Freelance Crypto Jobs: Find the Best Freelance Opportunities in Crypto

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410 projects published for past 72 hours.
Job Title Budget
Solana Token Holder Expansion Bot
250 - 750 NZD 12 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
NZ New Zealand
I'm looking for a developer who can create a bot that can increase the number of Solana token holders.

Key requirements:
- 1000 new holders per day: The bot should facilitate the onboarding of 1000 new token holders each day.
- Random Token Transfer: Each transfer should involve a random amount of Solana token, ranging from 10 to 30 tokens.

Bot operation:
- Identity & Selection: The bot should create a unique new token holder address and transfer tokens to them. It should not be based on any predefined list or specific criteria.
- Address Management: The bot should ensure that a new unique address is created for each new token holder.

This project aims to expand the Solana token community. The ideal developer for this project should have experience with blockchain technology, particularly Solana, and have a good understanding of tokenomics and community building in the cryptocurrency space.

Skills: PHP, C Programming, Java, Software Architecture, C++ Programming
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 NZD
12 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, Sales & Marketing, Business, Accounting, Human Resources & Legal, Software Architecture, C++ Programming
Digital Payment System Development
3,000 - 5,000 USD 31 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
JO Jordan
I'm looking for a proficient developer to create a secure digital payment system. This system should handle peer-to-peer transfers with a robust infrastructure to manage integrations with various third-party services.

Key Aspects of the Project:
- **Transaction Handling**: The system will be focused on facilitating peer-to-peer transfers.
- **Third-party Integrations**: The payment system needs to seamlessly connect with cryptocurrency wallets and payment gateways.
- **Security Protocols**: Given the nature of financial transactions, the system must incorporate advanced threat and fraud detection measures to ensure the safety and integrity of transactions.

Ideal Skill Set:
- Expertise in developing digital payment systems.
- Proficiency with integrating third-party services and APIs.
- Strong background in implementing advanced security features.
- Familiarity with cryptocurrency wallets and peer-to-peer transaction protocols.
- Experience with payment gateways.

I look forward to working with a developer who has a strong portfolio in this field and can deliver a secure and efficient digital payment system.

Skills: PHP, C Programming, Java, JavaScript, Software Architecture
Fixed budget: 3,000 - 5,000 USD
31 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Mobile Phones & Computing, Design, Media & Architecture, Sales & Marketing, Business, Accounting, Human Resources & Legal, Software Architecture
Solana Wallet Algorithm
250 - 750 USD 42 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$423 total spent
1 hires , 1 active
6 open job
5.00 of 1 reviews
Registered at: 13/07/2024
RO Romania
Hey, I am seeking an individual who can build me an algorithm thatn searches through the blockchain, by following the criteria below. (Solana Blockchain only)

Here's what I need for the algorithm to do:

1. Take out every coin that launched in the past 30 days and reached at least 1M marketcap in solana blockchain.

2. Go to top 100 traders tab (on each coin) on and take out every wallet from that list.

3. After taking out every wallet (should be around 20,000+ wallets in total), the algorithm must specify which wallet has shown up on multiple of those coins & in how many of those coins.

4. After picking those wallets that had shown up on multiple coins, the algorithm should check the wallet stats (stats like ROI, WINRATE, PROFIT etc) (you can do it in - wallet analyzer tab)

5. Both the wallets and their stats should be uploaded into a google sheet for better manual analysis.

Skills: C Programming, Java, Python, Algorithm, Solana
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 USD
42 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Engineering & Science, Sales & Marketing, Business, Accounting, Human Resources & Legal, Python, Algorithm, Solana
AES Expert for CryptoJS in JS
400 - 750 INR
44 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
2 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 22/10/2021
IN India
I'm looking for a proficient expert in JavaScript, specifically related to the CryptoJS library. The primary goal of this project is to utilize the AES library within CryptoJS for user authentication.

Key requirements:
- Proficiency in JavaScript and the CryptoJS library
- Expertise in implementing AES for user authentication

The tasks involved in this project encompass:
- Exploring the CryptoJS library, particularly focusing on the AES functions
- Implementing and configuring the AES library for user authentication

Your successful completion of this project will greatly help in enhancing the security of user authentication within our system.

Skills: Java, JavaScript, Software Architecture, HTML5, jQuery / Prototype
Hourly rate: 400 - 750 INR
44 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Mobile Phones & Computing, Business, Accounting, Human Resources & Legal, Software Architecture, HTML5, jQuery / Prototype
$100 Per Referral
100 USD 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$33'975 total spent
425 hires , 37 active
560 jobs posted
76% hire rate, 1 open job
3.71 /hr avg hourly rate paid
1038 hours
4.95 of 366 reviews
Registered at: 29/12/2008
GB United Kingdom
I run an AI agency. We use personalised and conversational text messages to reactivate databases and close leads into appointments, calls and leads.

I mainly do this for legal firms who have considerable databases of old and dead leads that they cannot contact via phone. Our AI + text system scoops up these people and converts them.

