Stripe Freelance Jobs

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165 projects published for past 72 hours.
Job Title Budget
Kajabi / Stripe / Custom Development
20 - 40 USD
1 hour ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$61'485 total spent
23 hires
21 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 1 open job
33.47 /hr avg hourly rate paid
1292 hours
5.00 of 30 reviews
Registered at: 30/07/2017
US United States
Secure Integration of Stripe and Kajabi for Team Registration and Management

We are seeking a highly skilled developer to integrate Stripe with Kajabi to create a secure and efficient team registration and management system for our course. The project will require a deep understanding of both platforms and a strong focus on security and user privacy. We will not be using the standard Kajabi integration to Stripe due to the custom process we would like to implement.

Scope of Work:

• Integration: Develop a seamless integration between Stripe and Kajabi to support team-based registration.
• Features:
• Create individual and team subscription plans.
• Allow team administrators to purchase and manage seats.
• Implement a team management page for administrators to add and monitor team members.
• Develop a gamification system with scoreboards and points.
• Security: Ensure all data handling complies with industry-standard security practices to protect user data and privacy.
• Documentation: Provide comprehensive documentation of the code and processes for future reference.


• Urgency: We need this project delivered within 4 weeks from the start date.
• Milestones: Set clear milestones for progress checks and partial deliveries.

Work Structure:

• Collaboration: You will work closely with our team for initial planning and periodic reviews. However, the work will primarily be independent.
• Communication: Regular updates and communication through our preferred channels (Slack, email, etc.).

Potential for More Work:

• Expansion: Based on the success of this project, there is potential for ongoing work including further enhancements and additional courses.
• Long-term Relationship: We are looking for a reliable partner for future development needs.

What We Need from You:

• Clarity: We need your expertise to refine our requirements and suggest best practices.
• Guidance: We need help understanding the complexities of integrating these platforms securely.
• Solutions: Provide solutions for any potential issues we might not foresee.

Required Experience:

• Stripe: Proven experience with Stripe API and payment processing.
• Kajabi: Experience with Kajabi platform, including customization and integrations.
• Security: Strong background in secure coding practices and data protection.
• Full Stack Development: Proficient in relevant web technologies (e.g., JavaScript, Node.js, etc.).

Hourly rate: 20 - 40 USD
1 hour ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Ecommerce Development
A single-page marketing site using systeme-io
50 USD 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$5'281 total spent
130 hires , 23 active
287 jobs posted
45% hire rate, 11 open job
6.44 /hr avg hourly rate paid
40 hours
4.68 of 70 reviews
Registered at: 13/06/2022
GB United Kingdom
We are an innovative startup specializing in electronic gym equipment, aimed at revolutionizing the fitness industry with cutting-edge technology. As we prepare to launch our groundbreaking product, we are looking to create a stunning and engaging single-page landing website that captures the essence of our brand and generates buzz.

Project Description: systeme-IO
We are seeking to develop a comprehensive marketing platform that is tightly integrated with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SMM (Social Media Marketing) using This platform will play a crucial role in our product launch, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement across digital channels.

A single-page landing website with a focus on high-impact visuals and user engagement.
Fully integrated SEO strategies to drive organic traffic.
A comprehensive SMM plan with automated social media posts and engagement tracking.
Lead capture forms and automated email marketing workflows.
E-commerce functionality for direct product sales with Stripe integration.
A support system for customer inquiries and issue resolution.

This all needs to be built on systeme-IO platform so you must be an expert in it.

Sample site -
Fixed budget: 50 USD
1 hour ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Web & Mobile Design
Hubspot - Xero Integration Setup
15 - 40 USD
1 hour ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$106'020 total spent
80 hires , 22 active
132 jobs posted
61% hire rate, 3 open job
6.77 /hr avg hourly rate paid
9079 hours
4.99 of 59 reviews
Registered at: 24/12/2017
BG Bulgaria
We are in search of a skilled automation expert to assist in streamlining our invoicing process by integrating Hubspot and Xero.

Project Overview:

Our sales team currently handles payments through Hubspot/Stripe following the closure of a deal. We need to automate the issuance of invoices via Xero, ensuring the following details are included:

- Contact Information
- List of Products/Services
- Total Amount

This task is currently performed manually, and our goal is to improve the process through automation.

We appreciate the time taken by to read and apply for this job.



Hourly rate: 15 - 40 USD
1 hour ago
MERN Stack LMS Student and Admin Portal
200 USD 2 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
PK Pakistan
I am looking for a skilled MERN stack development team (not individual developers) to help me complete a custom Learning Management System (LMS) portal. The portal enables students to purchase paid products, enroll in paid/unpaid courses, and allows the admin to perform analytics, such as identifying the best-selling courses.

Current Status:

Database Schema: Designed but will need to be adjusted.
APIs: Made and partially integrated but will need to be adjusted according to use cases and to sync with the frontend.
Frontend: Completely developed, will have to complete responsiveness.

Tasks and Deliverables:

Backend and Database Corrections: Review and correct any issues in the existing backend and database schema.
API Integration: Sync the backend with the frontend and integrate the remaining APIs.
Stripe API Integration: Implement Stripe APIs for payment processing and update the database accordingly.
AWS S3 Flow: Set up AWS S3 for the admin to upload video lectures and store student certificates (to be awarded upon course completion).
Frontend: Responsiveness of the admin's portal.

