Genealogy careers & jobs for freelancers

Freelance genealogy is currently one of the most sought-after gigs. Find high-paying freelance genealogy jobs online posted by customers looking for family history experts for long-term and short-term projects. Our job-monitoring tool comes with a smart search feature that allows you to sort positions by type, experience, category, and more. Browse through multiple job boards at a time and apply for the best freelance genealogy jobs. Register right now for free!

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7 projects published for past 72 hours.
Job Title Budget
Bilingual MLM Software Development
250 - 750 CAD 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$2'212 total spent
2 hires
2 open job
5.00 of 3 reviews
Registered at: 25/02/2021
CA Canada
As a client, I'm in need of a professional developer who can deliver a high-quality, web-based MLM software. The software should be designed with a user-friendly interface and must possess essential features like commission tracking, genealogy tree, and various multi-level marketing plans.

Key requirements:
- Web-based: The software is required to be developed exclusively for web platforms.
- Bilingual support: The software must support two languages which will be specified upon hiring.

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proficiency in developing MLM software.
- Strong understanding of commission tracking systems.
- Experience in designing genealogy trees.
- Ability to create user-friendly, web-based platforms.

Your expertise in the field and capability of delivering quality work in a timely manner will be highly valued. Please include relevant samples of your previous work in your proposal. Looking forward to collaborating with you.

Skills: PHP, Website Design, Software Architecture, MySQL, HTML
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 CAD
1 hour ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, Software Architecture, MySQL, HTML, Website Design
Editor - Professional Genealogy Writing
not specified 12 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 24/06/2022
US United States
I'm a genealogist and family historian, researching and writing since 1999. I've (finally) written articles for genealogy publication, and could use a seasoned writer, researcher, or editor with professional genealogical writing experience to check my work. Particular focus on citations is needed.
Budget: not specified
12 hours ago
Professional genealogists to build a new product together
20 - 50 USD
1 day ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$165'491 total spent
31 hires , 15 active
27 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 1 open job
19.91 /hr avg hourly rate paid
5863 hours
4.98 of 22 reviews
Registered at: 09/03/2019
US United States
At Genomelink, we’re building a place where people can learn more about their DNA data and family histories. We’re currently developing a new product that helps family tree builders solve their brick-wall challenges by accessing a unique DNA match database and community resources.

As part of the genealogy product development, we’re currently looking for professional genealogists to join our team as remote and part-time workers. Please review the job description below and apply if you are interested.

Who you are
- You have experience working as a professional genealogist for more than 3 years.
- You have a solid professional skillset and mindset to complete your project independently.
- You have used tools and sites like, MyHeritage, FamilySearch, and GEDmatch.

- You have a passion for building your family tree and genealogy research.
- You have built your family tree with more than 10,000 members on it.
- You have a strong writing skillset to write about genealogy-related contents

What you will be responsible for
- Answer Genomelink users’ genealogy challenges as a professional genealogist using chat and email communication tools.
- Help Genomelink customers’ genealogy projects by searching records, family tree, or matches across different genealogy sites.
- Review Genomelink customers’ family trees and records to validate.
- Become an advocate for Genomelink’s genealogy products and work with the marketing team to spread product and brand awareness.
- Help the Genomelink product team to build internal and external products to accelerate the above genealogy projects.

The hiring process
- Resume review
- Interview with one of the product members
- Trial period of work for one week
- Interview with the CEO (or other leaders)
Hourly rate: 20 - 50 USD
1 day ago
  • Customer Service, Customer Service & Tech Support
Family Search
200 USD 2 days ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$604 total spent
8 hires
14 jobs posted
57% hire rate, 1 open job
22.75 /hr avg hourly rate paid
14 hours
5.00 of 4 reviews
US United States
I am looking for a genealogist or a researcher who knows their way around finding records hard records to find. I have inquired several different people on Upwork or Fiverr and it seems like nobody wants to put in the effort but people always want money.

I am looking for my great-grandfather Dave Campbell's mother and father. I have hired a couple of genealogists here who did an awesome job with past research. Unable to hire them again because either it wasn't a great fit the first time and I just went with it and gave them the benefit of the doubt or they could not provide me with the records that I needed and I had to request refunds back halfway through the research, I was not informed that they didn't have the experience and that they were just doing this for the first time which caused me to bring down my price.

