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188 projects published for past 72 hours.
Job Title Budget
Invoice Number Replacement Task
30 - 250 NZD 59 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
NZ New Zealand
I have an existing invoice that needs to have its numbers replaced with new ones.

- I'm looking for a professional who can efficiently replace the existing numbers with the new ones. The new numbers should be the only thing that changes on the invoice; the rest of the content should remain the same.

- The new numbers should match the format of the old ones, so they should be the same size, font, and style.

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proficiency in invoice editing and formatting
- Attention to detail, ensuring the new numbers are accurate and in the correct place

Please feel free to ask if you need any further details.

Skills: Data Processing, Data Entry, Excel, PDF, Copy Typing
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 NZD
59 minutes ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Data Entry & Admin, PDF, Copy Typing, Data Processing, Data Entry, Excel
Data Entry from Excel and Hard Copy to Web (All data will be in English language)
100 - 400 INR
3 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$505 total spent
1 hires
1 open job
5.00 of 3 reviews
Registered at: 19/02/2019
IN India
I'm looking for a reliable freelancer to help me with a data entry project. The task involves transferring mixed (text and numerical) data from both Excel and hard copy documents into a specific online web application form.

Key Requirements:
- Accurate data entry of over 500 entries
- Strict adherence to a specific format
- Experience with handling mixed data types
- Prior experience with data entry into web application forms is a plus
- Strong attention to detail and ability to follow instructions

The data is not just random, it consists of mixed (text and numerical) entries. You must be comfortable working with both types. The volume of data exceeds 500 entries, so efficiency and speed will also be important. The data must be entered into a specific format, so previous experience with following a template or format closely is crucial.

I look forward to working with a freelancer who can deliver high-quality work in a timely manner.

Skills: Data Processing, Data Entry, Excel, Web Search, Copy Typing
Hourly rate: 100 - 400 INR
3 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Data Entry & Admin, Copy Typing, Data Processing, Data Entry, Excel, Web Search
Word PDF Typing Project
750 - 1250 INR
3 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 28/02/2023
IN India
I'm looking for a freelancer who can convert a PDF document into an editable Word document. The primary goal of this project is to make the PDF into a Word document that I can edit as needed.

- Convert the PDF into a Word document with standard text formatting.
- The Word document should be in Calibri font.

Ideal Skills:
- Proficiency in Microsoft Word
- Attention to detail
- Experience in PDF to Word conversion

Skills: Data Entry, Excel, PDF, Word, Microsoft Office
Hourly rate: 750 - 1250 INR
3 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Data Entry & Admin, PDF, Word, Data Entry, Excel, Microsoft Office
Typing Test for Digital Document
50 CAD
3 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
CA Canada
I need someone to type up a general text digital document for me. The document is half page long. it is a test to be completed. 40 words per minute is limit and needs to be done in 5 minutes

Skills: Medical Writing, Typing
Hourly rate: 50 CAD
3 hours ago
PDF Creation with Embedded Fonts
750 - 1250 INR
3 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 16/07/2024
IN India
I have a collection of Word documents that need to be converted to PDF format. The primary reason for this conversion is to enhance document security, ensuring they cannot be easily altered.

Key Requirements:
- Detailed Formatting: The formatting in the PDF file must replicate that of the Word document. This includes all aspects of the document, from basic styling like bold and italic to complex structures such as tables and headers.
- Embedded Fonts: One of the key features of the PDF is the use of specific fonts, which should be embedded within the document. This ensures that the document maintains its intended appearance across different systems even if they don't have the exact font installed.

Ideal Skills:
- Proficiency in Word and PDF: You should be comfortable working with both Word and PDF files, ensuring a flawless conversion process.
- Attention to Detail: The ability to meticulously replicate the formatting from the Word documents to the PDFs is essential.
- Font Management: Understanding how to embed fonts in a PDF document is crucial to this project's success.

Please let me know if you can meet these requirements and provide a timeline for the completion of this project.