Skills Required:

Expertise in MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js)
Experience with API integration
Proficiency in implementing payment gateways (Stripe)
Knowledge of AWS S3 for storage solutions
Strong communication skills and ability to provide clear updates

Communication and Workflow:

I value good communication and clear expectations. We will have regular check-ins to ensure the project is on track and to address any questions or concerns promptly.

If your team has the skills and experience required for this project, I would love to discuss it further.

Fixed budget: 200 USD
2 hours ago
Revamp a website into a responsive WordPress site with signup/job posting/payment functionality
50 USD 2 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$60 total spent
1 hires
1 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 1 open job
5.00 of 1 reviews
Registered at: 13/07/2024
Job Title: Wordpress Developer

Job Description:

We are seeking a skilled Wordpress Developer to revamp our existing Wordpress website, expanding it from its current 2-page structure into a comprehensive job portal. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in Wordpress development, including the creation of custom plugins and themes, as well as experience with payment integration and basic Telegram bot creation.


Website Revamp: Transform the current 2-page Wordpress website into a multi-page job portal, including the following pages:

- Job Posting
- Job Listing
- Thank You
- Contact
- About Us

Business/Employer Sign-ups: Implement functionality to allow businesses and employers to sign up and manage their profiles.

Job Posting Credits: Integrate a payment system to enable employers to purchase job posting credits.

Telegram Integration: Basic knowledge of creating and managing a Telegram bot is required.


Proven experience in Wordpress development, including custom plugin and theme development.
Strong understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.
Experience with payment gateway integration (e.g., Stripe).
Basic knowledge of Telegram bot creation and integration.
Ability to work independently and manage time effectively.
Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.

Preferred Qualifications:

Experience with job portal or recruitment websites.
Familiarity with SEO best practices.
Knowledge of additional Wordpress plugins for enhanced functionality.
Strong communication skills and ability to collaborate with stakeholders.

About Us:

Ciazu is committed to providing top-tier services for businesses and job seekers. We believe in creating innovative solutions to connect talent with opportunity. Join us in our mission to build a user-friendly and efficient job portal that meets the needs of our growing community.
Fixed budget: 50 USD
2 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Web & Mobile Design
Mobile App and APIs
15 USD
3 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 15/07/2023
GB United Kingdom
Continue working on the Mobile App in flutterflow
Continue editing the APIs in Django
Make changes to the Stripe/RevenueCat webhooks
Changes to mySQL database

Hourly rate: 15 USD
3 hours ago
PHP Developer: Subscription Website
150 USD 4 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$267'607 total spent
573 hires , 108 active
1312 jobs posted
44% hire rate, 7 open job
10.28 /hr avg hourly rate paid
4524 hours
4.79 of 326 reviews
Registered at: 12/11/2008
US United States
We have a health articles subscription website on WordPress. We are in the process of converting this to a PHP website. Our developer is busy and he could not complete the project due to other higher priority tasks.

We are looking for an expert PHP developer (no frameworks) to complete the remaining tasks:
1. Complete user registration and login process
2. Capture Health Tracker image and and save it.
3. Admin user who could create and edit articles
4. Integrate a payment gateway (Stripe) for subscription management (free for users who submit a health tracker, a 10 day challenge).

Required Skills:
* Strong core PHP programming proficiency
* Stripe Payments and Webhooks
* Database management (MySQL or similar)
* Image processing and storage
* Secure coding practices

We are looking for fixed bid. Please read the details carefully before you apply for the project.

We interview qualified candidates via Zoom/UpWork and I can share further details during the interview.

Thank you for your time.

Fixed budget: 150 USD
4 hours ago
UPDATED. Help Complete A NFP WordPress Community Site Development
30 - 250 AUD 4 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 26/07/2024
VN Vietnam

(i have just turned off the PH Splash Page)

Note: I am an Australian IT, Web & UI designer & develper for 20 years. Not an end-ussr 'idiot'.

This is a NFP Community site funded solely by my Age Pension.


In a nutshell, this site is intended to work like a much better easy-to-use friendly highly functional political Twitter+FB - the good bits without all the lousy clunky dysfunctional coding.



Complete any unfinished Menu Option Pages
Mainly just adding Adv FM Shortcode, Forminator, Pro Shortcode, WP-Members Shortcodes to existing static Page.

They need formatting and making more functional & attractive.
I have/am done some/many of these already;,m but theyt still need completing function and appearance.

Complete. create and organise the sub-menus for -
User Registration, Login, User Preferences, User Settings, User Profile, User Membership/Subscription,

Mainly using the extensive options in installed the WP-Member. Forminator, WPCode, Shortcodes Ultimate, Elementor, and normal WP Menus/Pages of course.

Subscription Plans, Payment Gateways, and similar, have already BEEN DONE.

In fact, this site has very few Pages and a very flat structure.