It's worked so well, we're taking on new clients.

So where do you come in?

If you can get me set up with the owner/founder/ceo/decision-maker from a lead-reliant company then I'll pay you $100.

Personal contacts, business relations work best! Who have you worked for or with? Got an old contact or client?

This works in any niche that has a database.
- Law, ecommerce, insurance, coaches, hotels, renovation, building, real estate, property, crypto...any business that needs customers and has a database of leads (old or new).

Payout happens when I get your contact on a 15 minute call (Zoom, Teams, etc). This call is important as this is where I demo what we do. The outcome of the call is irrelevant. If the call happens you make money.

- Do it more than once? Get paid more than once.
- You don't need to set up the call, just set up the introduction, I'll make the call happen and then you get paid.
- If you introduce me to a huge whale of a client and they come on-board? I'll pay you the $100 then a percentage cut of all profits we make for life from your intro.
- I'll give you my personal email and mobile number to pass on to business owners.

There are 3 important points.
- Contact must be in an English speaking country
- Their business must collect mobile phone numbers
- The contact you provide must be with the decision maker.

Let's go!
Fixed budget: 100 USD
1 hour ago
  • Sales & Marketing, Lead Generation & Telemarketing
Urgent Fix: DAO Website Blockchain Issue
10 - 30 USD 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$39'762 total spent
43 hires , 2 active
2 open job
4.82 of 8 reviews
Registered at: 25/09/2018
LB Lebanon
I am in urgent need of a professional who can quickly resolve a critical issue on my DAO website. The website is not properly connecting to the blockchain network, which is causing a major disruption in the flow of the entire project.

Key Requirements:
- Resolve the issue of the website not connecting to the blockchain network
- Prior experience and expertise in working with DAOstack

Skills: JavaScript, HTML
Fixed budget: 10 - 30 USD
1 hour ago
Full active Crypto Influencers List, who are directly associated with Bybit
600 - 650 INR 2 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
IN India
I'm seeking a comprehensive list of 100 active YouTube crypto influencers who promote Bybit campaigns. Each entry should include the influencer's name, country, and their number of followers/subscribers and engagement rate.

Key Requirements:
- The list should focus on influencers from the United States, Europe, and Southeast Asia, but also include a diverse range from all over the world.
- Experience in social media analysis and influencer marketing is highly valued.
- Data should be accurate, up-to-date, and presented in a clear and organized manner.

Ideal Skills:
- Proficiency in data collection and analysis
- Familiarity with influencer marketing, particularly in the crypto sector
- Excellent attention to detail

Skills: Internet Marketing, Twitter, Facebook Marketing, Leads, Social Media Marketing
Fixed budget: 600 - 650 INR
2 hours ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Sales & Marketing, Twitter, Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Leads, Social Media Marketing
Crypto Wallet, Defi
300 USD 3 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
5 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 10/04/2023
IN India
defi-wallet handler needed, which can
1. get multiple addresses.
2. Deposit
3. deposit status on those addresses
4. check balance on main wallet and child address
5. check deposit and deposit history on main wallet and child addresses
6. withdraw
7. uses dynamic gas fee and gas and also returns the desired gas fee
8. returns amount in usd and coin
9. make sure money goes to main address while leaving fingerprint on child address without no extra fees

make sure to derive private key and addresses from seed phrase

coins: Supporting Coins of Below Network
networks: BTC, ETH, BSC / BEP20, TRC20, SOL, LTC
Fixed budget: 300 USD
3 hours ago
Health Supplement E-commerce Store Creation
15 - 25 USD
3 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
IL Israel
I'm embarking on a journey to create an e-commerce store dedicated to selling health supplements. I'm seeking a versatile professional to manage this store in its entirety, from the conception stage right through to live operations, including but not limited to:

- Procuring and managing merchandise and suppliers
- Managing payments and product quantities
- Integration of multiple payment methods (Credit Card, Paypal, Cryptocurrency)

Though I've skipped the choice of platform, your expert advice is sought. You'll not only build but will also be instrumental in determining the most efficient platform for my store.

Additionally, I'm in need of branding materials. Therefore, the ideal candidate should also be well-versed in creating engaging and visually appealing designs.

The key skills I'm looking for:

- E-commerce Management
- Supplier Negotiation
- Payment System Integration
- Platform Selection
- Branding and Design

Feel free to contact me if you're interested. This project promises to be an exciting endeavor for anyone with a passion for e-commerce and health products!

