Responsive Design Freelance Jobs

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351 projects published for past 72 hours.
Job Title Budget
Website Redesign on squarespace
15 - 30 USD
11 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 20/07/2024
US United States
Project: Houston Justice Website Development (Squarespace)

Images: Houston Justice Images
Current Website:
Current Logo Folder: Houston Justice Logos

Houston Justice, a Black-centered community organization in Houston, seeks a skilled web developer to create a dynamic, engaging website using Squarespace. The website should effectively communicate our mission, showcase our work, and provide easy ways for supporters to engage and donate.

Urgent - We aim to have the website completed within one week. Please indicate your availability and ability to meet this timeline.

Key Requirements:

1. Platform: Squarespace

2. Design:
- Clean, minimalist design.
- Color scheme: Black, yellow (gold), gray, and white with black and white photos.
- Consistent "tear-out" photo effect throughout the site
- Mobile-responsive design
- Creative freedom with font selection, maintaining readability and professionalism

3. Sections:
- Header with logo and navigation
- Hero section with mission statement
- About Us (expandable)
- Our Impact (quantitative and qualitative goals)
- Programs & Initiatives
- Calendar & Events with RSVP functionality
- Get Involved
- Donate Section
- Blog/News Section
- Contact Us
- Footer

4. Functionality:
- Supporter sign-up form (building email list)
- Recurring donor program (need creative name for this)
- Event RSVP system
- Blog/podcast display
- Embedded Donately link for single/recurring donations

5. Content:
- Here’s a starter folder of images from our work
- We'll need assistance in organizing and displaying these effectively
- Text content will be provided, but may need formatting and optimization for web

6. Additional Features:
- SEO optimization
- Social media integration
- Ensure website security and data privacy

Skills Required:
- Proficiency in Squarespace development
- Strong design skills, particularly in creating cohesive, branded websites
- Experience with photo editing and creating consistent visual themes
- Ability to implement custom features within Squarespace's limitations
- Understanding of SEO best practices

1. Fully functional Squarespace website meeting all stated requirements
2. Basic training on how to update and maintain the website
3. Documentation for future reference

Please provide:
- Your experience with similar projects
- A proposed timeline for completion
- Your process for collaboration and feedback
- Any questions or clarifications you need before starting

We're excited to bring our vision to life and look forward to working with a skilled professional who can capture the essence of Houston Justice in a compelling online presence.

Hourly rate: 15 - 30 USD
11 minutes ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Web & Mobile Design
Developer Needed for Simple Website with Audio file Play Function on SiteGround
200 USD 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$117'637 total spent
157 hires , 77 active
198 jobs posted
79% hire rate, 1 open job
12.24 /hr avg hourly rate paid
8180 hours
4.96 of 106 reviews
Registered at: 16/02/2016
DK Denmark

I am looking for an experienced web developer to create a simple website for my flash cards audio functionality. The website should be hosted on SiteGround and must be designed to fetch content (words, information, and audio file addresses) from an easily updatable file format such as a TXT or CSV file. This will allow me to update and add new content without the need for a complex database system.

Project Requirements:

Website Design and Structure:
• Create a simple, clean, and responsive design using HTML and CSS.
• Ensure the website is user-friendly and works well on both desktop and mobile devices.

Content Fetching and Display:
• Use JavaScript to fetch content from a TXT or CSV file.
• Display words, associated information, and links to audio files on the webpage.
• Implement a function to play the audio files when users click on a word or button.

Server-Side Handling:
• Use PHP or another server-side language to read the content file from the server.
• Ensure the solution is secure and efficient.

Hosting and Deployment:
• Deploy the website on my SiteGround hosting account.
• Provide documentation on how to update the content file and redeploy the site if needed.

• Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.
• Experience with CSV and JSON file handling.
• Familiarity with hosting and deploying websites on SiteGround.
• Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail.

Please provide your rate and an estimated timeframe for completing the project.
Fixed budget: 200 USD
1 hour ago
Personal Website Design: AI Expert & Keynote Speaker
15 - 30 USD
1 hour ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
2 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 11/06/2021
US United States
I am seeking a skilled web designer to re-design my website to better reflect my professional brand and services.

- Modern and Professional Design: The website should look modern, clean, and visually appealing, while conveying a professional and approachable demeanor.
- Enhanced User Experience: The site should be user-friendly, with clear navigation and responsive design for all devices.
- SEO Optimization: Ensure the site is optimized for search engines to increase visibility and attract more visitors.
- Engaging Content: The site will feature a blog, podcast, and various service offerings, so it should be designed to engage and retain visitors.