The site includes all expected functionalities -

- User registration
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI, User Registration, WP-Members)

- Discussion threads & commenting system
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI/s, BuddyPress+Yousify)

- Members & Subscriptions
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI, WP-Members)

- Sub Payments
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI, WP-Members, Stripe, PP)

- Gallery w public & user viewing
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI, WP Gallery, Omtimole, Media Library Folders)
These PI are currently deactivated as i wanted to restructure all my user content into a sensisible logical physical Folder stucture: NOT Virtual Folders with stupid Year & Month actual Folders. )

- User front-end file uploads/downloads
(DONE.Admin installed configured PI, Adv FM Shortcodes Pro, Forminator Pro, WP File Upload)

- User & public feedback
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI, User Feedback, Forminator Pro,)

- Social media sharing options
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI, AddToAny)

- User Polls
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI, YOP Poll+Forminator Pro)

- Twitter Feed
(DONE. Admin installed configured PI, Twitter Tweets Pro)

- Inoreader RSS Reader RSS Feed
(NOT DONE. WPGetAPI, Inoreader (external))


Ideal Skills and Experience:

- Proficient in WordPress development, including custom theme and plugin development.
- Experience in community site development and integration of user-based features.
- Strong understanding of social media integration and sharing mechanisms.
- Familiarity with user gallery systems and user engagement features.
- Ability to work with and optimize existing WordPress plugins for seamless integration.

*** Outstanding communication skills and proficiency, and daily discussons are essential.

Secret Question: I am missing a logo atm.

Skills: Website Design, CSS, HTML, WordPress Design, WordPress Plugin
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 AUD
4 hours ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, HTML, Website Design, CSS, WordPress Design, WordPress Plugin
Help & Complete A NFP WordPress Community Site Development
30 - 250 AUD 6 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 26/07/2024
VN Vietnam
I'm seeking an experienced WordPress developer to work on my community-based political forum, True News Forum( The project involves a combination of site completion, feature addition, and plugin integration.

This is a NFP site funder solely by my Age Pension.

In a nutshell, this site is intended to work like a much better easy-to-use friendly highly functional political Twitter+FB - the good bits without all the lousy clunky dysfunctional coding.

Key Project Components:
The site should include all expected functionalities like -

- User registration
(Admin installed configured PI, User Registration, WP-Members)
- Discussion threads & commenting system
(Admin installed configured PI/s, BuddyPress+Yousify)
- Members & Subscriptions
(Admin installed configured PI, WP-Members)
- Sub Payments
(Admin installed configured PI, WP-Members, Stripe, PP)
- Gallery w public & user viewing
(Admin installed configured PI, WP Gallery, Omtimole, Media Library Folders)
- User front-end file uploads/downloads
(Admin installed configured PI, Adv FM Shortcodes Pro, Forminator Pro, WP File Upload)
- User & public feedback
(Admin installed configured PI, User Feedback, Forminator Pro,)
- Social media sharing options
(Admin installed configured PI, AddToAny)
- User Polls
(Admin installed configured PI, YOP Poll+Forminator Pro)
- Twitter Feed
(Admin installed configured PI, Twitter Tweets Pro)
- Inoreader RSS Reader RSS Feed
(NOT configured, WPGetAPI, Inoreader (external))

- **User Gallery Feature**:
Users should be able to view, like, and comment.
The gallery should also feature a filter and search system for specific content types.
Users should be able to upload images.

- **Social Media Integration**:
The True News Forum should have mechanisms to share articles and discussions on Facebook and Twitter. These integrations should be user-friendly and seamless.


Ideal Skills and Experience:

- Proficient in WordPress development, including custom theme and plugin development.
- Experience in community site development and integration of user-based features.
- Strong understanding of social media integration and sharing mechanisms.
- Familiarity with user gallery systems and user engagement features.
- Ability to work with and optimize existing WordPress plugins for seamless integration.

*** Outstanding communication skills and proficiency

Skills: Website Design, CSS, HTML, WordPress Design, WordPress Plugin
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 AUD
6 hours ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, HTML, Website Design, CSS, WordPress Design, WordPress Plugin
Website Designer Needed for Bornfidis Sportswear Brand
15 - 30 USD
7 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
2 jobs posted
50% hire rate, 0 open job
70.73 /hr avg hourly rate paid
no reviews
Registered at: 04/07/2024
Job Description:
Hi there! I'm Brian Maylor, founder of Bornfidis, a new sportswear brand dedicated to high-quality, sustainable, stylish apparel. We're seeking an experienced website designer to create a professional, user-friendly, and visually appealing website for our brand.

Project Scope:

Homepage: This is a captivating homepage with an engaging design, highlighting our brand mission, featured products, and latest collections.
Shop Page: This is a clean, easy-to-navigate shop page showcasing our products, complete with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and a smooth checkout process.
About Us Page: A page that tells our brand story, mission, values, and the team behind Bornfidis.
Sustainability Page: A dedicated page showcasing our commitment to sustainable practices and eco-friendly materials.
Blog Page: This is a blog section for sharing fashion tips, brand updates, and articles related to sportswear and sustainability.
Contact Page: A contact page with a form for inquiries, customer support, and other communications.
Key Features:

Responsive design for optimal viewing on all devices (desktop, tablet, mobile)
Integration with our existing social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, etc.)
SEO optimization for better search engine ranking
E-commerce functionality with secure payment gateways (e.g., Stripe, PayPal)
User-friendly CMS for easy content updates
Analytics integration for tracking website performance

Proven experience in website design and development, preferably in the fashion or e-commerce industry
Strong portfolio showcasing past projects
Expertise in responsive design and SEO best practices
Ability to deliver high-quality work within agreed timelines
Excellent communication skills and responsiveness
Budget and Timeline:

Budget: [?]
Timeline: ["1-2 months"]
If you are passionate about fashion and have the skills to bring our vision to life, we would love to hear from you! Please include your portfolio or examples of previous work in your proposal.

