least 2-3 rounds of revisions to ensure the final product meets our expectations.
Hourly rate: 30 - 50 USD
44 minutes ago
Top Rated Influencer Manager Needed for Leading Book Printing Service
not specified 44 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$620'758 total spent
55 hires , 21 active
55 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 1 open job
10.63 /hr avg hourly rate paid
54285 hours
4.95 of 41 reviews
Registered at: 19/06/2021
US United States
We are a leading provider of book printing services, and are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Influencer Manager to spearhead our influencer marketing efforts. We are dedicated to expanding our reach within the author and publisher communities through strategic influencer partnerships. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of successful influencer campaigns, particularly in the literary space.

-Identify and build relationships with top-tier influencers within the author and publisher sectors.
-Develop and execute influencer marketing strategies that align with our brand goals.
-Negotiate and manage contracts with influencers, ensuring clarity and mutual benefit.
-Monitor and analyze the performance of influencer campaigns to maximize effectiveness and ROI.
-Provide regular reports on campaign results and strategic recommendations for optimization.
-Collaborate with our marketing team to integrate influencer efforts with broader marketing campaigns.

-Proven experience as an Influencer Manager or similar role with demonstrable results in influencer marketing.
-Strong existing network of influencers, especially in the author and publisher spaces.
-Excellent communication and negotiation skills.
-Top Rated or Top Rated Plus status on Upwork.
-A keen understanding of the book industry and its marketing dynamics.

To apply, please submit your proposal, and at least three case studies or references that demonstrate your expertise in managing influencer campaigns, preferably in the publishing or author space. Be sure to include metrics or outcomes that highlight your ability to effectively manage budgets and achieve campaign goals.

We are looking forward to adding a strategic, results-oriented Influencer Manager to our team at Print Nation. If you have a passion for books and a knack for influencer marketing, we would love to hear from you!
Budget: not specified
44 minutes ago