Key Sections:
- Homepage: Featuring a hero image, a brief bio, and clear CTAs for booking speaking engagements.
- About: A detailed biography, expertise areas, and key achievements.
- Services: Outlining my speaking engagements and MCing services, with a user-friendly booking form.
- Media: Highlighting recent media appearances, interviews, articles, and a downloadable media kit.
- Contact: Contact form and social media links.

Reference Sites:
Here are some websites I admire and would like my site to take inspiration from:
- Amy Cuddy: Engaging design with a focus on speaking engagements and media presence.
- Simon Sinek: Modern design, excellent use of visuals, and strong emphasis on services and content.
Hourly rate: 15 - 30 USD
1 hour ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Web & Mobile Design
Figma to static HTML and responsive Mobile
30 - 250 USD 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 07/06/2024
IQ Iraq
Link to figma design:

Key requirements include:
- Converting Figma design to static HTML
- Ensuring the site is optimized for Chrome browser
- Making the site fully responsive for mobile and tablet, based on the provided design
- Paying particular attention to text-heavy content, focusing on legibility, readability and aesthetics
- Implementing any necessary CSS and JS for responsiveness
- Testing the final product to ensure proper functionality and design across various screen sizes in Chrome
- making links clickable and website navigatable

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proficiency in Figma, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Strong understanding of responsive design, particularly for mobile and tablet
- Experience with typography and text-heavy design
- Prior experience in optimizing websites for Chrome browser
- Ability to work efficiently and test thoroughly to guarantee flawless performance and design on all required platforms.

Skills: JavaScript, Website Design, CSS, HTML5, HTML
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 USD
1 hour ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Mobile Phones & Computing, Design, Media & Architecture, HTML5, HTML, Website Design, CSS
Experienced Website Developer
100 USD 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
IN India
We are seeking an experienced website developer to join our team. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of front-end and back-end development and be proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. The main responsibilities include designing, coding, and modifying websites, from layout to function, according to clients' specifications. The developer should have excellent problem-solving skills and be able to work independently as well as collaboratively. Additional skills in responsive design and content management systems are a plus. If you are passionate about creating engaging websites and have a keen eye for detail, we would love to hear from you.
Fixed budget: 100 USD
1 hour ago
Web Developer with Bricks Builder Experience
25 - 50 USD
1 hour ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$218'380 total spent
76 hires , 65 active
91 jobs posted
84% hire rate, 1 open job
13.60 /hr avg hourly rate paid
4944 hours
4.91 of 129 reviews
Registered at: 27/08/2019
CN China
We are seeking a talented web developer with experience using Bricks Builder to help us develop a website. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of web development principles and be proficient in using Bricks Builder to create visually appealing and functional websites. The main responsibilities will include designing and building web pages, implementing features and functionality, and ensuring the website is responsive across different devices.

Skills required:
- Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Experience with Bricks Builder
- Strong knowledge of web design principles
- Familiarity with responsive design
- Attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines

This is a medium-sized project with an estimated duration of 3 to 6 months.

Please send me your sample websites which are built with Bricks
Hourly rate: 25 - 50 USD
1 hour ago
Next.js Developer
30 - 250 USD 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$50'534 total spent
56 hires , 8 active
11 open job
5.00 of 15 reviews
Registered at: 15/08/2023
IN India
I am looking for a skilled Next.js developer. Will provide you figma and api's....Have to make good design and intrgtate the apis.

Skills and experience that would be ideal for this job include a strong background in Next.js, t, and a deep understanding of responsive design principles.

Please note, I do not currently have a UI design, so the ability to design a user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing interface is crucial. If you have a strong portfolio of UI design work, this will be a significant advantage.