Skills: Website Design, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Shopping Carts, eCommerce
Hourly rate: 15 - 25 USD
3 hours ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, Shopping Carts, eCommerce, Website Design, Graphic Design, Logo Design
¡Buscamos un Gerente de Comunicación de Proyectos Bilingüe para un Proyecto Innovador de Blockchain!
5 - 15 USD
5 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$233'423 total spent
123 hires , 41 active
2 open job
4.99 of 36 reviews
Registered at: 03/02/2022
ES Spain
= = = =
Estamos comenzando un ambicioso proyecto de blockchain que aborda casos de uso comerciales innovadores y revolucionarios en la procedencia de contratos y la identidad descentralizada. Debes ser el puente de comunicación efectivo y facilitador (combinando habilidades lingüísticas, interpersonales y técnicas) entre nuestro equipo de desarrollo de software de habla inglesa y el equipo de clientes de habla hispana.

= = = =
Mínimo 10 meses, comenzando de inmediato.

Horario de trabajo
= = = =
4 a 8 horas diarias, en zonas horarias de Europa (WET, CET, EET) o de las Américas (EST, CST).

Requisitos indispensables
= = = =
1. Competencia Bilingüe (fluidez en inglés y español)
2. Sabiduría Técnica (capacidad para entender y discutir detalles técnicos con nuestro equipo y el cliente)
3. Escucha Activa (habilidades efectivas de escucha para comprender y abordar las necesidades y preocupaciones tanto del equipo como del cliente)
4. Articulación Clara (transmitir ideas complejas de manera clara y concisa a partes interesadas tanto técnicas como no técnicas)
5. Traducción Técnica (traducir con precisión jerga y conceptos técnicos complejos entre ambos idiomas)
6. Orientación al Detalle (capacidad para gestionar y hacer seguimiento de múltiples hilos de comunicación y asegurar que nada se pase por alto)
7. Gestión del Tiempo (priorizar tareas de manera efectiva y gestionar el tiempo para asegurar respuestas y actualizaciones oportunas)
8. Habilidades de Coordinación (coordinar eficientemente entre el equipo y el cliente para asegurar una comunicación fluida y el progreso del proyecto)
9. Conciencia Cultural (conciencia y sensibilidad hacia las diferencias culturales y normas, particularmente entre las partes interesadas de habla inglesa y española)

= = = =
1. Entendimiento de Blockchain (conocimiento de la tecnología blockchain, incluidos sus principios y aplicaciones)
2. Habilidades de Presentación (capacidad para crear y ofrecer presentaciones adaptadas a diversas audiencias).

En tu aplicación, por favor detalla cómo cumples con los requisitos indispensables e indica si cumples con alguno de los requisitos deseables también.

Realizaremos videollamadas de seguimiento para los candidatos más prometedores (es decir, aquellos que muestren la debida atención al detalle al responder a los requisitos detallados de esta publicación de trabajo).

Skills: Technical Writing, Spanish Translator
Hourly rate: 5 - 15 USD
5 hours ago
  • Writing & Content, Translation & Languages, Technical Writing, Spanish Translator
¡Buscamos un Gerente de Comunicación de Proyectos Bilingüe para un Proyecto Innovador de Blockchain!
not specified 5 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$762'384 total spent
54 hires , 19 active
116 jobs posted
47% hire rate, 2 open job
14.90 /hr avg hourly rate paid
49708 hours
5.00 of 40 reviews
Registered at: 14/05/2019
ES Spain
= = = =
Estamos comenzando un ambicioso proyecto de blockchain que aborda casos de uso comerciales innovadores y revolucionarios en la procedencia de contratos y la identidad descentralizada. Debes ser el puente de comunicación efectivo y facilitador (combinando habilidades lingüísticas, interpersonales y técnicas) entre nuestro equipo de desarrollo de software de habla inglesa y el equipo de clientes de habla hispana.

= = = =
Mínimo 10 meses, comenzando de inmediato.

Horario de trabajo
= = = =
4 a 8 horas diarias, en zonas horarias de Europa (WET, CET, EET) o de las Américas (EST, CST).

Requisitos indispensables
= = = =
1. Competencia Bilingüe (fluidez en inglés y español)
2. Sabiduría Técnica (capacidad para entender y discutir detalles técnicos con nuestro equipo y el cliente)
3. Escucha Activa (habilidades efectivas de escucha para comprender y abordar las necesidades y preocupaciones tanto del equipo como del cliente)
4. Articulación Clara (transmitir ideas complejas de manera clara y concisa a partes interesadas tanto técnicas como no técnicas)
5. Traducción Técnica (traducir con precisión jerga y conceptos técnicos complejos entre ambos idiomas)
6. Orientación al Detalle (capacidad para gestionar y hacer seguimiento de múltiples hilos de comunicación y asegurar que nada se pase por alto)
7. Gestión del Tiempo (priorizar tareas de manera efectiva y gestionar el tiempo para asegurar respuestas y actualizaciones oportunas)
8. Habilidades de Coordinación (coordinar eficientemente entre el equipo y el cliente para asegurar una comunicación fluida y el progreso del proyecto)
9. Conciencia Cultural (conciencia y sensibilidad hacia las diferencias culturales y normas, particularmente entre las partes interesadas de habla inglesa y española)

= = = =
1. Entendimiento de Blockchain (conocimiento de la tecnología blockchain, incluidos sus principios y aplicaciones)
2. Habilidades de Presentación (capacidad para crear y ofrecer presentaciones adaptadas a diversas audiencias).

