Freelancing is a business

Make it more profitable with Vollna

Save 16%
$24 / month
(billed yearly)  
Level up your freelancing experience. Best for individual freelancers.
  • 5 Job Feeds
  • Real-time Job Updates:
    Email, Telegram, PUSH, RSS
  • Unlimited notifications
  • Profile analytics & reports
  • One-Click Proposals (Cover Letters)
  • 50+ Premium proposal templates
  • Fast and responsive support
Limited time offer
Lifetime Deal
One-time payment, access forever! One-time payment, access forever!
Forever access to Professional plan features.
Save 84%
  • Set up 5 Filters
  • Real-time Job Updates:
    Email, Telegram, PUSH, RSS
  • Unlimited notifications
  • Profile analytics & reports
  • One-Click Proposals (Cover Letters)
  • 50+ Premium proposal templates
  • Fast and responsive support
  • All future updates!
Teams & Agencies
$49 / month
(billed yearly)  
Best for agencies or freelancers working as a team.
  • Everything in Professional
  • Unlimited filters
  • Real-time Job Updates:
    Slack, Discord
  • Unlimited team members
  • Team analytics & reports
  • Integrations with your CRM & marketing tools
  • Customizable solutions
  • Priority support
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Frequently asked question:

How does the free trial work?

When you sign up for Vollna, you're automatically given a free trial account. You'll have access to all features for 14 days without a cost.

After 14 days, you will need to pick a plan if you wish to continue using Vollna. We’ll email you a couple of days before your trial expires to remind you.

Can I change my plan later on?

Absolutely! You can upgrade or downgrade your plan anytime. The money paid for the previous subscription will be recalculated to the new plan.

Can I cancel my subscription anytime?

Sure. Your paid subscription can be cancelled anytime.

Will you renew my subscription automatically?

Yes, your subscription will be automatically renewed according to your pay period.

How secure is Vollna?

Protecting the data you trust to Vollna is our first priority. This part is really crucial in keeping the project in line to completion.

The best of the world’s freelancers have become more productive, trust Vollna to look for new freelance jobs.