Skills: JavaScript, Website Design, CSS, HTML5, Next.js
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 USD
1 hour ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Mobile Phones & Computing, Design, Media & Architecture, HTML5, Website Design, CSS, Next.js
Full Website Development
25 - 50 USD
2 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 09/03/2020
SA Saudi Arabia
Clear Expectations and Deliverables
As a web developer, the key expectations and deliverables I would provide include:

Building responsive, mobile-friendly websites and web applications that meet the client's requirements and design specifications.
Implementing clean, well-structured, and maintainable code using best practices in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Integrating the website/application with necessary backend systems, APIs, and databases.
Optimizing the website for performance, search engine visibility, and accessibility.
Providing thorough documentation and handover materials to ensure smooth maintenance and future updates.
Delivering the project on time and within the agreed budget.
Required Skills
The core skills needed for web development include:

Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for building the front-end user interface.
Knowledge of responsive design principles and techniques.
Experience with web development frameworks and libraries (e.g., React, Angular, Vue.js).
Familiarity with server-side languages and frameworks (e.g., Node.js, PHP, Python) for building backend functionality.
Ability to work with databases and integrate them with the web application.
Understanding of web development best practices, coding standards, and web accessibility guidelines.
Familiarity with version control systems (e.g., Git) and collaborative development workflows.
Ability to optimize websites for performance, search engine optimization, and security.
Communication and Workflow
I prefer to maintain open and frequent communication with the client throughout the project. This includes:

Regularly scheduled status updates and progress meetings.
Proactive identification and resolution of any issues or challenges.
Collaborative decision-making on design and technical decisions.
Incorporation of client feedback and iterations during the development process.
Transparency in the development workflow and project management.
Hourly rate: 25 - 50 USD
2 hours ago
Customer Relation Management
500 USD 2 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$28'299 total spent
29 hires , 8 active
52 jobs posted
56% hire rate, 3 open job
6.73 /hr avg hourly rate paid
238 hours
4.64 of 23 reviews
Registered at: 28/07/2018
KE Kenya
Developing a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system using MS SQL as the database, C# for backend code, and Angular 17 for the frontend offers a robust solution for managing customer interactions and data. Here are some essential features that can be included in such a CRM system:

1. Customer Management
Profiles: Store comprehensive customer profiles including personal information, communication preferences, and historical interactions.
Segmentation: Group customers based on various criteria such as demographics, purchase history, and engagement level.
2. Contact Management
Contact Information: Store and manage all contact details like phone numbers, email addresses, and social media profiles.
Interaction Tracking: Record all interactions with customers, such as phone calls, emails, and meetings, to maintain an interaction history.
3. Sales Management
Lead Tracking: Manage potential customers (leads) and track their progress through the sales pipeline.
Opportunities Management: Track and manage sales opportunities, including stages from initial contact to closing.
4. Marketing Tools
Campaign Management: Plan, execute, and track marketing campaigns across various channels.
Email Marketing Integration: Automate email communication and track engagement.
5. Service and Support
Ticketing System: Manage customer support requests and track resolution progress.
Knowledge Base: Provide a repository for help articles and FAQs for customer self-service.
6. Reporting and Analytics
Dashboards: Dynamic dashboards to visualize key performance indicators (KPIs) and CRM metrics.
Custom Reports: Ability to generate custom reports to analyze business data and customer trends.
7. Integration Capabilities
API Integration: Seamless integration with other business tools and systems via APIs.
Email and Calendar Integration: Sync with email services and calendars for better schedule management.
8. User Management and Security
Role-based Access Control (RBAC): Define roles and permissions to control access to various parts of the CRM.
Audit Trails: Maintain logs of all activities for security and compliance purposes.
9. Performance and Scalability
Optimized Queries: Ensure that SQL queries are optimized for performance, especially when handling large datasets.
Scalability Considerations: Design the backend and database schema to support scalability as the user base grows.
10. Mobile and Web Optimization
Responsive Design: Ensure that the CRM is accessible and functional on both desktop and mobile devices.
Progressive Web App (PWA): Consider developing the front end as a PWA for offline capabilities and mobile-first design.
Technical Considerations
MS SQL Database: Leverage SQL Server’s capabilities for handling transactions, security, and complex queries.
C# Backend Code: Use ASP.NET Core for creating a scalable and secure API.
Angular 17 Frontend: Utilize the latest Angular features for building a dynamic and responsive user interface.
This structure provides a comprehensive foundation for a CRM system, emphasizing usability, efficiency, and security.
Fixed budget: 500 USD
2 hours ago
  • Customer Service, Customer Service & Tech Support
Eco-friendly Website & Logo Design
750 - 1,500 EUR 2 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
DE Germany
I'm in the waste management and recycling sector and I'm looking for a freelancer who can design an interactive website and an eco-friendly, natural-themed logo.

Website Requirements:
- Primarily focused on customer interaction.
- Must include customer feedback forms.
- Should incorporate an appointment booking system.