Skills: PDF, Word, Copy Typing
Hourly rate: 750 - 1250 INR
3 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, PDF, Copy Typing, Word
UPDATED. Help Complete A NFP WordPress Community Site Development
30 - 250 AUD 3 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 26/07/2024
VN Vietnam

(i have just turned off the PH Splash Page)

Note: I am an Australian IT, Web & UI designer & develper for 20 years. Not an end-ussr 'idiot'.

This is a NFP Community site funded solely by my Age Pension.


In a nutshell, this site is intended to work like a much better easy-to-use friendly highly functional political Twitter+FB - the good bits without all the lousy clunky dysfunctional coding.



Complete any unfinished Menu Option Pages
Mainly just adding Adv FM Shortcode, Forminator, Pro Shortcode, WP-Members Shortcodes to existing static Page.

They need formatting and making more functional & attractive.
I have/am done some/many of these already;,m but theyt still need completing function and appearance.

Complete. create and organise the sub-menus for -
User Registration, Login, User Preferences, User Settings, User Profile, User Membership/Subscription,

Mainly using the extensive options in installed the WP-Member. Forminator, WPCode, Shortcodes Ultimate, Elementor, and normal WP Menus/Pages of course.

Subscription Plans, Payment Gateways, and similar, have already BEEN DONE.

In fact, this site has very few Pages and a very flat structure.


The site includes all expected functionalities -

- User registration
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI, User Registration, WP-Members)

- Discussion threads & commenting system
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI/s, BuddyPress+Yousify)

- Members & Subscriptions
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI, WP-Members)

- Sub Payments
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI, WP-Members, Stripe, PP)

- Gallery w public & user viewing
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI, WP Gallery, Omtimole, Media Library Folders)
These PI are currently deactivated as i wanted to restructure all my user content into a sensisible logical physical Folder stucture: NOT Virtual Folders with stupid Year & Month actual Folders. )

- User front-end file uploads/downloads
(DONE.Admin installed configured PI, Adv FM Shortcodes Pro, Forminator Pro, WP File Upload)

- User & public feedback
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI, User Feedback, Forminator Pro,)

- Social media sharing options
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI, AddToAny)

- User Polls
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI, YOP Poll+Forminator Pro)

- Twitter Feed
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI, Twitter Tweets Pro)

- Inoreader RSS Reader RSS Feed
(NOT DONE. WPGetAPI, Inoreader (external))


Ideal Skills and Experience:

- Proficient in WordPress development, including custom theme and plugin development.
- Experience in community site development and integration of user-based features.
- Strong understanding of social media integration and sharing mechanisms.
- Familiarity with user gallery systems and user engagement features.
- Ability to work with and optimize existing WordPress plugins for seamless integration.

*** Outstanding communication skills and proficiency, and daily discussons are essential.

Secret Question: I am missing a logo atm.

Skills: Website Design, CSS, HTML, WordPress Design, WordPress Plugin
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 AUD
3 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, HTML, Website Design, CSS, WordPress Design, WordPress Plugin
Share Market Technical Analyst Needed
2500 INR
4 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
IN India
I'm in need of a proficient individual in the area of share market technical analysis, specifically for basic chart reading. The analysis will be used for educational purposes, so clear and concise explanations are essential.

Key Responsibilities:
- Conduct basic chart reading
- Provide clear and understandable explanations
- Create educational materials based on the analysis

Ideal Candidate:
- Proven experience in share market technical analysis
- Strong understanding of basic chart reading
- Excellent communication skills
- Experience in content creation and educational materials is a plus

This project is a great opportunity for someone who is both technically proficient in the share market and has a knack for teaching and simplifying complex concepts.

Skills: Data Processing, Data Entry, Mobile App Development, Word, Copy Typing
Hourly rate: 2500 INR
4 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Mobile Phones & Computing, Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Data Entry & Admin, Copy Typing, Word, Data Processing, Data Entry, Mobile App Development
Text Data Entry into Notion
250 - 750 AUD 4 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
AU Australia
I am seeking a professional to handle a digital data text entry project. The data originates from online forms and will require efficient input into the Notion platform.