En tu aplicación, por favor detalla cómo cumples con los requisitos indispensables e indica si cumples con alguno de los requisitos deseables también.

Realizaremos videollamadas de seguimiento para los candidatos más prometedores (es decir, aquellos que muestren la debida atención al detalle al responder a los requisitos detallados de esta publicación de trabajo).
Budget: not specified
5 hours ago
Realistic Illustrations for Gambling Website
250 - 750 USD 5 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$37'804 total spent
28 hires
1 open job
4.99 of 43 reviews
Registered at: 14/12/2013
NO Norway
I'm in need of a talented graphic designer who can create a series of 25 realistic style illustrations for my website. These illustrations will all be in the same design/style, but reflect different settings.

Key Requirements:
- Realistic Style: The illustrations are expected to be detailed, vivid and life-like.
- Cohesive Theme: The main theme of the website is gambling. The illustrations should resonate with this theme, and create a compelling atmosphere for the platform.

Specific Elements:
- Each page has a theme as for example crypto casino, new casino, slots, payments methods. All these needs 1-2 illustrations.

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Graphic Design: A strong background in graphic design, with a demonstrable portfolio, particularly featuring realistic style illustrations.
- Theme Understanding: Understanding of the gambling industry and the ability to translate this understanding into visual form.
- Creativity: The ability to create a series of 15 unique, yet thematically cohesive illustrations.
- Attention to Detail: Ensuring that the realistic style is maintained throughout each image, with a high level of detail.
- Time Management: The capacity to deliver all 15 illustrations within a set timeframe.

Please include examples of past work that are relevant to this project in your bid. Thank you.

Skills: Graphic Design, Photoshop, Illustrator, Illustration, Caricature & Cartoons
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 USD
5 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Graphic Design, Photoshop, Illustrator, Illustration, Caricature & Cartoons
Social media manager for CRYPTO MEME COIN
15 - 20 USD
5 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$63'177 total spent
121 hires , 15 active
116 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 2 open job
9.86 /hr avg hourly rate paid
5852 hours
4.97 of 97 reviews
Registered at: 04/11/2014
US United States
Expert social media manager needed for X, Telegram and Instagram. Need to build following quickly. Job is for brand new CRYPTOCURRENCY MENE COIN
Hourly rate: 15 - 20 USD
5 hours ago
Business Development Specialist for TatakJuan
not specified 6 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$7'808 total spent
15 hires , 1 active
47 jobs posted
32% hire rate, 1 open job
11.67 /hr avg hourly rate paid
696 hours
5.00 of 10 reviews
Registered at: 23/03/2019
PH Philippines
Are you passionate about blockchain, NFTs, and the application of AI in cultural contexts? TatakJuan, a pioneering company focused on integrating blockchain technology and NFTs with Philippine culture, is seeking a dynamic and results-oriented Business Development Specialist to join our team.

About Us:

TatakJuan is dedicated to promoting Philippine culture through innovative technologies like blockchain and NFTs. Our projects include the development of culturally significant NFTs, blockchain-based cultural preservation, and AI-driven solutions to enhance cultural awareness and engagement.


- Market Research and Analysis: Conduct thorough market research to identify new business opportunities, potential clients, and emerging trends in the blockchain, NFT, and AI sectors.
- Client Acquisition: Develop and implement strategies to attract and secure new clients. Build and maintain relationships with key stakeholders and potential partners.
- Sales and Revenue Growth: Drive sales growth by identifying and pursuing new revenue streams. Develop and execute sales strategies to meet and exceed targets.
- Partnership Development: Identify and collaborate with strategic partners to enhance our offerings and expand our market reach.
- Project Management: Oversee and manage projects from inception to completion, ensuring timely delivery and alignment with client expectations.
- Proposal Writing and Presentation: Prepare compelling business proposals, presentations, and pitches to prospective clients and partners.
- Networking: Attend industry events, conferences, and meetings to build a network of contacts and represent TatakJuan.
- Reporting and Analytics: Track and report on business development activities, providing insights and recommendations for continuous improvement.


- Experience: Proven experience in business development, sales, or a related field, preferably in the blockchain, NFT, or AI industries.
- Knowledge: Strong understanding of blockchain technology, NFTs, and their applications. Knowledge of Philippine culture is a plus.
- Skills: Excellent communication, negotiation, and presentation skills. Ability to build and maintain relationships with clients and partners.
- Strategy: Demonstrated ability to develop and implement successful business development strategies.
- Education: Bachelor’s degree in Business, Marketing, or a related field. Relevant certifications or additional training in blockchain or AI are advantageous.
- Soft Skills: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Ability to work independently and as part of a team. Highly motivated and results-driven.

Why Join TatakJuan?