Ideal candidate:
- Experienced in web design with a focus on customer interaction.
- Strong background in eco-friendly design.
- Capable of creating a clean, user-friendly website.

Subject: Seeking Freelancer for Website and Logo Design in the Waste Management and Recycling Sector

Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Rody, and I represent a startup company in the process of founding a GmbH in Germany, specializing in waste management and recycling. We are currently looking for an experienced freelancer to design both a professional website and a compelling logo for our company.
Our requirements include:
Website Design:
• User-friendly design focused on efficiency in the recycling and waste management sector.
• Responsive design for optimal display across various devices.
• Integration of interactive features and an efficient search function.
Logo Design:
• A memorable and industry-appropriate logo that reflects our values and areas of expertise.
• A simple, timeless design that works well in various contexts.
We are seeking a creative freelancer with proven experience and positive client reviews. It is important to us that the work is created by a human designer without the assistance of AI platforms.
Please let us know if you are interested in this project and send us your portfolio along with cost estimates. I am available for further information if needed.
Best regards,

Skills: PHP, Website Design, Graphic Design, Logo Design, HTML
Fixed budget: 750 - 1,500 EUR
2 hours ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, HTML, Website Design, Graphic Design, Logo Design
Build a ui design for mobile app
not specified 3 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
MX Mexico
**Project Title: UI/UX Design for Driving School Mobile App and Web-based Admin Panel**

**Project Description:**

We are seeking an experienced UI/UX designer to create a user-friendly and visually appealing interface for our driving school mobile application and a web-based admin panel. The app aims to track the driving skill progress of users and provide various educational tools and insights.

### **App Overview:**

**1. User Authentication:**
- Sign-up and login functionalities.
- Integration with social media accounts for authentication.

**2. User Profile Management:**
- Profile creation and editing.
- Profile picture upload and management.

**3. User Report Tracking:**
- Dashboard for tracking driving skills progress.
- Detailed reports on performance metrics (e.g., acceleration, braking, cornering).

**4. User Subscription Tracking:**
- Subscription management and payment history.
- Notifications for subscription renewals and promotions.

**5. User Notification Management:**
- Push notifications for reminders, tips, and updates.
- Customizable notification settings.

**6. User Insights:**
- Analytics and insights on driving habits.
- Personalized feedback and recommendations.

**7. In-App Quiz Section:**
- Quizzes on driving theory and safety.
- Tracking quiz progress and performance.
- Leaderboards and achievements for motivation.

### **Admin Panel Overview:**

**1. User Management:**
- Overview of all users with search and filtering options.
- Ability to view and edit user profiles and subscription details.
- Access to user progress reports and quiz performance.

**2. Content Management:**
- Manage quiz questions and content.
- Update educational materials and driving tips.

**3. Subscription Management:**
- View and manage user subscriptions and payment status.
- Generate reports on subscription metrics.

**4. Notification Management:**
- Create and schedule notifications for users.
- Manage notification templates and settings.

### **Design Requirements:**

- **Mobile App:**
- User-friendly and intuitive interface.
- Consistent branding and visual style.
- Responsive design for various screen sizes.

- **Admin Panel:**
- Clean and professional design.
- Easy navigation and user-friendly data management.
- Dashboard with key metrics and insights.

### **Deliverables:**

- High-fidelity mockups and wireframes for both mobile and web interfaces.

- Design assets and style guide for consistent implementation.

### **Skills Required:**

- Proven experience in UI/UX design for both mobile and web applications.
- Proficiency in design tools like Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma, or similar.
- Strong understanding of user-centered design principles and best practices.
- Ability to create responsive and adaptive designs.

Budget: not specified
3 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Web & Mobile Design
Design and Build an e-commerce website on Shopify
5 - 15 USD
3 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 01/07/2024
AE United Arab Emirates
We are looking for an expert Shopify website designer and developer to DESIGN and CREATE an attractive and user-friendly online store for selling women JEWELRY. The website should have a visually appealing design that reflects our brand identity and enhances the shopping experience for our customers. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of Shopify's platform and be able to customize and optimize the website to meet our specific requirements.

