Freelance cad designer jobs online

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408 projects published for past 72 hours.
Job Title Budget
not specified 32 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$10'180 total spent
9 hires , 3 active
11 jobs posted
82% hire rate, 2 open job
5.00 of 6 reviews
Registered at: 23/04/2021
AE United Arab Emirates
I have the CAD file for the floor plan as per site condition, I have prepared on pdf two layout as in two alternative options. I need it prepared in CAD format, with proper dimensions and furniture (to be proposed by you). One layout for option 1 and another for option 2. with CAD files for both to be submitted to me as separate files

I need them made ready within 12 hours
Budget: not specified
32 minutes ago
SolidWorks Expert Needed for Moderate Project
100 - 400 INR
1 hour ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$1'796'252 total spent
1670 hires , 153 active
51 open job
4.74 of 127 reviews
Registered at: 27/03/2019
IN India
I'm in need of a skilled SolidWorks designer to assist with a moderately complex project.

Key Requirements:
- Proficiency in SolidWorks with hands-on experience in design and assembly
- Ability to tackle moderately complex design and assembly tasks
- Good communication skills to understand and deliver on project requirements

Please provide a brief overview of your relevant experience and expertise when applying.

Skills: CAD/CAM, Solidworks, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Design, Product Design
Hourly rate: 100 - 400 INR
1 hour ago
  • Engineering & Science, Product Sourcing & Manufacturing, CAD/CAM, Solidworks, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Design, Product Design
Design Traditional Two-Storey House
30 - 250 USD 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$19'716 total spent
22 hires
1 open job
5.00 of 9 reviews
Registered at: 12/10/2015
AE United Arab Emirates
I'm looking for a talented architect or engineer to create a two-floor house design. The design should be based on a provided image and specific plot dimensions.

Key Requirements:
- A traditional architectural style
- Detailed floor plans incorporating a home office
- Elevations
- An exterior-only 3D model
- Comprehensive engineering calculations

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proficiency in architectural design
- Strong engineering background
- Experience with traditional styles
- 3D modelling skills
- Able to create detailed architectural plans

Skills: AutoCAD, Revit
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 USD
1 hour ago
Suspension Arm Design & Production Optimization
50 USD
1 hour ago
Client Rank - Medium

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1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 20/07/2024
TR Turkey
I am seeking a professional who can assist in optimizing the design and manufacturing process of a suspension arm for an automotive company.

Key requirements:
- Focus on enhancing ride comfort without compromising on durability or production efficiency.
- Conducting fatigue, impact, and vibration testing to ensure the arm can withstand real-world conditions.
- Utilising Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software for the entire design and optimization process.

Ideal candidates should have:
- Extensive experience in automotive design and production.
- Proficiency in CAD software with a portfolio demonstrating previous suspension arm designs.
- Excellent understanding of ride comfort parameters and ability to balance these with durability and production efficiency.

Skills: CAD/CAM, Solidworks, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Design, Product Design
Hourly rate: 50 USD
1 hour ago
  • Engineering & Science, Product Sourcing & Manufacturing, CAD/CAM, Solidworks, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Design, Product Design
Interior Designer for Home Furniture Design
50 USD 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
2 jobs posted
0 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 16/01/2024
AM Armenia
We are seeking an interior designer to assist with designing furniture for a client's home. The initial project involves creating whole-wall shelves for the living room. The successful candidate will have experience in interior design, furniture design, and a strong understanding of space planning and functionality. Attention to detail and ability to create visually appealing yet practical designs is essential. The designer should have a portfolio showcasing relevant work. Proficiency in design software such as AutoCAD or SketchUp is preferred.
Fixed budget: 50 USD
1 hour ago
  • Engineering & Architecture, Interior & Trade Show Design
structural drawings of a gabion wall
30 - 250 USD 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$6'679 total spent
9 hires
1 open job
5.00 of 5 reviews
Registered at: 10/02/2014
KE Kenya
I need to reinforce platforms atop which I will place greenhouses

Skills: Engineering, Building Architecture, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, AutoCAD
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 USD
1 hour ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Engineering & Science, Building Architecture, Engineering, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, AutoCAD
Create Building Regulation Plans
1,500 - 3,000 GBP 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 10/03/2024
GB United Kingdom
I'm looking for a professional who can assist with producing building regulation plans for a office to residential conversion with seven apartment's.