I look forward to working with a talented professional to create an exceptional online presence for Bornfidis!

Best regards,

Brian Maylor
Hourly rate: 15 - 30 USD
7 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Web & Mobile Design
User-Centric PHP Registration Form Development -- 2
1,500 - 3,000 USD 7 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
2 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 15/07/2024
US United States
I am looking for a proficient PHP Specialist who can effectively create a user registration form for new Group Referrers on my existing PHP website. The 10 day job pays $2,000.

Key Details:

- The job is thoroughly described in Part One Instructions-steps A and B of the "Referral Methods" page. Ignore Part Two Instructions for “Group Leaders” which is a job for another day.
- Visit, and scroll down past SB41 for job details Part One Instructions -Steps A & B for new Group Referrers which is the job we are offering.

- Implementation of a user Registration Form for new Group Referrer account purchasers on an existing PHP website following the existing Registration Form design.
- The Registration Form needs to compile profile creation details provided by the users.
- The form should have the functionality to send an auto-response email immediately after the Registration Form is completed and new account payment is successfully made.

Skills and Experience:

- Expert in PHP development.
- Prior experience in designing and implementing user registration forms.
- Proficiency in setting up auto-response functionalities within registration processes.
- Knowledge of best practices for collecting and managing user data.
- Exceptional attention to detail. Completed Registration Form must then be submitted to PAYMENT page where their purchase is processed by the STRIPE payment system.
Stripe MUST process $99 pmt for the account and then the auto responder welcome letter that contains the new account holder’s newly assigned unique Group Referrer’s referrer code and a link to the existing website is sent to the new account purchaser containing a link to the Calco site where they can log in to their new account. Account purchaser receives his own unique GR24 referrer code in the auto responder letter when he successfully pays for his new account. Must be optional 4 pmt option IF OFFERED by Stripe for eligible purchasers. The site’s admin must see a list of new Group Referrer account purchasers and if they qualified their new account by referring two new Group Referrer account purchasers.

I'm looking forward to your amazing proposals.

Ken Callaway

Skills: PHP, Website Design, MySQL, HTML, Web Development
Fixed budget: 1,500 - 3,000 USD
7 hours ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, MySQL, HTML, Web Development, Website Design
Full Stack Developer - Campervan Rental Platform
not specified 7 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
2 jobs posted
2 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 24/07/2024
Van Trippin' - Build a Campervan Rental Platform!

We're seeking a talented developer to help us build Van Trippin', a platform connecting adventure seekers with campervan rentals for unforgettable road trips.

About the Project:
Develop a user-friendly web application for a campervan rental platform.
Core functionalities include user management, van listings, search & booking, reviews, and communication features.
Build a modern, responsive, and scalable platform.

Desired Skills:
Proficiency in a modern frontend framework (e.g., React.js)
Experience with Django and backend development
Strong database skills, preferably PostgreSQL
Understanding of cloud-based hosting and deployment

Bonus Points:
Experience with payment gateways (e.g., Stripe)
Knowledge of Google Maps API integration
Familiarity with mobile app development (React Native, Flutter)

If you're passionate about travel technology and excited to build a fun platform, we encourage you to apply!

Interested candidates can submit their proposals and portfolios through Upwork.

We look forward to hearing from you!
Budget: not specified
7 hours ago
Mobile site
100 USD 8 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$7'219 total spent
4 hires
14 jobs posted
29% hire rate, 2 open job
5.00 /hr avg hourly rate paid
1265 hours
3.76 of 4 reviews
Registered at: 05/02/2020
CA Canada

Create an app accessible via the web
where all my Social Media accounts are connected
Google My Business, Facebook, Website, stripe payment, Twitter, snap chat, IG, including WhatsApp
enabling me to post on them all with one post (Have the option to select which one I was to exclude )

Respond to them in one place
have my Gmail account integrated
* Calendar for booking and appointment
* I can Request Google review

* Reply to emails in one spot
* reply to missed calls with a text message

Hi this is Blue Print General Contracting, I saw that we just missed your call, how can I help?
* Be able to send text message reminder , about appointments or payments due

Fixed budget: 100 USD
8 hours ago
Rails Developer Urgently Needed to Complete Stalled Morning Call Service
400 USD 8 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
5 jobs posted
60% hire rate, 1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 30/04/2024
JP Japan
We are urgently seeking an experienced Rails developer to finalize the development of our morning call web application, which is currently on hold.

Project Background:
This project aims to provide a service that makes morning wake-up calls to users at their designated times.
Development was progressing smoothly, but unfortunately, the engineer in charge recently had to leave the project due to personal reasons. As a result, while the core functionality has been implemented, development has stalled with several important tasks remaining before the service can be released.

Remaining Development Tasks:
・Deployment: Release the application to a production environment on a Conoha VPS server.
・Alternate Phone Number UI: Implement a user interface for managing alternate phone numbers.
・Stripe Integration: Integrate Stripe for secure payment processing.
・VPS Setup and Deployment: Configure the VPS environment and deploy the application.

Existing Codebase:
The existing codebase is built using Ruby on Rails and includes the following implemented features:
・Core job handling text message delivery
Twilio callback controller
・Controllers for wake-up message CRUD and user management
・Comprehensive views (registration, login, message creation, etc.)
・Devise configuration for phone number authentication
・Server-side validations and RSpec tests
・CSS styling (using Bootstrap)

These features have already been implemented and unit tests are passing.