Skills required:
- Shopify website development
- User experience (UX) design
- User interface (UI) design
- Graphic design
- E-commerce best practices
- Shopify SEO optimization
- Suggest and Integrate Apps (One Page checkout, marketing, email, inventory, accounting, analytics, etc.)
 - Responsive Design on any device
- Website Performance enhancement: speed and performance.
- Major options required on website: Infinite loop, Wishlist, product photos scrolling, color options identification on products in collection page, My account to Customers, One page checkout, Discount %, Free Delivery entitlement, Image slider, payment gateway integration, Photos size optimization if required, Buy Button setting,

This is a medium-sized project with an estimated duration of 2 weeks to 1 month. The expert will provide a plan for the project which includes the scope inclusion / exclusion,
Please provide examples of your previous Shopify website designs and development work when applying for this gig.
Hourly rate: 5 - 15 USD
3 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Ecommerce Development
Wordpress CMS Development for Australian Energy Market
20 - 40 USD
3 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method verified
$12'528 total spent
13 hires , 1 active
37 jobs posted
35% hire rate, 3 open job
2.89 of 9 reviews
Registered at: 24/04/2019
AU Australia
We are looking for an experienced Wordpress developer to create a new CMS for our energy market in the Australian market. The CMS should be customized to meet the specific needs of energy market businesses in Australia. You will be required to provide at least 5 examples of Wordpress websites you have developed for Australian clients. The CMS should be user-friendly, responsive, and optimized for SEO. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of the energy market in Australia and be able to incorporate industry-specific features and functionalities.

Skills required:
- Wordpress development
- Custom CMS development
- Responsive design
- SEO optimization
- Knowledge of the Australian energy market

This is a medium-sized project that is expected to be completed within 1 to 3 months. We are looking for an expert Wordpress developer with a proven track record in working with Australian clients.
Hourly rate: 20 - 40 USD
3 hours ago
UI/UX Designer for Website Design and Unique Value Proposition
2,500 USD 3 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
14 jobs posted
3 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 08/06/2024
AU Australia
We are looking for a talented UI/UX designer who can create an engaging and user-friendly website design for our business, Coastal Gutter Cleaning. The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of user-centered design principles and a proven track record of designing intuitive and visually appealing interfaces. In addition to website design, you will also be responsible for helping us develop our unique value proposition and ensuring it is effectively communicated through the design.

- Collaborate with the team to understand business goals and user requirements
- Create wireframes, prototypes, and visual designs that effectively communicate the intended user experience
- Conduct user research and usability testing to validate design decisions
- Work closely with developers to ensure the design is implemented accurately

- Proficiency in UI/UX design tools (e.g., Sketch, Adobe XD)
- Strong understanding of user-centered design principles
- Excellent visual design skills
- Experience with wireframing and prototyping tools
- Familiarity with responsive design principles

This is a medium-sized project expected to last between 1 to 3 months. We are looking for an intermediate-level UI/UX designer who can bring creativity and a user-centric approach to the project.
Fixed budget: 2,500 USD
3 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Web & Mobile Design
UI/UX Designer for Real Estate Website
100 USD 3 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
SA Saudi Arabia
We are seeking a highly skilled and creative UI/UX Designer with over 5 years of experience to design a top-notch user interface and user experience for our real estate website. The ideal candidate should have a proven track record of designing intuitive and visually appealing websites, particularly in the real estate sector.


Minimum of 5 years of professional experience in UI/UX design.
Proven experience working on real estate websites or similar projects.
Proficiency in design tools such as Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma, or similar.
Strong portfolio showcasing previous UI/UX design projects, especially in the real estate sector.
Excellent understanding of user-centered design principles and best practices.
Ability to create wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity mockups.
Experience with responsive design and ensuring cross-browser compatibility.
Strong communication and collaboration skills.
Fixed budget: 100 USD
3 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Web & Mobile Design
Website Speed & Mobile Optimization
12,500 - 37,500 INR 3 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
3 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 05/12/2014
IN India
I'm seeking a skilled web developer with expertise in site speed enhancement and mobile optimization.

Key Objectives:
- Primarily, I need faster loading times for my site. This is crucial for retaining visitors and enhancing overall site performance.
- The developer should optimize the responsive design to ensure seamless viewing across all devices.
- Mobile page speed needs to be improved significantly as well, given the increasing number of users browsing on mobile devices.

Currently, I'm using Google Analytics to track my site's performance. If you have experience with other performance tracking tools, that could be beneficial.

Ideal Skills:
- Extensive knowledge in web speed optimization techniques
- Proficiency in enhancing mobile responsiveness and improving mobile page speed
- Experience with Google Analytics and other website performance tracking tools
- A knack for creating touch-friendly navigation would be a plus.