Skills: CAD/CAM, Building Architecture, Home Design, AutoCAD, Interior Design
Fixed budget: 1,500 - 3,000 GBP
1 hour ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Engineering & Science, Building Architecture, Interior Design, CAD/CAM, Home Design, AutoCAD
Connect 3dsmax to rendering in the cloud , instead of locally
50 USD 2 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$101'254 total spent
25 hires , 5 active
36 jobs posted
69% hire rate, 3 open job
14.50 /hr avg hourly rate paid
247 hours
4.99 of 17 reviews
Registered at: 01/09/2013
RO Romania
I am doing renderings in Autocad 3dsMax with VRay (from Chaos).
I want to do renderings in the cloud , not locally on my machine using my own RAM, so that it takes 5X faster
I want to talk to someone who has done renderings in the cloud, and can help me set this up.
The project is basically offering advice on how to do this.
Fixed budget: 50 USD
2 hours ago
Redraw Hotel Floor Plans from PDFs into CAD
25 USD 2 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$1'766 total spent
10 hires , 3 active
12 jobs posted
83% hire rate, 1 open job
4.00 /hr avg hourly rate paid
2 hours
5.00 of 6 reviews
Registered at: 09/06/2019
CN China

Scope: Redraw 2 pages from PDFs into CAD -see attached.
Budget: $20
Timeline: Complete within 2 days.
Requirements: Proficient in autoCAD experience with architectural drafting, and attention to detail.
Fixed budget: 25 USD
2 hours ago
Looking for solidwork -- 2
15 - 45 NZD 2 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
$176'888 total spent
130 hires , 15 active
5 open job
4.60 of 62 reviews
Registered at: 31/08/2020
IN India
I am looking for a freelancer who has experience in SolidWorks and can assist me with a 3D modeling project.

Specific Requirements:
- The project involves creating a 3D model based on a rough idea that I have.
- The design will be moderately complex, requiring attention to detail and accuracy.

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proficiency in SolidWorks software and 3D modeling techniques.
- Ability to interpret rough ideas and translate them into accurate 3D models.
- Strong attention to detail and ability to work on moderately complex projects.
- Creative thinking and problem-solving skills to provide input and suggestions for improvement.

Skills: CAD/CAM, 3D Rendering, Solidworks, Mechanical Engineering, 3D Modelling
Fixed budget: 15 - 45 NZD
2 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Engineering & Science, 3D Rendering, 3D Modelling, CAD/CAM, Solidworks, Mechanical Engineering
Redesigning House Plans
15 - 25 USD
2 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 20/07/2024
PH Philippines
I'm seeking an experienced architect or building designer to modify my existing house plans. I am primarily interested in changing the layout/design of my home with specific focus on the:

- Kitchen: Here, a complete reconfiguration of the cabinets is needed, along with changing the placements of the appliances to maximize functionality and flow. An expansion in counter space is also required to improve workspace.

- Bathroom: It's crucial to me that the layout in the bathroom be redesigned to have the cabinets reconfigured, appliance placement changed, and counter space expanded.

- Patio: I'm keen on having the area extended and additional lighting points added for better utility and ambiance.

Skills and experience in home design, especially kitchen and bathroom design, and strong knowledge of ergonomics and efficient space management are needed for this job. An attention to lighting design is also essential.

Skills: Building Architecture, Home Design, AutoCAD, Interior Design, 3D Modelling
Hourly rate: 15 - 25 USD
2 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Engineering & Science, Building Architecture, Interior Design, 3D Modelling, Home Design, AutoCAD
Modern Eco-Friendly Architect Needed
250 - 750 USD 2 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 12/04/2021
IQ Iraq
I'm seeking a skilled freelance architect with a strong portfolio in designing modern, eco-friendly residential buildings. The primary goal of this project is energy efficiency.

Key Requirements:
- Proficiency in designing and implementing wind catchers as a part of a natural ventilation system.
- Innovative approaches to reduce cooling costs and promote sustainability.
- A modern architectural style that aligns with energy-efficient design principles.

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Extensive experience in eco-friendly architecture.
- Proven track record of designing energy-efficient buildings.
- Strong understanding and experience in incorporating natural ventilation systems.

I look forward to receiving your proposals.