- Innovation: Be part of a forward-thinking company at the forefront of blockchain and NFT innovation.
- Culture: Work on projects that promote and preserve Philippine culture.
- Growth: Opportunities for professional growth and development in a rapidly evolving industry.
- Impact: Contribute to meaningful projects that make a difference in cultural preservation and promotion.

How to Apply:

Please submit your resume, a cover letter detailing your relevant experience, and any examples of past work or projects related to blockchain, NFTs, or AI. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, so early submission is encouraged.

Join us at TatakJuan and help shape the future of cultural preservation through technology!

Location: Remote
Type: Freelance / Contract
Compensation: Competitive, based on experience
Budget: not specified
6 hours ago
  • Sales & Marketing, Lead Generation & Telemarketing
Usdt/ btc software
25 USD 6 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
no reviews
Registered at: 24/07/2024
BE Belgium
Can you create usdt/ btc software for crypto wallets
Fixed budget: 25 USD
6 hours ago
Content writting - Finance / Online Scams / Crypto / Forex
not specified 7 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$27'037 total spent
41 hires , 4 active
43 jobs posted
95% hire rate, 1 open job
6.67 /hr avg hourly rate paid
3049 hours
5.00 of 36 reviews
Registered at: 30/07/2017
SG Singapore

I am looking for a creative content writer who can produce high-quality finance articles. You can use AI to create content initially or help yourself in any way, but it should be manually re-worked and of course it should pass AI detection tools.

The topics will focus on Forex, Cryptocurrency, Online Scam Prevention, and related subjects. Each article should be 750 words and include 1 or 2 images within the content (illustrations, graphs), to highlight key points. No featured image needed.

Please contact me with your price per article and an example of article you wrote. This could turn into long term as i will need a lot of content regularly.

Budget: not specified
7 hours ago
Solana Trading Bot with Custom Strategy
250 - 750 USD 8 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 13/01/2024
VN Vietnam
I'm seeking a skilled Rust developer to create a high-performance Telegram bot for trading on the Solana blockchain. The bot should be similar to FluxBot and SolTradingBot but with specific custom features.
Key Requirements:
1. Buy/Sell
Allows users to buy and sell different cryptocurrencies directly on Telegram.
Supports instant trading based on current market prices or placing orders at desired prices.
2. Sniping
The sniping feature allows users to quickly buy newly listed coins on the exchange at high speed.
Provides the advantage of buying tokens at low prices as soon as they are listed before the price increases.
3. Transfer Funds
Users can easily transfer cryptocurrencies from their wallets to other wallet addresses within the same system or outside the system.
This feature supports fast and secure transfers.
4. Create Wallet
Allows users to create digital wallets directly on Telegram to store and manage their cryptocurrencies.
Ensures high security with advanced security measures.
5. Wallet Management
Users can manage and track their wallet balances, transaction history, and perform security settings on their wallets.
Provides tools to help users better control their funds and optimize their trading strategies.
The ideal candidate will have a strong background in cryptocurrency trading bot development and be able to deliver a secure, efficient, and high-quality product. Please include relevant examples of your work in your proposal.

To Apply:
don't make it too long proposal be direct and don't send an ai genrated text review task proper !!
Start with "ready" and include:
Portfolio of relevant projects

Skills: PHP, Website Design, Graphic Design, eCommerce, HTML
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 USD
8 hours ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, eCommerce, HTML, Website Design, Graphic Design
Solana Trading Bot with Custom Strategy
500 USD 8 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$250 total spent
3 hires
10 jobs posted
30% hire rate, 1 open job
5.00 of 2 reviews
Registered at: 10/06/2023
VN Vietnam
I'm seeking a skilled Rust developer to create a high-performance Telegram bot for trading on the Solana blockchain. The bot should be similar to FluxBot and SolTradingBot but with specific custom features.
Key Requirements:
Develop a bot capable of mass sniping new tokens on Solana and Raydium DEX
Implement auto buy/sell functionality executing within 1-2 seconds (1 block)
Program the bot entirely in Rust
Design a simple, user-friendly interface with essential features only
Required Skills:
Extensive experience in Rust programming
Proven track record in developing Telegram bots
Familiarity with Solana blockchain and Raydium DEX
Experience in creating trading bots and working with APIs
The ideal candidate will have a strong background in cryptocurrency trading bot development and be able to deliver a secure, efficient, and high-quality product. Please include relevant examples of your work in your proposal.
Budget: $250-$500 USD
Timeline: 2 weeks
Fixed budget: 500 USD
8 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Scripts & Utilities
Solana Bot Development
15 - 50 USD
9 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
DE Germany
Job Offer: Solana Blockchain Developer for Advanced Bot Creation

We are seeking a skilled and experienced developer to create and enhance a series of sophisticated bots for the Pump.Fun platform. These bots are designed to automate and optimize various activities on the Solana blockchain, including token deployment, volume generation, commenting, and profile management.