I'm eager to work with someone who can help enhance my site's speed and mobile optimization.

Skills: PHP, JavaScript, Website Design, CSS, HTML
Fixed budget: 12,500 - 37,500 INR
3 hours ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Mobile Phones & Computing, Design, Media & Architecture, HTML, Website Design, CSS
WordPress Website Developer
24,000 USD 3 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 26/07/2024
PK Pakistan
We are looking for a skilled WordPress developer to create a custom website for our business. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of WordPress development, be proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and have experience with responsive design. The developer will be responsible for customizing themes, creating custom plugins, and optimizing website performance. Attention to detail and the ability to troubleshoot and debug issues are crucial. The website should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and fully functional across all devices. If you have a keen eye for design and a passion for creating high-quality websites, we want to hear from you!
Fixed budget: 24,000 USD
3 hours ago
Homepage Navigation Overhaul
8 - 15 CAD
3 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$2'392 total spent
4 hires
1 open job
5.00 of 6 reviews
Registered at: 27/08/2023
PK Pakistan
I'm looking to revamp the navigation of my homepage to enhance the user experience and make it more intuitive. This will largely involve the about page as well to ensure a consistent flow for visitors.

Key Requirements:
- Improve Website Navigation: The primary goal is to make it easier for users to navigate through the homepage and about us page.
- Mobile-Friendly Design: The new layout needs to be responsive and work seamlessly on mobile devices.

Skills and Experience:
- Proven track record in UI/UX design and website navigation optimization.
- Strong understanding of responsive design and mobile user experience.
- Ability to adhere to brand guidelines and maintain design consistency.

Skills: PHP, Website Design, Graphic Design, CSS, HTML
Hourly rate: 8 - 15 CAD
3 hours ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, HTML, Website Design, Graphic Design, CSS
Build a ui design for mobile app
12 USD 4 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 17/01/2022
NP Nepal

**Project Title: UI/UX Design for Driving School Mobile App and Web-based Admin Panel**

**Project Description:**

We are seeking an experienced UI/UX designer to create a user-friendly and visually appealing interface for our driving school mobile application and a web-based admin panel. The app aims to track the driving skill progress of users and provide various educational tools and insights.

### **App Overview:**

**1. User Authentication:**
- Sign-up and login functionalities.
- Integration with social media accounts for authentication.

**2. User Profile Management:**
- Profile creation and editing.
- Profile picture upload and management.

**3. User Report Tracking:**
- Dashboard for tracking driving skills progress.
- Detailed reports on performance metrics (e.g., acceleration, braking, cornering).

**4. User Subscription Tracking:**
- Subscription management and payment history.
- Notifications for subscription renewals and promotions.

**5. User Notification Management:**
- Push notifications for reminders, tips, and updates.
- Customizable notification settings.

**6. User Insights:**
- Analytics and insights on driving habits.
- Personalized feedback and recommendations.

**7. In-App Quiz Section:**
- Quizzes on driving theory and safety.
- Tracking quiz progress and performance.
- Leaderboards and achievements for motivation.

### **Admin Panel Overview:**

**1. User Management:**
- Overview of all users with search and filtering options.
- Ability to view and edit user profiles and subscription details.
- Access to user progress reports and quiz performance.

**2. Content Management:**
- Manage quiz questions and content.
- Update educational materials and driving tips.

**3. Subscription Management:**
- View and manage user subscriptions and payment status.
- Generate reports on subscription metrics.

**4. Notification Management:**
- Create and schedule notifications for users.
- Manage notification templates and settings.

### **Design Requirements:**

- **Mobile App:**
- User-friendly and intuitive interface.
- Consistent branding and visual style.
- Responsive design for various screen sizes.

- **Admin Panel:**
- Clean and professional design.
- Easy navigation and user-friendly data management.
- Dashboard with key metrics and insights.

### **Deliverables:**

- High-fidelity mockups and wireframes for both mobile and web interfaces.

- Design assets and style guide for consistent implementation.

### **Skills Required:**

- Proven experience in UI/UX design for both mobile and web applications.
- Proficiency in design tools like Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma, or similar.
- Strong understanding of user-centered design principles and best practices.
- Ability to create responsive and adaptive designs.