Skills: CAD/CAM, Building Architecture, Home Design, AutoCAD, Interior Design
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 USD
2 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Engineering & Science, Building Architecture, Interior Design, CAD/CAM, Home Design, AutoCAD
Full Building Plan for Residential
600 - 1,500 INR 2 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 18/02/2023
IN India
I'm seeking a qualified civil engineer to create a comprehensive building plan for a 450sft, 3-story residential property.

Key Requirements:
- The plan should include a lift and a staircase
- Each floor should contain two bedrooms

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Civil engineering expertise
- Experience in designing residential building plans
- Knowledge of standards for including a lift in a residential building
- Proficiency in planning for staircases in multi-story homes

Skills: Building Architecture, Home Design, Civil Engineering, AutoCAD, Interior Design
Fixed budget: 600 - 1,500 INR
2 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Engineering & Science, Building Architecture, Interior Design, Home Design, Civil Engineering, AutoCAD
Large Scale Human Face 3D Model Creation
30 - 250 USD 3 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 07/03/2017
KW Kuwait
I need a 3D Human Face model to be created in Vectric Aspire for CNC carving. The final object will be large, over 24 inches.

Key requirements include:
- The 3D model should be of moderate detail, suitable for general views.
- The model should be optimized for CNC carving, so applicant should have experience with this process.

Ideal Skills:
- Proficiency in Vectric Aspire or similar 3D modeling software
- Experience in creating 3D models for large scale CNC carving
- Understanding of optimizing models for CNC carving
- Ability to deliver a model with moderate detail suitable for general views.

Skills: CAD/CAM, 3D Modelling, Fusion 360
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 USD
3 hours ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, Engineering & Science, 3D Modelling, CAD/CAM, Fusion 360
Motorboat Cradle Design with Wheels (2 frames needed with slighty different design)
40 - 80 USD 3 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$78'558 total spent
66 hires , 8 active
4 open job
4.98 of 30 reviews
Registered at: 18/12/2014
NO Norway
I'm in need of a professional who can create detailed production drawings for a motorboat cradle with wheels. The cradle is to be constructed from aluminum and needs to have adjustable supports.

Key Requirements:
- Design for a cradle suitable for a motorboat
- Use of aluminum as the primary construction material
- Inclusion of adjustable supports in the design

Ideal Skills:
- Extensive experience in designing boat cradles
- Proficiency in CAD or similar design software
- Knowledge of aluminum construction techniques
- Ability to design adjustable support systems

Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.

Skills: CAD/CAM, 3D Rendering, AutoCAD, Product Design, 3D Modelling
Fixed budget: 40 - 80 USD
3 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Engineering & Science, Product Sourcing & Manufacturing, 3D Rendering, 3D Modelling, CAD/CAM, AutoCAD, Product Design
Advanced Revit Structural Modeling
250 - 750 USD 4 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
PY Paraguay
I require an experienced Revit Engineer for an extensive structural modeling project. The project aims to construct an advanced, fully detailed model of an industrial facility, inclusive of reinforcement details.

The ideal candidate possesses the following skills and experience:
- Proficient knowledge in Revit Engineering
- Capability to build high complexity models
- Extensive experience in industrial structural modeling
- A keen attention to detail for structural reinforcements

Your task will be to prepare an advanced level structural model capturing every detail, from basic structural elements such as columns, beams, slabs to more complex aspects like structural connections and reinforcements in an industrial setting.

If you have the essential skills and proven track record in similar projects, I look forward to working with you.

Skills: CAD/CAM, Solidworks, AutoCAD, 3D Modelling, Autodesk Revit
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 USD
4 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Engineering & Science, 3D Modelling, Autodesk Revit, CAD/CAM, Solidworks, AutoCAD
Professional 2D Factory Layout Drawing
10 - 30 USD 5 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
3 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 08/07/2024
MY Malaysia
I need an experienced AutoCAD professional to convert a rough factory layout sketch into a high-quality, detailed 2D drawing.

Key Requirements:
- The factory area is relatively small, less than 5,000 sq ft.
- The drawing should be created using AutoCAD, providing a professional and precise representation of the layout.
- The final result should be optimized for planning and equipment placement.

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proficiency in AutoCAD and 2D drawing is a must.
- Experience in factory layout design would be advantageous.
- Strong attention to detail and the ability to turn rough sketches into polished, detailed drawings is essential.

This project is a great fit for a freelancer with a background in industrial or factory design, who can successfully transform a basic layout sketch into a professional and functional 2D drawing.