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proficiency in handling digital files
- A general understanding of government forms
- Experience with Notion databases and nesting
- Attention to detail
- Efficient text data entry capabilities
- Ability to maintain confidentiality of sensitive information

- Accurate data entry from digital files into Notion
- Ensuring timely completion of the data entry task
- Managing and storing the information systematically in Notion

This project will require a high level of accuracy and speed. Understanding of the Notion platform is crucial. Please only bid if you possess the required skills and can deliver on time.

Skills: Data Processing, Data Entry, Excel, Copy Typing
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 AUD
4 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Data Entry & Admin, Copy Typing, Data Processing, Data Entry, Excel
Entry-Level Online Customer Service Role
100 - 600 INR
5 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
IN India
I'm looking for a fresh talent to assist in a customer service role focused on providing technical support via online chat and email.

Key Responsibilities:
- Responding to customer inquiries and providing solutions to technical issues.
- Communicating effectively and professionally with customers.

Ideal Candidate:
- A recent graduate or someone seeking to enter the workforce.
- Strong written communication skills for online interaction.
- Basic technical knowledge and problem-solving skills.
- Eagerness to learn and grow in a customer service role.

Skills: Data Entry, Excel, PDF, Word, Copy Typing
Hourly rate: 100 - 600 INR
5 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Data Entry & Admin, PDF, Copy Typing, Word, Data Entry, Excel
Data entry, Excel, Ms word,copy typing, powerpoint
400 - 750 INR
5 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
IN India
I am in need of a freelancer who can help me increase brand awareness amongst young adults in a short span of time.

- **Objective**: The main goal here is to enhance the visibility of my brand and its products among the young adult demographic.
- **Target Audience**: The focus of the promotional campaign will be the young adult demographic.
- **Timeline**: The project needs to be completed within a week, so it is crucial that the freelancer has experience in executing fast-paced campaigns.
- **Deliverables**: The key deliverables are:
- A detailed strategy to target the young adult audience
- Engaging content (could be in the form of text, images, videos, etc.) that resonates with this specific group
- Metrics and analysis post-campaign to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign

Ideal skills and experience for this job would include:
- A track record of successful brand awareness campaigns, especially within the young adult demographic
- Proficiency in creating engaging content
- Strong analytical skills for post-campaign evaluation
- Ability to execute fast-paced projects without compromising on quality.

Skills: Data Entry, Excel, Facebook Marketing, Copy Typing, Creative Writing
Hourly rate: 400 - 750 INR
5 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Data Entry & Admin, Sales & Marketing, Copy Typing, Creative Writing, Data Entry, Excel, Facebook Marketing
Data Collection from Multiple Sources
750 - 1250 INR
5 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 19/02/2022
IN India
I'm in need of a comprehensive data collection from a list of sources I've compiled.

Key Requirements:
- Proficient in web scraping techniques.
- Able to extract data from social media platforms, websites, and surveys.
- Prior experience in compiling and managing large datasets would be beneficial.
- Attention to detail is essential to ensure that all relevant data is captured and recorded accurately.

Please note that this project does not involve active data analysis. The primary focus will be on effective and accurate data collection from the specified sources.

Skills: Copywriting, Data Entry, PDF, Word, Copy Typing
Hourly rate: 750 - 1250 INR
5 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Data Entry & Admin, Copywriting, PDF, Copy Typing, Word, Data Entry
Nursery Rhymes Action Video Songs For Preschool Kids --
100 - 400 INR
5 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$64'650 total spent
101 hires , 1 active
4 open job
4.96 of 44 reviews
Registered at: 11/06/2021
IN India
I'm looking for someone who is smart and can record some action songs for preschool kids.

You can just use your phone camera to record the videos. No previous experience is required.