Fixed budget: 12 USD
4 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Web & Mobile Design
Freelancer to design both a professional website and a compelling logo
not specified 4 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
DE Germany
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Rody, and I represent a startup company in the process of founding a GmbH in Germany, specializing in waste management and recycling. We are currently looking for an experienced freelancer to design both a professional website and a compelling logo for our company.
Our requirements include:
Website Design:
• User-friendly design focused on efficiency in the recycling and waste management sector.
• Responsive design for optimal display across various devices.
• Integration of interactive features and an efficient search function.
Logo Design:
• A memorable and industry-appropriate logo that reflects our values and areas of expertise.
• A simple, timeless design that works well in various contexts.
We are seeking a creative freelancer with proven experience and positive client reviews. It is important to us that the work is created by a human designer without the assistance of AI platforms.
Please let us know if you are interested in this project and send us your portfolio along with cost estimates. I am available for further information if needed.
Best regards,
Budget: not specified
4 hours ago
  • Design & Creative, Graphic, Editorial & Presentation Design
Front End Developer with UX/UI Experience for Property Management Software Development
300 USD 5 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$775 total spent
3 hires , 1 active
8 jobs posted
38% hire rate, 1 open job
23.80 /hr avg hourly rate paid
31 hours
5.00 of 1 reviews
Registered at: 28/04/2024
US United States
We are seeking a highly skilled Front End Developer with UX/UI experience to join our team for property management software development. The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of modern front-end technologies and be able to create user-friendly interfaces that provide a seamless user experience. As a Front End Developer, you will be responsible for translating design wireframes into functional and interactive web applications. You will collaborate with our design and development teams to ensure that the final product meets our clients' needs and expectations.

Skills required:
- Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Experience with responsive design
- Familiarity with front-end frameworks (e.g., React, Angular)
- Knowledge of UI/UX best practices
- Strong problem-solving skills
- Excellent communication and collaboration abilities
Fixed budget: 300 USD
5 hours ago
Wordpress developer for an informational website
not specified 5 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$1'443 total spent
6 hires , 3 active
11 jobs posted
55% hire rate, 3 open job
16.10 /hr avg hourly rate paid
66 hours
5.00 of 3 reviews
Registered at: 16/03/2016
US United States
We are a shipping company based in the Middle East, dedicated to providing top-tier logistics and transportation services. As we expand our digital footprint, we seek a skilled WordPress Developer to build a comprehensive and informative website.

Job Summary:
We are looking for a proficient WordPress Developer to create a new website that reflects our company's vision and operational scope. The project will involve developing a website with 15-20 pages, which are primarily static but should be crafted with high usability and aesthetic appeal.

Key Responsibilities:

- Design, develop, and implement a WordPress website from scratch based on provided specifications.
- Create a visually appealing site that features user-friendly design and clear navigation.
- Ensure the website is fully responsive and functional across all devices and platforms.
- Integrate high-quality SEO practices to enhance the website's visibility and search engine ranking.
- Collaborate with our team to understand requirements, feature requests, and branding guidelines.
- Set up website architecture and determine hardware and software requirements.
- Implement website security measures, such as firewalls, backups, and intrusion detection systems.
- Conduct website performance tests, troubleshoot any issues, and update the website as needed.
- Provide post-deployment support and documentation for website maintenance.

- Proven experience as a WordPress Developer with a strong portfolio of previous work.
- Expertise in front-end technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and responsive design frameworks.
- Proficiency in PHP back-end development specific to WordPress.
- Experience with SEO, security, site speed optimization, and web analytics.
- Knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator) or similar tools for creating visual elements.

Familiarity with the Middle Eastern market and cultural sensitivity is a plus.
Budget: not specified
5 hours ago
Web & Mobile App Designer Needed -- 2
8 - 15 USD
6 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$104'712 total spent
84 hires , 2 active
10 open job
4.99 of 41 reviews
Registered at: 28/01/2018
AU Australia
I'm in search of a highly skilled designer with expertise in both web and mobile app design. The main objective is to create a seamless, visually appealing user experience across these platforms.

Key Responsibilities:
- Designing user interfaces for both web and mobile applications
- Ensuring the design is user-friendly and easy to navigate
- Incorporating brand elements and maintaining consistency
- Adapting the design to suit different screen sizes and resolutions

Ideal Candidate:
- Proficient in UI/UX design with a strong portfolio showcasing both web and mobile app designs
- Experience designing for both iOS and Android platforms is a plus
- Proficiency in relevant design tools such as Adobe XD, Sketch, etc.
- Strong understanding of responsive design and mobile-first principles
- Excellent communication skills to understand and interpret design requirements, and ability to work collaboratively with the development team.
- Creativity and a keen eye for detail.