Skills: CAD/CAM, 3D Rendering, Solidworks, AutoCAD, 3D Modelling
Fixed budget: 10 - 30 USD
5 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Engineering & Science, 3D Rendering, 3D Modelling, CAD/CAM, Solidworks, AutoCAD
Auto Cad draft for HVAC system
50 USD 5 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 15/03/2023
US United States
We have a simple HVAC system design that we are trying to illustrate on the clients AutoCAD file for a small office. We just need to show where the AC units will be located and where the duct work will pass through the office. This is not an engineering task we do not need any experience with mechanical or electrical systems this is simply needing someone to take our design and sketched location of the duct work and the AC units and reflect them on the cad file
Fixed budget: 50 USD
5 hours ago
Industrial Solar Plant Electrical Design
400 - 750 INR
5 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
IN India
I am looking for an electrical design expert to assist with the initial phase of my industrial solar plant project.

Key Project Details:
- The project is at the idea/concept stage, so your expertise is essential in laying the foundation for the electrical components of this industrial scale solar plant.
- The main objective of the plant is to generate electricity for industrial use, so the design should be scalable and sturdy enough to meet these demands.

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proven experience in electrical design for solar plants, ideally focusing on industrial applications.
- Strong understanding of the unique challenges and requirements of industrial solar projects.
- Ability to work autonomously and collaboratively as we communicate primarily through emails.

Please bid if you have a solid background in industrial solar electrical design and can help me bring this project from concept to a more detailed design stage.

Skills: Engineering, CAD/CAM, Electrical Engineering
Hourly rate: 400 - 750 INR
5 hours ago
  • Engineering & Science, Engineering, CAD/CAM, Electrical Engineering
Design and Retrofit of Box Erector for Existing System
1,000 USD 6 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$39'619 total spent
32 hires , 3 active
40 jobs posted
80% hire rate, 1 open job
48.24 /hr avg hourly rate paid
408 hours
4.80 of 23 reviews
Registered at: 24/03/2017
US United States
We are seeking a skilled and experienced mechanical design engineer to develop a comprehensive design for a box erector that will be retrofitted to our current system. The box erector will be installed more than 90 inches above the ground on top of the packing machine, and the erected boxes will be transferred to a lower level using a chute. The project will encompass everything from conceptual design based on technical requirements to detailed shop drawings and a Bill of Materials (BOM) using components available in the US market.

The freelancer will be responsible for:

Developing a conceptual design for the box erector.
Creating detailed engineering drawings and specifications.
Producing shop drawings suitable for manufacturing.
Compiling a comprehensive BOM with components readily available in the US market.
Ensuring the design integrates seamlessly with the existing system.

Technical Requirements:

The box erector should be capable of erecting boxes of 15.68X9.25x11.75 inches
The system must be compatible with existing equipment.
The design should prioritize ease of maintenance and cost-effectiveness.
All components must be sourced from US suppliers.

Milestone 1: Conceptual Design (20% of total project budget)
Review of existing system and requirements.
Initial conceptual sketches and design proposal.
Client review and approval of the conceptual design.

Milestone 2: Preliminary Engineering Drawings (20% of total project budget)
Development of preliminary engineering drawings based on the approved concept.
Initial selection of components and materials.
Client review and feedback on preliminary drawings.

Milestone 3: Detailed Design and Shop Drawings (20% of total project budget)
Finalization of detailed engineering drawings.
Creation of shop drawings suitable for manufacturing.
Detailed specifications for all components.
Client review and approval of detailed design and shop drawings.

Milestone 4: Bill of Materials (BOM) (40% of the total project budget)
Compilation of a comprehensive BOM.
Verification of component availability from US suppliers.
Client review and approval of the BOM.


Conceptual design sketches and proposal.
Preliminary and detailed engineering drawings.
Shop drawings ready for manufacturing.
Comprehensive BOM with US-sourced components.
Final design package with cost estimates.

Proven experience in mechanical design and engineering, particularly in designing packaging machinery.
Proficiency in CAD software (e.g., SolidWorks, AutoCAD).
Strong understanding of US market components and suppliers.
Excellent communication skills and ability to meet deadlines.

Fixed budget: 1,000 USD
6 hours ago
  • Engineering & Architecture, Energy & Mechanical Engineering
SolidWorks 3D Model of Connector Piece
30 - 250 USD 6 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 09/12/2023
US United States
I need a detailed 3D SolidWorks model of a simple piece that connects a bracket and an emitter. The model should encompass detailed features and dimensions, not just basic geometric shapes.