I am researching this but I'm stuck and would like to get some assistance with trying to find my great-grandfather's mother and father. I have a delayed death certificate and I have my grandma's death certificate. This person should be familiar with Arkansas and be familiar with Bradley Warner County Arkansas Johnsville.

I ask please be honest when you are considering this gig. I know everybody in the world needs money right now everybody is working to get money but that does not mean taking advantage of a person who needs help. If you don't have experience please let me know I might just go ahead and let you do the gig. But may have to lower the price slightly.

If you are inexperienced please do not ask for more money, I have had this happen to me and I don't appreciate it. People who work in the real world with real jobs get paid more for their experience. And if you are experienced then it is negotiable depending on how much information you find. But I am only starting off at $200 and that is the highest I will go so please do not bid way higher. This gig is a short gig and if you are good at what you do you should be able to find information really fast. there was a great genealogist on here and she found amazing information. And as of recently, she's not on here anymore but if you do the work you will get paid.

I have been doing genealogy for the last 12 years and have talked to lots of genealogists in my lifetime, so I know how much a genealogy research would charge and I know how much the whole process would be.

thank you.
Fixed budget: 200 USD
2 days ago
  • Admin Support, Market Research & Product Reviews
Find Czech Ancestor's Birth Certificate
10 - 20 GBP 2 days ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 24/07/2024
GB United Kingdom
I'm looking for a professional who can help me find the certified birth certificate of my Czechoslovakian ancestor, Loubov Soloutzova. She was born in Czechoslovakia and I have some details about her such as her date of birth, place of birth, and other personal information.

Key Deliverables:
- Locate Loubov Soloutzova's certified birth certificate and send links
- Compile all relevant details and information from the certificate
- Information on where it was found
- A certified copy of the certificate

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proficient in genealogy research and document retrieval
- Experience locating historical and official documents
- Strong attention to detail and accuracy
- Ability to work efficiently and meet tight deadlines

Please note that I need this project to be completed as soon as possible. Thank you.


- she was born on the 8th of october 1924 in czechoslovakia
- she married alan henry deryk pepper in alexandria egypt on the 26th of november 1943
- Birth of son Michael Deryk Pepper in 1945
- Birth of daughter Mary anne Booker in 1949
- married sergie prekul in november 1958
- she died on the 16th of may 2001

Skills: Data Entry, Research, Web Search, Genealogy, Internet Research
Fixed budget: 10 - 20 GBP
2 days ago
  • Writing & Content, Data Entry & Admin, Engineering & Science, Sales & Marketing, Research, Data Entry, Web Search, Genealogy, Internet Research
Genealogy research to find a Turkish birth certificate from 1881
25 - 125 USD
2 days ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
2 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 21/07/2024
FR France
We are hiring a genealogist to find the birth certificate of a male ancestor born in 1881 in Constantinople (Now Istanbul, Turkey).

Experience with Turkish records and archives is preferred.
Hourly rate: 25 - 125 USD
2 days ago
  • Admin Support, Market Research & Product Reviews
Genealogy research for Italian Citizenship
25 - 125 USD
2 days ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
2 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 21/07/2024
FR France
We are seeking a skilled Genealogist to help uncover the history of our Italian ancestors. The primary task will be to gather detailed information about our great-great-grandfather and great-great-grandmother. We can provide their full names and the birth date of their son. Your objective will be to locate and retrieve their birth and/or baptism certificates.


- Research and compile historical records
- Locate birth and baptism certificates in Italian archives
- Verify the accuracy of collected information
- Provide detailed reports on findings


- Proven experience in genealogical research, particularly in Italian records
- Familiarity with accessing and interpreting historical documents
- Strong attention to detail and accuracy
- Excellent organizational and communication skills

If you have a passion for uncovering family histories and the expertise to help us trace our roots, we'd love to hear from you.
Hourly rate: 25 - 125 USD
2 days ago
  • Admin Support, Market Research & Product Reviews