It's just 3-5 minute long videos and it depends on the song.

You only have to act/dance based on the songs we provide. You will get the payments for each video song you record. I will provide you with all the reference songs for each video.

Please take a look at the example videos:

---------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
---------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

PLEASE NOTE: You must be in SAREE for more teaching looks.

Skills: Data Entry, Customer Support, Virtual Assistant, Word, Copy Typing
Hourly rate: 100 - 400 INR
5 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Data Entry & Admin, Jobs for Anyone, Copy Typing, Word, Data Entry, Customer Support, Virtual Assistant
PDF Typing with Tables
3500 - 4100 INR
5 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 18/07/2024
IN India
I have a set of PDF documents that require careful and accurate typing. The PDFs consist of tables or graphs, and I'd like these to be typed out directly into the Word document. There is no need for additional images or copying of the graphs, simply the data within them.

Key Requirements:
- Experience with handling PDFs and converting them into Word format
- Proficient in typing and organizing tabular data
- Attention to detail and accuracy is crucial
- Ability to manage and maintain document formatting

Please include any relevant experience you have in transcription from PDFs to Word documents, particularly those with tables or graphs. Additionally, any expertise in handling sensitive or proprietary information is a bonus.

Skills: Data Entry, Excel, PDF, Word, Copy Typing
Hourly rate: 3500 - 4100 INR
5 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Data Entry & Admin, PDF, Copy Typing, Word, Data Entry, Excel
Small Review Task
10 - 30 USD 6 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 15/08/2022
PK Pakistan
I'm looking for a freelancer to help with a small review and feedback task. Specific details will be provided upon contact.

Newbies are most welcome...

If you do not have any intention do handle the task do not bid.

Skills: Data Entry, Excel, PDF, Word, Copy Typing
Fixed budget: 10 - 30 USD
6 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Data Entry & Admin, PDF, Copy Typing, Word, Data Entry, Excel
PDF to Word Conversion - Text Formatting
750 - 1250 INR
6 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
IN India
I need a professional who can convert a PDF file to Word, ensuring that the text formatting remains exactly as it is in the original PDF.

Key Requirements:
- Transfer PDF to Word: The job is to copy the content from the PDF and paste it into a Word document, ensuring that the text formatting remains exactly the same.
- Text Formatting: I require a professional who's meticulous about ensuring that the text formatting is maintained through the conversion process.

Ideal Skills:
- Excellent Typing Skills: The professional needs to be adept at typing and copying text accurately.
- Proficiency in Word: The freelancer should be proficient in using Microsoft Word and have an eye for detail to ensure the text formatting is an exact match.

Please note that the PDF document will be provided via email. The final delivery should be a Word document with the exact text formatting as in the PDF.

Looking forward to your bids.

Skills: Data Entry, Excel, PDF, Word, Copy Typing
Hourly rate: 750 - 1250 INR
6 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Data Entry & Admin, PDF, Copy Typing, Word, Data Entry, Excel
Account excel data entry
100 - 400 INR
6 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 26/07/2024
IN India
I need a skilled freelancer to assist me with my account work with simple data entry.

You need to make excel sheet as I have already made the template and you have to just fill all entries.

Deadline is 5pm IST.copy typeing

Skills: Data Entry, Accounting, Excel, Copy Typing
Hourly rate: 100 - 400 INR
6 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Data Entry & Admin, Business, Accounting, Human Resources & Legal, Copy Typing, Data Entry, Excel, Accounting
PDF to Word Conversion
1,500 - 12,500 INR 6 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 09/03/2024
IN India
I need a freelancer to convert a scanned PDF document into a Word file.

Key aspects of the project:
- The Word document should maintain simple formatting from the PDF, including text, basic layouts, and fonts.
- The PDF is a scanned image, meaning the content is not digitally selectable.

Ideal skills and experience:
- Proficiency in Microsoft Word and PDF editing software.
- Attention to detail and ability to accurately transcribe from scanned images.
- Experience with document conversion and formatting preservation is a plus.