Development & Enhancement: Build and improve various bots including Deployment & Bundle Bot, Volume Bot, Comment Bot, Comment Like Bot, and Follow Bot for the Pump.Fun platform.
Feature Implementation: Implement advanced features such as automatic token creation, wallet generation and funding, anti-bubble map detection, and various buy/sell modes.
Integration: Ensure seamless integration of the bots with Pump.Fun and other relevant systems.
Optimization: Optimize bot performance for high-frequency trading, user interface efficiency, and real-time notifications.
Documentation & Support: Provide detailed documentation and ongoing support for setup, operation, and troubleshooting.

Proven Experience: Demonstrable experience in developing bots for blockchain platforms, preferably Solana.
Technical Skills: Proficiency in programming languages such as Rust, JavaScript, and Python. Strong understanding of Solana’s architecture, token standards, and trading mechanisms.
Integration Experience: Familiarity with Telegram and Discord bot integration.
Trading Knowledge: Understanding of trading strategies, high-frequency trading, and market-making algorithms.
Code Quality: Ability to write clean, efficient, and well-documented code.
Problem-Solving: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills with attention to detail.

Preferred Qualifications:
Cross-Platform Experience: Experience with other blockchain platforms such as Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.
Smart Contract Development: Familiarity with smart contract development and deployment.
Project Experience: Prior experience in developing or working with trading bots and understanding market-making strategies.

Fully Functional Bots: Development and enhancement of the specified bots with all mentioned features.
Integration: Seamless integration with Pump.Fun and other necessary systems.
Comprehensive Documentation: Detailed documentation for setup, operation, and maintenance.
Ongoing Support: Continuous support for troubleshooting and updates.

How to Apply:
Please submit your proposal including:

Experience & Qualifications: A brief overview of your experience and qualifications.
Project Examples: Examples of similar projects you have completed.
Project Approach: Your proposed approach to this project.
Timeline & Cost: Estimated timeline and cost.

We look forward to working with a talented developer who can help us enhance our activities on the Solana blockchain and bring innovative solutions to Pump.Fun!
Hourly rate: 15 - 50 USD
9 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Scripts & Utilities
Marketing Intern for Crypto / Blockchain Project
5 - 10 USD
9 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$14'066 total spent
6 hires , 4 active
20 jobs posted
30% hire rate, 3 open job
4.71 /hr avg hourly rate paid
2808 hours
5.00 of 1 reviews
Registered at: 09/03/2024
GB United Kingdom
We're on the hunt to hire a marketing intern to join our blockchain project. This isn't a token or a project to 'shill' ~ Instead we're looking for an experienced marketer who has knowledge in:

- GTM strategies
- Social Media Growth - Mainly Twitter and Farcaster
- Content | Article writing
- SEO support
- Email Marketing

To ensure you read this far, please enter 'intern0x' in your proposal.

If you cover a few of the points above and have knowledge around the web3 industry we'd love to hear your proposal.

Hourly rate: 5 - 10 USD
9 hours ago
Manage high-growth forex trading account
not specified 9 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
3 jobs posted
33% hire rate, 2 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 01/11/2022
I will deposit 1000 USD in a forex trading account and using MT4 or MT5. I want someone to manage the account such that I can gain 50-100 USD profit per day (after profit split), without any risk of blowing the account or incurring significant drawdown. Whatever daily profits are made, will be split with the manager of the account 40/60 (40% to the manager and 60% to me).

the manager should be able to trade BTC or other crypto so that there is also account growth on the weekends.

If the manager is consistent and successful, I will increase the trading capital so that we both make more profits on a daily basis.
Budget: not specified
9 hours ago
Animation Designer for app transitions and Videos
25 - 40 USD
10 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$358'486 total spent
34 hires , 20 active
42 jobs posted
81% hire rate, 1 open job
54.33 /hr avg hourly rate paid
3265 hours
5.00 of 13 reviews
Registered at: 28/06/2022
GB United Kingdom
About Us:
Arc is at the forefront of developing cutting-edge crypto and AI applications. Our mission is to revolutionize the industry with innovative solutions that leverage the power of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology.

Job Description
As a Transition and Animation Designer, you will be responsible for creating seamless transitions and captivating animations that enhance user experience across our digital platforms. Your work will bring our interfaces to life, making them more engaging and enjoyable for our users.

Key Responsibilities
- Design and Develop Animations:
- Create high-quality animations and transitions for web and mobile applications.
- Collaborate with UX/UI designers to understand the user journey and enhance interaction with dynamic visual effects.

- Prototype and Test:
- Develop prototypes to demonstrate animation concepts and gather feedback from stakeholders.
- Conduct user testing to ensure animations improve usability and do not detract from user experience.

- Collaboration:
- Work closely with developers to ensure animations are implemented correctly and perform smoothly across all devices and platforms.
- Coordinate with product managers, designers, and other stakeholders to align animation work with project goals.

- Optimization:
- Optimize animations for performance and ensure they do not adversely affect application load times.
- Stay up-to-date with the latest animation techniques and tools to continuously improve animation quality.