Required Skills:
・Extensive experience with Ruby on Rails
・Proficiency in VPS setup and deployment (experience with japanese Conoha server is a plus)
・Experience with Stripe integration
・Ability to quickly understand and work within an existing codebase
・Excellent communication skills for collaborating with team members

Next Steps:
If you’re interested, please provide the following information:
・Your estimated timeline for completing the remaining tasks
・Your project-based fee
・A brief overview of your relevant experience
We are eager to get this project back on track and look forward to hearing from you!

Additionally, as the application hasn't been released yet, we haven't been able to fully verify the Twilio configuration, the design of the admin dashboard, or the perfection of Slack notifications. We may need to request some additional modifications or fixes, so we are looking for someone who can be flexible in their approach.

---- Please do not ask for additional fees or propose hourly rates later as this is not an hourly project.---- 
Fixed budget: 400 USD
8 hours ago
Image sharing Website Development
400 - 750 INR
8 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
IN India
I'm seeking a skilled web developer to design an website for my company. Here's what I’m looking for:

- A functional image sharing is easy to manage and user-friendly for customers.
- Smooth, secure payment gateway integration. You should have experience with major payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, etc.
- Integration of a customer review section where consumers can easily share their product experiences.
- Search Photos based on categories.
- Will require a Quote with the division of work.

I’d prefer a flexible solution that can accommodate an evolving product line.

The successful freelancer will have a strong portfolio of e-commerce websites with the mentioned functionalities. Familiarity with SEO and mobile-friendly design principles will be considered a plus.

Skills: Website Design, CSS
Hourly rate: 400 - 750 INR
8 hours ago
PHP Stripe Payment Integration
25 USD 9 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$28'792 total spent
309 hires , 8 active
402 jobs posted
77% hire rate, 3 open job
7.01 /hr avg hourly rate paid
109 hours
4.92 of 265 reviews
Registered at: 04/07/2011
US United States
I have a website and its online.
I have a payment page created.
I want to make it go live and use stripe to accept payments.

Site is coded in PHP
Fixed budget: 25 USD
9 hours ago
Discord Bot Developer (Javascript API) for Job Board Project
8 - 15 USD
10 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$15'932 total spent
21 hires , 2 active
60 jobs posted
35% hire rate, 2 open job
12.06 /hr avg hourly rate paid
1156 hours
4.87 of 18 reviews
Registered at: 25/09/2017
US United States
We are in search of a proven Discord Bot Development expert with superior experience in the Discord Javascript API (not in python) and solid understanding of backend development with PostgreSQL databases. The project entails building a complete Job Board system for Discord that supports the following features:

-- Setup of 2 separate channels (1 channel for job seekers to post their CVs and portfolios AND 1 channel for businesses to post their open jobs).
-- Adding custom searching and filtering features to assist job seekers and businesses with quickly finding talent and jobs.
-- Backed by a centralized PostgreSQL database, the two channels are both available freely to all community members.
-- Ability to add "payment options" for enhanced or premium listings on both channels. The payment options will be integrated with Stripe and tied to a user's Discord account.
-- Summary and Detailed views for easy but comprehensive searches.
-- Support for the creation of custom categories in order to facilitate the classification of job listings as well as a large variety of specialties for job seekers.

All in all, this project will require an individual who can basically run with ideas and will be capable of helping to design a visual experience that is comprehensive and very user friendly overall. Payment system experience is a must, and you should be extremely well versed in properly using GitHub and Slack. (For github we demand frequent and small commits that make management of a project much easier overall).

You should be a seasoned expert with respect to the overall Discord experience and will to push the boundaries to make a defining Bot application that is comprehensive. We also will need the associated backend management pages and have an overall vision that is very similar to MEE6 in terms of how the bot and it's backend and Server integration will work.

The bot will be commercially available for free for the initial release, but again will have paid features at the community level which can also be turned on/off. The ability to configure and customize across industries is a must, however, this first release for our community will be focused on the Internet/Web Design, Development and Creative Industry. (Something that all Upwork Freelancers should know well).

Thank you and Happy Bidding...
Hourly rate: 8 - 15 USD
10 hours ago
Experienced PHP/MySQL Developer for Custom Ticket System Enhancement
15 - 35 USD
11 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$10'891 total spent
54 hires , 10 active
92 jobs posted
59% hire rate, 5 open job
27.64 /hr avg hourly rate paid
80 hours
4.95 of 34 reviews
Registered at: 03/04/2016
US United States
We are seeking a skilled PHP/MySQL programmer to join our team and collaborate with our lead programmer, Robert, and myself to enhance our custom PHP ticket system. This system has been the backbone of our computer repair store for 14 years and is continuously evolving with new ideas and improvements.