Skills: Data Entry, PDF, Word, Copy Typing, OCR
Fixed budget: 1,500 - 12,500 INR
6 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Websites, IT & Software, Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Data Entry & Admin, OCR, PDF, Copy Typing, Word, Data Entry
Professional PDF to Word Conversion
750 - 1250 INR
6 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 19/07/2024
IN India
I'm looking for a freelancer to convert a text-based PDF document into a Word file. The document will be used for professional purposes, so attention to detail and formatting is crucial.

Key Requirements:
- Convert a text-based PDF into Word
- Maintain formatting and layout
- Ensure document is suitable for professional use

Important Formatting Elements:
- Headings and subheadings must be accurately replicated in the Word document.

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proficient in Microsoft Word and PDF editing software
- Excellent attention to detail
- Previous experience with professional document formatting

Skills: Data Entry, PDF, Word, Copy Typing
Hourly rate: 750 - 1250 INR
6 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Data Entry & Admin, PDF, Copy Typing, Word, Data Entry
English Audio & Video Transcription to Word
750 - 1250 INR
7 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 13/07/2024
IN India
I'm seeking assistance in transcribing my audio and video content into Word documents. The content is in English, and I require a high level of accuracy in the transcription.

Key Requirements:
- Transcribe both audio and video content into written text
- Work specifically with English language content
- Perform a verbatim transcription (word-for-word, including all utterances and fillers)

Ideal Freelancer:
- Previous experience in audio and video transcription
- Proficient in English language understanding and writing
- Attention to detail and ability to ensure a high level of accuracy in transcription.

Skills: Copy Typing, English Spelling
Hourly rate: 750 - 1250 INR
7 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Translation & Languages, Copy Typing, English Spelling
PDF to Word Conversion - Text Formatting
750 - 1250 INR
7 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 31/10/2021
IN India
I need a professional who can convert a PDF file to Word, ensuring that the text formatting remains exactly as it is in the original PDF.

Key Requirements:
- Transfer PDF to Word: The job is to copy the content from the PDF and paste it into a Word document, ensuring that the text formatting remains exactly the same.
- Text Formatting: I require a professional who's meticulous about ensuring that the text formatting is maintained through the conversion process.

Ideal Skills:
- Excellent Typing Skills: The professional needs to be adept at typing and copying text accurately.
- Proficiency in Word: The freelancer should be proficient in using Microsoft Word and have an eye for detail to ensure the text formatting is an exact match.

Please note that the PDF document will be provided via email. The final delivery should be a Word document with the exact text formatting as in the PDF.

Looking forward to your bids.

Skills: Data Entry, Excel, PDF, Word, Copy Typing
Hourly rate: 750 - 1250 INR
7 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Data Entry & Admin, PDF, Copy Typing, Word, Data Entry, Excel
PDF Text Transfer to Word
600 - 1,500 INR 8 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$1'765 total spent
4 hires , 1 active
1 open job
5.00 of 2 reviews
Registered at: 29/01/2018
IN India
I need someone to copy text from a PDF and paste it into a Word document. The task involves:

- Copying text from 1-5 pages of a PDF
- Pasting the text into a Word document

Ideal candidates for this project should have good attention to detail to ensure that all text is copied accurately. Experience with PDF and Word is a must.

Skills: Data Entry, Editing, PDF, Word, Copy Typing
Fixed budget: 600 - 1,500 INR
8 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Data Entry & Admin, Editing, PDF, Copy Typing, Word, Data Entry
Data Entry Specialist Needed
15 - 25 USD
8 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 05/02/2023
PK Pakistan
I'm seeking a dedicated individual to assist with extensive data entry tasks. This project will require handling mixed data types, including both numeric and textual data, with the majority of the textual data needing to be entered into a custom database.