- Documentation:
- Document animation guidelines and best practices to maintain consistency across projects.
- Provide detailed specifications for developers to follow during implementation.

- Education:
- Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design, Animation, Motion Graphics, or a related field.

- Experience:
- Proven experience as an Animation Designer, Motion Graphics Designer, or in a similar role.
- Strong portfolio showcasing high-quality animation work.

- Technical Skills:
- Proficiency in animation and prototyping tools such as After Effects, Principle, Lottie, Adobe Animate, or similar.
- Experience with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript animations is a plus.

- Creative Skills:
- Strong understanding of animation principles and how they apply to UI/UX design.
- Excellent visual design skills with a good understanding of user-system interaction.

- Soft Skills:
- Excellent communication and collaboration skills.
- Strong attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines.

What We Offer:
- Competitive salary.
- Opportunity to work on cutting-edge technology in the crypto and AI space.
- Collaborative and innovative work environment.
- Flexible working hours.
Hourly rate: 25 - 40 USD
10 hours ago
NFT Website Develop
not specified 10 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
3 jobs posted
3 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 25/07/2024
CA Canada
Project Overview:
Our goal is to create a user-friendly and secure platform where artists can easily mint NFTs, manage their digital portfolios, and engage with the NFT community. Key features of the website will include:

NFT Minting: Tools for artists to convert their digital works into NFTs.
Marketplace Integration: Seamless integration with leading NFT marketplaces for easy submission and sales.

Portfolio Management: Features to help artists organize and display their NFT collections.

Community Engagement: Forums and social features to foster a vibrant artist community.

Proposal Requirements:
We are seeking proposals from developers and companies with extensive experience in the NFT space. Proposals should include:

Experience and Expertise: Details of your previous work and experience with NFT technologies and marketplaces.
Technical Approach: Outline your approach to building the platform, including the technologies and tools you plan to use.
Timeline and Budget: Estimated timeline for the project completion and a detailed budget breakdown.

Security Measures: Description of the security protocols and measures to be implemented to protect artists' work and data.

Support and Maintenance: Plans for ongoing support and maintenance post-launch.
Budget: not specified
10 hours ago
Social Media Launch Manager for new NFT Game.
20 - 60 USD
10 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$200'159 total spent
39 hires , 9 active
42 jobs posted
93% hire rate, 3 open job
17.10 /hr avg hourly rate paid
12028 hours
4.91 of 45 reviews
Registered at: 06/11/2020
US United States
Seeking an experienced social media marketer to lead the launch of our innovative NFT Game: Nithians.

Nithians is a groundbreaking NFT game built on the BASE blockchain, featuring collectible and breedable creatures with a rich mythological theme. We're building an immersive and engaging universe where players can collect, assemble, trade, breed, and battle their Nithians.


- Develop and Execute Social Media Strategy: Craft a comprehensive social media launch plan across relevant platforms (X, Discord)

- Community Building: Foster a vibrant and engaged community around Nithians, encouraging interaction and discussion.

- Partnerships and Collaborations: Identify and establish strategic partnerships with influencers, communities, and other projects in the NFT and gaming space.


- Proven Experience: Demonstrable experience launching successful social media campaigns, ideally for NFT or gaming projects.

- Deep Understanding: A strong understanding of the NFT, crypto, and gaming communities, their culture, and communication styles.

- Community Building Expertise: A knack for engaging with online communities and fostering positive interactions.


We're offering a competitive revenue-sharing model where a portion of your compensation is directly tied to the success of the project.

Hourly rate: 20 - 60 USD
10 hours ago
ML for Time Series Data
750 USD 10 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$7'458 total spent
11 hires , 7 active
17 jobs posted
65% hire rate, 1 open job
74.60 /hr avg hourly rate paid
24 hours
5.00 of 6 reviews
Registered at: 13/07/2020
AM Armenia
Dear Candidate,

Our team is building ML models for Crypto Modeling. We currently model the price breakthrough and threat that problem as the classification problem. We have all the data we need, precomputed features, and a strong baseline. We are achieving decent results with Xgboost and LightGM (F-1 for a class with no breakthrough is close to 1 while F1 for a class with a breakthrough of more than 0.3). We have also built Timeseries-based Transformers and believe that those models can significantly outperform the original LightGM and Xgboost systems,

We want to find someone who can finish the model, train, and achieve good results (at least 0.4 F1 Score for class 1 with no degradation to class 0). In case of successful completion, we will consider full-time cooperation.

The data and initial code for modeling will be provided for the candidates. The selection process will involve a chat with our lead scientist.

Fixed budget: 750 USD
10 hours ago
  • Data Science & Analytics, AI & Machine Learning
Supabase Auth Webauthn Passkey Integration
500 USD 10 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$19'153 total spent
12 hires , 4 active
7 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 0 open job
41.82 /hr avg hourly rate paid
387 hours
5.00 of 6 reviews
Registered at: 05/04/2020
CA Canada

We are building a web3 saas and want to customize our user authentication flow

We are using supabase Auth email and password. We want to continue to use supabase auth but use only a Webauthn passkey.