Key Responsibilities:

Collaborate closely with our lead programmer to understand and improve our system.
Implement new features and enhance existing functionalities.
Integrate and work with third-party APIs.
Write clean, modern, and efficient code.
Utilize GitHub for code management and collaboration.
Optimize database queries for better performance.
Enhance frontend elements with CSS/HTML to modernize the GUI.
Required Skills and Experience:

Proven experience with PHP and MySQL.
Expertise in integrating and working with third-party APIs.
Strong proficiency in writing clean, efficient, and modern code.
Experience with GitHub for version control and collaboration.
Ability to improve code performance and optimize database queries.
Solid frontend development skills (CSS/HTML) with an eye for design and usability.
Preferred Experience (a plus but not required):

Stripe payments API
Xero API
Ninja One API
Microsoft SSO/SAML integration
Example Tasks:

Enhance security measures.
Integrate Microsoft SSO/SAML.
Clean up and remove unused files from our FTP.
Improve page loading speeds.
Modernize the GUI for consistency and better user experience.
Utilize custom APIs developed for specific services.
Develop a helpdesk ticketing system for customer support.
Create a comprehensive "customer center" to consolidate customer data.
Build and manage subscription packages with automatic billing through Stripe.
Leverage OpenAI functions for invoice wording and employee support.
We are looking for a full-time position, with a budget of $100-200 per week, depending on your speed, code quality, and how quickly you can bring our visions to life.

Additional Information:
Here’s an example from our lead developer on the type of code and efficiencies we are looking for:

$mydb-GetRow("SQL with ? marks", [array of ordered values]);
$mydb-Query() or $mydb-Execute() for non-result queries.
$mydb-GetAll() returns an associative array of multiple rows.
$mydb-GetCol() returns a single column array.
Queries support named values: :example and array('example'-'something').
$db is bound on load, so no need to define it unless within a function: $db = getMyDb();
If you are passionate about continuous improvement and thrive in a dynamic work environment, we would love to hear from you!
Hourly rate: 15 - 35 USD
11 hours ago MVP developer [HIRING FAST]
not specified 12 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$293'367 total spent
25 hires , 11 active
52 jobs posted
48% hire rate, 1 open job
33.45 /hr avg hourly rate paid
7989 hours
4.99 of 11 reviews
Registered at: 08/09/2019
SG Singapore
Hi there,

We have an unfinished app and specially unfinished onboarding funnel after account sign up that we urgently need to finalise.

There is no technical difficulty, but we are looking at an expert level developer to handle the tax with minimal guidance.

We have all the ressources for you to wrap up the project, but we won’t be able to micro-manage this task due to limited availability.

What’s required:

- design touch ups of the existing template we use for the onboarding and the web app

- logic bug fixes during the onboarding

- responsive aspect of the onboarding and web app

- add upsell opportunities during the onboarding flow, and in-app

- QA of all the emailing system of password reset/account creation etc

- eventually add sections in-app such as tutorial page, or similar.

Questions for the candidate:

How quick can you handle design tocuh ups, and onboarding flow fixes (adding upsells, connected with Stripe, making sure that the upsells are correctly notified to our team/delivered to the customer)? *mandatory*

Are you able to take lead and initiative for a project? If so, can you provide some details about your work methodology entering a new project? *mandatory*

Do you have any questions about the scope of this job? *mandatory*


Looking forward your application.

Budget: not specified
12 hours ago
  • Accounting & Consulting, Recruiting & Human Resources
Woocommerce Store Development and Page Design
150 USD 12 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$5'117 total spent
14 hires
23 jobs posted
61% hire rate, 1 open job
5.00 /hr avg hourly rate paid
14 hours
4.97 of 10 reviews
Registered at: 27/04/2020
GB United Kingdom
We are looking for a skilled Full stack developer to:
1. Fix external wordpress API call to an external well documented REST
2. Fix Search when a user is logged in.
3. Implement Woocommerce store and implement a new design which will integrate with Paystack and Stripe payment gateways.
4. Optimise API calls
5. Change FAQs on Homepage to new design

The ideal candidate should have Full stack experience Woocommerce development, payment gateway integration, and front-end design. Strong attention to detail and the ability to deliver high-quality work within the given timeframe is essential.

Relevant skills:
- Woocommerce development
- Payment gateway integration (Paystack and Stripe)
- Front-end web design
- php development


Size: Medium
Duration: 1 months
Expertise: Intermediate

Current woocommerce page:

Designs for new affilate area:
Fixed budget: 150 USD
12 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Ecommerce Development
Adding features to website and testing existing features
not specified 12 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$11'591 total spent
2 hires , 1 active
9 jobs posted
22% hire rate, 1 open job
15.00 /hr avg hourly rate paid
682 hours
no reviews
Registered at: 27/10/2023
CZ Czech Republic
We are looking for very experienced full stack developer who can help to test our rental marketplace website and add new features as listed below. Please note we will only pay with milestones, otherwise your offer will not be considered.

The website :

* To-do:
( for the errors identified along the way, we will add them to roadmap and pay extra, please provide your offer only for following requests)

Backend Zaslat ( logistics provider ) API integration: Create contact(renter and rentee), create collection request(Time should be adjustable from admin), Adjust frontend accordingly, fix and beautify collection point selection. We should get delivery updates from zaslat(by webhook
* Backend integrates zaslat with existing logic: Pending,approved,zaslat steps,delivery confirmation from rentee,zaslat return,renter return confirmation,security deposit return.
Introduce buffer settings to renter/admin. X amount of days of buffer required between each order.
* Adjust and correct stock management appropriate for the item rental marketplace(you can refer to rental hive logic). If delivery & return method != physically you will need to add 2 days for delivery cargo and two days for return cargo + amount of buffer.
* Adjust existing security deposit authorization by using extended authorization. Integrate it to logic, so we need to make sure that we are only authorizing rental earnings and keep the security deposit as much as possible in provision in stripe.
* Debts should be payable and calculated by the backend.
* Proper testing needs to be done and all the existing errors, logic errors should be resolved.
* Design & correct emails, push notifications, communications.
* Introduce settings to adjust preferred communication language.
* Facebook login should be fixed.