Ideal skills for this project:
- Proficient in SolidWorks with a strong portfolio of 3D modeling
- Attention to detail to ensure accurate representation of features and dimensions
- Ability to deliver in STL format but NOT a full body incase minor dimensional changes are needed

The final deliverable should be a comprehensive 3D model that is ready for use in further design or manufacturing processes.

I have included the models for the Bracket and the Emitter. As well as a very crude hand drawn of, roughly, what I'm looking for. Aside from the spacing dimensions and the necessary holes, any dimensions are fine.

To clarify the handwritten notes:
-The height difference between the top 2 mounting holes on the left and the two holes on the right should be the same as the height difference between the top two mounting holes and the two below them, roughly 0.75"
-The distance between the midpoint of the holes on the right and the holes on the left should be 2.75"
-The Top view shows the thickness of majority of the part to be 1/8" with two pieces protruding out another 1/8" - the distance between these two should be the width of the Emitter. So the Emitter will sit in that channel and be screwed in.
-All holes are through-holes and should be the same diameter as the Mounting Bracket and the Emitter, respectively.

Any questions surrounding any of it, don't hesitate for clarification. It's not a particularly complicated design, I'm not married to the thicknesses either. The emitter weighs 2lbs and this fixture will be made out of aluminum. So, as long as the piece is thick enough to support it.


Skills: CAD/CAM, 3D Rendering, Solidworks, Mechanical Engineering, 3D Modelling
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 USD
6 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Engineering & Science, 3D Rendering, 3D Modelling, CAD/CAM, Solidworks, Mechanical Engineering
Diseño de interiores
30 - 250 USD 6 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$6'698 total spent
7 hires , 2 active
1 open job
4.80 of 6 reviews
Registered at: 05/02/2013
CR Costa Rica
El proyecto consiste en dar renders/bocetos de diseño para espacios/negocios específicos

Skills: Graphic Design, 3D Rendering, AutoCAD, Interior Design
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 USD
6 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Engineering & Science, Graphic Design, 3D Rendering, Interior Design, AutoCAD
Experienced 3D Designer Needed
not specified 7 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
EG Egypt
We are seeking an experienced 3D designer to join our team and assist us with creating high-quality 3D models and visualizations for our projects. The ideal candidate should have a strong portfolio showcasing their expertise in 3D design and rendering. As a 3D designer, you will be responsible for creating realistic and visually stunning models, as well as collaborating with our team to ensure the accuracy and quality of the designs.

Skills required:
- Proficiency in 3D modeling software such as AutoCAD, SketchUp, or Blender
- Knowledge of rendering techniques and software
- Strong attention to detail and ability to meet project deadlines
- Excellent communication and collaboration skills

This is a medium-sized project with an expected duration of 1 to 3 months. We are looking for an intermediate 3D designer who can work independently and deliver outstanding results. If you are passionate about 3D design and have a creative flair, we would love to hear from you.
Budget: not specified
7 hours ago
CAD drawings
150 USD 9 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$132'413 total spent
88 hires , 23 active
63 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 1 open job
7.61 /hr avg hourly rate paid
665 hours
4.87 of 55 reviews
Registered at: 11/04/2017
US United States
We need a draftsman who can draw a single floor plan in Autocad or similar software. The contractor needs to add a few walls for their client, and we need this to be shown.

The entire project would entail a cover page and a page with a demo plan and a new construction plan. We have the Sheet template information and also an example project to help with any questions in between.

We do get these small types of projects quite a bit, and we would like this individual or team to be able to help us when these smaller drafting projects come up. Please see the attached. We have the entire drawing of the home, but the one document shows where the walls are being added, as that is the floor plan that will need to be drawn up.

We will need the DWG files as well as PDF file of the sheets.
Fixed budget: 150 USD
9 hours ago
Revit MEP Drawings Office Remodeling
not specified 10 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$1'660 total spent
3 hires , 3 active
6 jobs posted
50% hire rate, 0 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 30/07/2021
US United States
Skilled draftsperson to provide Revit or CAD drawings for a simple remodeling in FL/USA
Budget: not specified
10 hours ago
  • Engineering & Architecture, Civil & Structural Engineering
Interior Designer for Casita Redesign (2D/3D Renderings)
250 USD 10 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 08/03/2022
US United States
Job Description:

I am looking for a skilled and creative interior designer to help redesign my casita. The project includes creating 2D renderings, 3D renderings, and detailed interior design plans for the following spaces:

Small Bedroom and Storage Room Conversion:

Divide an existing small storage room into a closet for a small bedroom situated directly north of the storage room.
Utilize the remaining space of the storage room to create a pantry.