We are using to manage user wallets so we have already integrated webauthn into our application but we wish this to be the only authentication the user needs to complete while still using supabase auth infra

this would be the first task, I wish to build a waitlist after this is completed.

Look forward to working with you
Fixed budget: 500 USD
10 hours ago
3d animation promo for a meme coin
100 USD 11 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$450 total spent
6 hires
14 jobs posted
43% hire rate, 1 open job
5.30 /hr avg hourly rate paid
47 hours
5.00 of 3 reviews
Registered at: 24/06/2020
PK Pakistan
We run an Andrew Tate themed memecoin and are looking for a talented 3D animator to create a fun, suspenseful, and action-packed promo video for our meme coin. We want a short, exciting promo that captures the essence of Top G and our meme coin, similar to the videos produced by @DaddyTateCTO on Twitter. Here are a few samples,

We are looking for a similar or better style and quality of videos. We aim to start with one video, and if it meets our expectations, there will be opportunities for regular production of more videos in the future.

We have 3D models of Tate himself and his Bugatti ready for use. The ideal candidate will be able to create a high-energy, visually engaging video that stands out in the crowded memecoin space.

Experience in creating 3D animation promo videos
Ability to produce high-quality, fun, and engaging content
Familiarity with the crypto and memecoin culture is a plus
**Please share your portfolio and past examples of similar videos you have created**
Also feel free to share any ideas, questions, or suggestions you might have.

(If you have expertise in any other form of content creation for memecoins, please share your portfolio as it might be helpful as well.)

Shortlisted applicants will be provided with more details. We look forward to seeing your creativity and enthusiasm in bringing our project to life!

Do not forget to attach your portfolio / examples of similar work.
Fixed budget: 100 USD
11 hours ago
NFT Game Developer
40 - 77 USD
11 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
US United States
We are looking for a skilled NFT Game Developer to join our team and help us create an exciting and innovative gaming experience. As a NFT Game Developer, you will be responsible for designing and implementing game mechanics, smart contracts, and integrating blockchain technology into our game. You should have a strong understanding of NFTs, blockchain, and game development principles. The ideal candidate will have experience in developing NFT games, be familiar with Ethereum and other blockchain platforms, and have a passion for gaming. If you are a creative problem-solver, have excellent programming skills, and are excited about the potential of NFTs in gaming, we would love to hear from you.

Skills needed:
- NFT development
- Game development
- Smart contract development
- Blockchain integration
- Ethereum
- Problem-solving
Hourly rate: 40 - 77 USD
11 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Game Design & Development
NFT Game Developer
30 - 50 USD
11 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
US United States
We are looking for a skilled NFT Game Developer to join our team and help us create an exciting and innovative gaming experience. As a NFT Game Developer, you will be responsible for designing and implementing game mechanics, smart contracts, and integrating blockchain technology into our game. You should have a strong understanding of NFTs, blockchain, and game development principles. The ideal candidate will have experience in developing NFT games, be familiar with Ethereum and other blockchain platforms, and have a passion for gaming. If you are a creative problem-solver, have excellent programming skills, and are excited about the potential of NFTs in gaming, we would love to hear from you.

Skills needed:
- NFT development
- Game development
- Smart contract development
- Blockchain integration
- Ethereum
- Problem-solving
Hourly rate: 30 - 50 USD
11 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Game Design & Development
BE Software Developer
70 - 200 USD
12 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 26/07/2024
US United States
Design, develop, and maintain the Telegram bot for automated crypto trading.
Implement secure and efficient code using Python and Web3 libraries.
Integrate the bot with various blockchain networks, including Solana and Ethereum.
Ensure the security of user data and transactions.
Deploy and manage code in production environments.
Collaborate with the team to design and implement new features.
Monitor and improve the performance of the trading algorithms.
Conduct thorough testing and debugging of the application.
Manage and optimize database operations using PostgreSQL.
Stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies.

Education: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field. A Master’s degree is a plus.


Minimum of 5 years of professional experience in Python development.
Proven experience in developing applications using Web3 libraries.
Experience with blockchain networks, specifically Solana and Ethereum.
Previous experience in developing trading bots or financial software is highly desirable.
Experience with deploying and managing code in cloud environments, specifically Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Experience with PostgreSQL and strong SQL skills.

Technical Skills:

Strong proficiency in Python.
In-depth knowledge of Web3 libraries and frameworks.
Familiarity with smart contract development and blockchain protocols.
Experience with RESTful APIs and third-party integrations.
Proficiency in version control systems such as Git.
Solid understanding of security best practices in software development.
Experience with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services and tools.
Strong knowledge of PostgreSQL and SQL.
Hourly rate: 70 - 200 USD
12 hours ago