Budget: not specified
12 hours ago
WordPress Developer Need for Wedding Website
300 USD 12 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
PK Pakistan
Looking for a WordPress developer capable of building a website with booking functionality and integrated Stripe payment. Additionally, the website should offer the option for users to make a) retainer payments and b) full payments.

Website domain:

Fixed budget: 300 USD
12 hours ago
WhatsApp Business API Development
250,000 - 500,000 INR 13 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 12/12/2015
IN India
I'm looking for a highly skilled developer who can create a comprehensive WhatsApp Business API platform. Your tasks will involve providing an end to end solution that includes API integration, automation, and multi-channel support.

Key Responsibilities:
* API Integration: Set up and seamlessly integrate WhatsApp Business API.
* Automation: Implement advanced automation for efficient management of user interactions.
* Multi-Channel Support: Develop a system that's capable of supporting multiple channels for the ease of users.

Although, I've opted to skip outlining specific user management functionality requirements, I do expect a robust and efficient system. So, be ready to apply your best skills in managing user registration and roles, setting permissions, profiles etc.

For payment integration, I'd prefer to go ahead with Stripe due to its globally accepted and seamless transaction process.

Ideal candidate must have prior experience in API integration and the ability to ensure stringent security controls along with compliance. If you have previously developed similar platforms or have a thorough understanding of WhatsApp Business API, this task is perfect for you. Furthermore, the capability to resell the final product as a private label would be a massive plus.

Skills: PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, JSON, Full Stack Development
Fixed budget: 250,000 - 500,000 INR
13 hours ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Mobile Phones & Computing, Design, Media & Architecture, MySQL, JSON, Full Stack Development
Full Stack Development Team for EdTech Cybersecurity Platform
20 - 50 USD
14 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 21/04/2022
US United States
Platform Details and Features

1. Hands-on Lab Environment:

Why: Provides practical experience in cyber threat intelligence and threat hunting disciplines. We should be able to build/add more labs as needed. Develop hands-on labs where students can simulate attacks using specific TTPs and learn to detect and respond to these techniques.
Features: Virtual machines, sandbox environments, simulated networks, and real-world scenarios. Similar to tryhackme browser based virtual instance.
Examples: Custom-built labs using virtualization tools like VMware or cloud-based labs from providers like AWS or Azure. Reference tryhackme for browser based virtual instance.

2. Research and Analysis Tools:

Why: Enables students to conduct in-depth research and analysis.
Features: Access to databases, open-source intelligence (OSINT) tools, and integration with platforms like VirusTotal and Shodan.
Examples: Maltego, TheHive Project, MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform),

3. Report Generation and Sharing:

Why: Teaches students how to create professional reports and share findings.
Features: Templates, collaborative writing tools, and integration with platforms like Google Docs or Microsoft Word.
Examples: Custom-built report generation tools, integration with document management systems.

4. MITRE ATT&CK Framework Integration:

Why: Provides a structured approach to threat intelligence and hunting.
Features: Mapping exercises, scenario-based learning aligned with the framework.
Examples: ATT&CK Navigator, custom integrations with the ATT&CK API, Caldera and ATT&CK Matrix. Mapping to MITRE ATT&CK Framework.

5. AI-driven Project Guidance:

Why: Offers step-by-step instructions and project assistance.
Features: AI chatbots, guided tutorials, personalized learning paths.
Examples: TensorFlow, PyTorch for AI development, integration with AI services like IBM Watson.

6. Dynamic User Interface and Progress Tracking:

Why: Enhances user experience and tracks student progress.
Features: Personalized dashboards, progress bars, daily activity logs.
Examples: React.js or Angular for front-end development, Node.js for back-end.

7. Leaderboards and Gamification:

Why: Encourages engagement and motivation.
Features: Points system, badges, ranking based on activity and achievements.
Examples: Gamification plugins or custom-built solutions i.e. gamified SIEM (emulating Splunk) or EDR/XDR (emulating CrowdStrike) solution.

8. Social Media Component:

Why: Builds a community and facilitates knowledge sharing.
Features: Forums, chat rooms, event calendars, news feeds.
Examples: Integration with social media APIs or custom-built social networking features to provide a LinkedIn like feel.

9. Marketplace and Mentorship Matching:

Why: Provides revenue opportunities and personalized mentorship.
Features: Project listings, "dating app" style mentor matching, payment processing.
Examples: Custom e-commerce development, integration with payment gateways like Stripe or PayPal.

Security Details and Features

1. Secure User Authentication:

Why: Ensures only authorized access.
Features: Multi-factor authentication (MFA), single sign-on (SSO).
Examples: Auth0, Okta.

2. Data Encryption:

Why: Protects sensitive information.
Features: Encryption at rest and in transit, secure storage.
Examples: TLS/SSL, AES encryption.

3. Regular Security Audits:

Why: Identifies and mitigates vulnerabilities.
Features: Penetration testing, automated security scans.
Examples: OWASP ZAP, Nessus.

4. Compliance and Privacy:

Why: Ensures adherence to legal and industry standards.
Features: GDPR compliance, CCPA compliance, FERPA for educational data.
Examples: Custom policies, compliance management tools.