Key Responsibilities:
- Typing documents
- Data entry of mixed data types
- Organizing spreadsheets
- Extensive use of the Microsoft Office Suite

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proficient typing skills
- Detail-oriented
- Efficient in managing a medium workload (100-500 tasks)
- Prior data entry experience is a plus
- Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite
- Able to manage and organize data effectively

Please note that a significant portion of this role will involve data entry into a custom database. Therefore, experience with database management or data entry is highly advantageous. Looking forward to your bids.

Skills: Data Processing, Data Entry, Excel, Virtual Assistant, Article Writing
Hourly rate: 15 - 25 USD
8 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Data Entry & Admin, Jobs for Anyone, Article Writing, Data Processing, Data Entry, Excel, Virtual Assistant
English & Hindi Book Screenshot Creation -- 2
600 - 1,500 INR 9 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 26/07/2024
IN India
I am looking for an expert who can create screenshots of books in English and Hindi, with text that will be fully editable in Canva.

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proficiency in Canva for screenshot creation
- Strong command of both English and Hindi for accurately transcribing book content
- Attention to detail and accuracy, to ensure the text is fully editable by the end user
- Previous experience in similar projects is a plus

Please note that the primary content for this project will be book text. The goal is to create engaging and professional screenshots that can be shared with my customers.

Skills: Excel, PDF, Word, Copy Typing, Content Writing
Fixed budget: 600 - 1,500 INR
9 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Data Entry & Admin, PDF, Copy Typing, Content Writing, Word, Excel
Medical Records Clerk for Personal Injury Law Firm
5 - 11 USD
11 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$141'863 total spent
42 hires , 22 active
73 jobs posted
58% hire rate, 2 open job
21.29 /hr avg hourly rate paid
6581 hours
4.82 of 20 reviews
Registered at: 18/01/2016
US United States
We have a system set up for requesting medical records using our software and phone system. We need someone who is a hard worker and performs work in a timely manner.

The person will need good American English skills so that you can make follow up calls to medical providers and their billing offices to get the records we need in a timely manner. Follow up calls are a regular part of this business. If you do not feel confident in your English skills or do not like talking on the phone during U.S. Pacific time business hours, this is not for you.

It is understood that many workers outside the U.S. would rather not awaken people in their household by talking on the phone while others in the household are sleeping. However we need calls to be made with confidence during Pacific time business hours.

You need to understand the basics of a medical bill and medical diagnosis codes. Your typing must be good as well as English written, not just spoken.

We are looking for someone with experience editing pdf documents, not just opening and reading them. You must understand Windows and how to save documents.

We will train you also on how to collect crash reports for the motor vehicle accidents.

Must work during Pacific time business hours (same as Los Angeles time). You will have several team members you will coordinate with.

Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you.
Hourly rate: 5 - 11 USD
11 hours ago
Personal Assistant Needed
2 - 5 GBP
11 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$33'177 total spent
59 hires , 2 active
3 open job
5.00 of 5 reviews
Registered at: 28/06/2020
GB United Kingdom
I'm seeking a personal assistant to help with a range of tasks including scheduling, email management, travel arrangement and general administrative tasks.

Key Responsibilities:
- Scheduling & Calendar Management: You will be responsible for organizing my schedule and keeping track of important appointments and deadlines.
- Email & Correspondence Management: Your role will also involve managing my emails and drafting responses where necessary.
- Travel Arrangements: You will assist with booking flights, hotels, and ground transportation when required.
- Administrative Tasks: Basic administrative duties will also be part of your responsibilities.

I expect my personal assistant to be reachable through phone calls, emails, and online messaging platforms. While I appreciate good communication skills, efficiency in executing tasks is critical.

I don't require a full-time personal assistant. The ideal candidate should be able to work with me on an as-needed basis.

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proven experience as a personal or executive assistant
- Proficiency in time management
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- Strong organization and multitasking abilities
- Familiarity with online calendars and scheduling software
- Discretion and trustworthiness due to the sensitive nature of some tasks

I look forward to hearing from qualified and experienced personal assistants.