Add storage solutions and cabinets.
Install additional lighting to enhance functionality and aesthetics.

Design and add storage solutions to maximize space utilization.
Redesign the layout for improved functionality and aesthetics.

Add a couple of kitchen cabinets for extra storage.
Create an eating space within the kitchen area for a cozy dining experience.

Key Deliverables:

Detailed 2D renderings of the redesigned spaces.
Realistic 3D renderings to visualize the changes.
Interior design plans with specifications for storage, cabinets, lighting, and furniture placement.
Recommendations for materials, colors, and finishes.

Proven experience in interior design with a portfolio showcasing similar projects.
Proficiency in design software (e.g., AutoCAD, SketchUp, Revit, etc.).
Strong communication skills to understand and translate my vision into design plans.
Ability to provide creative and functional design solutions.
Knowledge of space planning and efficient use of small spaces.
Preferred Qualifications:

Experience in residential design, particularly in small living spaces.
Familiarity with sustainable and space-saving design practices.
Ability to provide a cost estimate for the proposed design changes.
Project Timeline:

Initial design concepts and renderings to be completed within 1-2 weeks.
Finalized design plans and revisions to be completed within 3-4 weeks.

How to Apply:
Interested candidates, please submit your portfolio, a brief cover letter outlining your experience and approach to this project, and your proposed timeline and budget estimate.

I am excited to collaborate with a talented designer to bring my vision to life and create a functional and beautiful living space in my casita!

Thank you,
John Romney Evans
Fixed budget: 250 USD
10 hours ago
Change PCB Design To PC-104
200 USD 11 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
US United States
I have a PCB designed in Ki-Cad that consists of 4 layers with 65 components.

I want to change the layout to meet the PC/104 standard.
Fixed budget: 200 USD
11 hours ago
  • Engineering & Architecture, Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Pole Barn Drawings for Vehicle Storage
250 - 750 USD 11 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 26/07/2024
US United States
I'm looking for a professional to create detailed architectural drawings for a pole barn. I have to get a permit from Greene County OH, for accessory structure over 36' and considered residential code. The architect has to be licenses in OHIO. So this The primary purpose of this barn will be to store vehicles, specifically cars and trucks.

Ideal skills for this project:
- Professional experience in architectural design
- Prior work with pole barn designs
- understand OHIO codes
- Need to have completed quickly.

I have attached CAD type drawing of the pole barn, I had all the window measurements as well. Please include in your bid any relevant experience you have, as well as examples of similar projects you've completed. Thank you! Mark

Skills: Building Architecture, AutoCAD
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 USD
11 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Engineering & Science, Building Architecture, AutoCAD
PCB Design for Adafruit QT Py Shield
10 - 20 GBP 11 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 19/06/2024
GB United Kingdom
I'm looking for a skilled PCB designer who can help me convert an existing Eagle schematic design into a BRD format. The final design must be compatible with the Adafruit QT Py form factor. The prototype will be used for a wearable electronics project, so compactness and efficiency are key in the design.

Key requirements include:
- Conversion of PCB design from Eagle CAD schematic to BRD format
- Production ready to be manufactured using JLCPCB
- Adaptation to Adafruit QT Py form factor
- Integration of sensors, LEDs and buttons
- Ensuring space efficiency and compactness

While specific sensor requirements are still under consideration, experience with integrating sensors, LEDs and buttons into compact PCB designs will be highly valued. Prior experience with Adafruit products is also a plus.

Please provide samples of your previous work and any relevant experience when bidding.

Skills: Electronics, Electrical Engineering, PCB Layout, Circuit Design
Fixed budget: 10 - 20 GBP
11 hours ago
  • Engineering & Science, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, PCB Layout, Circuit Design
CAD As-Builts
15 - 30 USD
12 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$3'600 total spent
1 hires
2 jobs posted
50% hire rate, 1 open job
5.00 of 1 reviews
Registered at: 21/03/2024
US United States
I have four field sketched as builts that i need drafted with CAD and turned into a final document pdf.
Hourly rate: 15 - 30 USD
12 hours ago