Technologies to Consider

1. Front-End: React.js, Angular, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS or Bootstrap.

2. Back-End: Node.js, Express.js, Django or Flask (for Python-based solutions).

3. Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB (for handling large datasets and user information).

4. Cloud Services: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud (for scalability and reliability).

5. DevOps: Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins (for continuous integration and deployment).

By integrating these components and technologies, our platform can provide a unique, immersive, and secure learning environment that stands out in the cybersecurity education space.
Hourly rate: 20 - 50 USD
14 hours ago
Subscription-based rental site built on Wordpress
1,000 USD 14 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$7'629 total spent
9 hires
12 jobs posted
75% hire rate, 1 open job
25.17 /hr avg hourly rate paid
158 hours
5.00 of 9 reviews
Registered at: 22/05/2014
GB United Kingdom
Looking to build a site similaer to this one:

Site will be built on Wordpress

Theme will be Divi

I will design and build the home page and other static content top-level pages.

I will need to you to build the subscription and rental functionality on top of that, following the site design.

Users should be able to subscribe to a monthly plan: e.g. Basic, Enhanced and Deluxe

Each plan will let them rent (check out) one or more Lego sets: Basic plan: 1 set at a time, Enhanced plan: 2 sets at a time, Deluxe plan: 3 sets at a time

All site visitors will see a selection of the Lego sets avaialable, but only users who have a subscription (and are logged in) should be able to browse the full catalogue.

The catalog should show each set using 2-3 images, a short text description, number of pieces and whether set is available or not.

I will need to you to build the first few product pages and then show me how it's done and I'll build the rest.

The catalogue should have inventory control, and show when a product set is in stock or unavailable.

Users whould be able to select sets and add to a Wish List so the site owner can see which sets are most popular.

Subscription fuction should take monthly payments via Stripe

Sets should be categorised as basic/advanced and subscribers should be restricted for first 3 months to only being able to rent basic sets.

Users should be able to update their payment information on their profile page by themselves (no support required from site owners).

A basic user journey would be:
- Select subscription level
- Pay for subscription (first month)
- Log in to site
- Browse and select set to rent
- Check out by paying delivery fee (approx £5)
- Recieve confirmation email
- Site owner receives notification to ship set to user
Fixed budget: 1,000 USD
14 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Ecommerce Development
Help setting up Stripe endpoints to Angular front end
25 - 30 USD
14 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$289'411 total spent
34 hires , 5 active
32 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 1 open job
21.45 /hr avg hourly rate paid
10720 hours
4.96 of 36 reviews
Registered at: 08/05/2022
US United States
I need help setting up Stripe with out front end. Our Frontend billing screens are custom and built but Integrating Stripe is new and I have little Back End experience. Needing someone that has set up Stripe multiple times with Angular front end and able to help assist in setting up endpoints, etc. Our stack is Angular, Next.js, Graphql, AWS, Postgres, Typescript.

Its for a saas company that has multiple pricing tiers and also price differences for monthly subscriptions and annual subscriptions. You MUST have experience with setting up something similar that has more custom variables.

See video with more explanation and what you will be doing:

Starting next week.
Hourly rate: 25 - 30 USD
14 hours ago
Help with Blazor application and stripe integration
30 USD 15 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$11'720 total spent
70 hires , 5 active
66 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 1 open job
5.01 /hr avg hourly rate paid
796 hours
4.74 of 69 reviews
Registered at: 02/06/2020
US United States
I have an application with Blazor where i have added stripe integration and everything works but when i redirect to stripe blazor application gives error. I need someone to just solve that issue
Fixed budget: 30 USD
15 hours ago
Build a launch sequence for Webinar Marketing
15 - 20 USD
15 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$76 total spent
1 hires , 1 active
2 jobs posted
50% hire rate, 1 open job
23.00 /hr avg hourly rate paid
3 hours
no reviews
Registered at: 25/04/2022
I would like someone who has experience in the software that I work with. I have a WorkPress website where I have created free gifts as lead magnets to build my email list. I want to continue that but also begin to monetize my blog of 10 years. I am publishing several books that I want to promote and use their content as well to market products like e-books, webinars, courses, and meditations. I use Book Like a Boss for my scheduling, Asana for my team communications, and MailerLite for my email sequences. I have a Stripe account for payment processing. There are a lot of moving parts to this process and the person that designed all this is not available. I need someone to do a marketing program that help me pay for my overhead.
Hourly rate: 15 - 20 USD
15 hours ago
I need to integrate Adyen Api for a marketplace made in flutterflow
10 - 20 USD
17 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 24/07/2024
PT Portugal
I need to Integrate Stripe Api's and Webhooks into Flutterflow.
It's a marketplace, so I need to make payments, and for sellers to make withdrawals.
Hourly rate: 10 - 20 USD
17 hours ago
Stripe subscription on Google Chrome extension
15 USD 17 hours ago
Client Rank - not enough data

Registered at: 06/09/2011
US United States
We are looking for a freelancer to help us integrate Stripe subscriptions into our Google Chrome extension. The extension allows users to make online purchases and manage their subscriptions.

The integration should include the following features:

- Stripe checkout integration
- Subscription management
- Payment confirmation
- Billing history

We are open to suggestions on the best approach to integrate Stripe with our extension, and we are willing to provide any necessary information or resources.

Please provide a detailed proposal including your experience, timeline, and pricing. We look forward to working with you on this project.
Fixed budget: 15 USD
17 hours ago
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