Skills: Data Entry, Excel, Word, Copy Typing
Hourly rate: 2 - 5 GBP
11 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Data Entry & Admin, Copy Typing, Word, Data Entry, Excel
Typist Needed
15 USD 11 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$2'645 total spent
45 hires , 3 active
71 jobs posted
63% hire rate, 1 open job
9.86 /hr avg hourly rate paid
57 hours
5.00 of 41 reviews
Registered at: 25/07/2020
US United States
I have a short document (approximately 6 pages) that needs to be typed. This is an old article that was scanned as a photo file, so copy and paste is not possible. Deliverable needs to be a Word document.

You must be fluent in English and have accurate typing skills for this role.
Fixed budget: 15 USD
11 hours ago
  • Upwork.com
  • Admin Support, Data Entry & Transcription Services
Text Data Listing work
10 - 11 USD 13 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$212'571 total spent
182 hires , 1 active
1 open job
4.91 of 193 reviews
Registered at: 13/06/2023
PK Pakistan
I have a straightforward task that involves copying and pasting content. I'm looking for a freelancer to assist me with this task, which requires attention to detail and accuracy. you need to follow my steps according to my file newbies are preferred


Skills: Data Processing, Data Entry, Excel, Web Search, Copy Typing
Fixed budget: 10 - 11 USD
13 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Data Entry & Admin, Copy Typing, Data Processing, Data Entry, Excel, Web Search
( Urgent ) Looking for a fast typist of Marwari Language ( Pakistan )- Data Entry
60 USD 15 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$20'289 total spent
71 hires , 19 active
119 jobs posted
60% hire rate, 4 open job
4.93 of 92 reviews
Registered at: 29/10/2021
PK Pakistan

Looking for a typist who can type Marwari as well as understand the Marwari language.

The task is very simple you will have to listen to audio in Marwari Language and type whatever you listen to in the audio. Typing will be done manually with no use of any transcription tool, we will provide user access to the online loft platform where you will have to type the transcription.

We will pay $0.33 per minute of transcriptions
if you do 30-45 minutes daily of transcription you will get paid accordingly.
you can do more than 45 min you can do no limitations.

Looking forward to it

Thank you very much !!!
Fixed budget: 60 USD
15 hours ago
  • Upwork.com
  • Admin Support, Data Entry & Transcription Services
( Urgent ) Looking for a fast typist of Yao Language (Malawi )- Data Entry
60 USD 15 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$20'289 total spent
71 hires , 19 active
119 jobs posted
60% hire rate, 2 open job
4.93 of 92 reviews
Registered at: 29/10/2021
PK Pakistan

Looking for a typist who can type Yao as well as understand the Yao language.

The task is very simple you will have to listen to audio in Yao Language and type whatever you listen to in the audio. Typing will be done manually with no use of any transcription tool, we will provide user access to the online loft platform where you will have to type the transcription.

We will pay $0.33 per minute of transcriptions
if you do 30-45 minutes daily of transcription you will get paid accordingly.
you can do more than 45 min you can do no limitations.

Looking forward to it

Thank you very much !!!
Fixed budget: 60 USD
15 hours ago
  • Upwork.com
  • Admin Support, Data Entry & Transcription Services
Student Seeking Part-Time Manual Data Entry Job
750 - 1250 INR
15 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 23/07/2024
IN India
As a dedicated student from Odisha, I'm currently on the lookout for a part-time job focused on manual data entry. I'm experienced in working with digital forms and surveys and can efficiently handle a variety of data entry tasks.

Key Skills and Experience:
- Proficient in manual data entry
- Experienced working with digital forms and surveys
- Strong attention to detail
- Able to meet deadlines consistently

Skills: Data Processing, Data Entry, Excel, Web Search, Copy Typing
Hourly rate: 750 - 1250 INR
15 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Data Entry & Admin, Copy Typing, Data Processing, Data Entry, Excel, Web Search