Please provide samples of your previous work. It would be an added advantage if you can share case studies that demonstrate your design process. Looking forward to working with a designer who can bring both innovation and practicality to our projects.

Skills: Website Design, Graphic Design, Mobile App Development, User Interface / IA, UX / User Experience
Hourly rate: 8 - 15 USD
6 hours ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Mobile Phones & Computing, Design, Media & Architecture, User Interface / IA, Website Design, Graphic Design, UX / User Experience, Mobile App Development
Experienced Web Developer Needed
10 - 55 USD
7 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
US United States
We are seeking an experienced web developer to join our team. As a web developer, you will be responsible for designing, coding, and modifying websites, from layout to function and according to our clients' specifications. You should have a keen eye for detail and be able to work independently or as part of a team. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of UI/UX principles and be proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and responsive design. Experience with content management systems (CMS) and e-commerce platforms is a plus. If you are a highly motivated and creative individual with excellent problem-solving skills, we would love to hear from you.
Hourly rate: 10 - 55 USD
7 hours ago
Web designs , content writer and more
30 - 250 USD 7 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 13/09/2023
IN India
I am looking for a freelancer who can provide both web design and content writing services for my project. The primary purpose of my website is to build a community. For the content writing, I prefer a friendly and conversational style.

Skills and experience required:
- Strong web design skills, including proficiency in HTML, CSS, and responsive design
- Experience in creating user-friendly interfaces and intuitive navigation
- Ability to understand and cater to the needs of a community-based website
- Excellent content writing skills, with a friendly and conversational writing style
- Knowledge of SEO best practices and ability to optimize content for search engines
- Creativity and ability to engage readers through compelling and engaging content

Skills: Website Design, Copywriting, Ghostwriting, Article Writing, Content Writing
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 USD
7 hours ago
  • Writing & Content, Design, Media & Architecture, Copywriting, Ghostwriting, Article Writing, Content Writing, Website Design
Website to sell hunting equipement
250 GBP 7 hours ago
Client Rank - not enough data

Registered at: 08/08/2012
FI Finland
## Project Overview
Project Name: Norte caça
Project Description: Create an e-commerce website dedicated to selling hunting equipment. The website should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for search engines. It should offer a seamless shopping experience across all devices, with easy navigation and robust functionality.

### Objectives
- Attract and engage target audience: Hunters, outdoor enthusiasts, and adventure seekers.
- Showcase products effectively: High-quality images, detailed descriptions, and user reviews.
- Facilitate easy purchasing: Streamlined checkout process, multiple payment options, and secure transactions.
- Enhance brand identity: Reflect the brand's values and build trust with customers.
- Boost online visibility: SEO-optimized content and structure.

### Target Audience
- Demographics: Primarily males aged 18-55, outdoor enthusiasts, hunters, and adventure seekers.
- Geographic: Primarily Portugal and Spain, but also catering to international customers.
- Psychographic: Individuals with a passion for hunting, outdoor activities, and adventure sports.

## Design Requirements
### Visual Design
- High-quality visuals and clean layout.
- Intuitive navigation and user-friendly interface.
- Mobile-responsive design.

### User Experience (UX)
- Easy and intuitive navigation.
- Fast loading times.
- Accessible design meeting WCAG standards.

### SEO and Performance
- SEO-friendly URLs and meta descriptions.
- Optimized images and code for fast loading times.
- Integration with analytics tools.

## Technical Requirements
Platform: Wordpress + Woocomerce
Security: SSL certificates, secure payment gateways,
Integration: CRM, email marketing tools, and social media platforms.
Fixed budget: 250 GBP
7 hours ago
Web Design for a Candy Ecommerce store
88 GBP 8 hours ago
Client Rank - not enough data

Registered at: 08/08/2012
FI Finland
## Project Overview
- Project Name: American Asian Market
- Project Description: A website for a store specialising in imported products such as candies and soda drinks. The site should be vibrant, engaging, and user-friendly, reflecting the fun and unique nature of the products sold.
- Objective: To create an attractive, easy-to-navigate e-commerce website that showcases the products and facilitates online purchases.

## Target Audience
- Primary Audience: Young adults, teens, and families who enjoy unique and imported snacks and beverages.
- Secondary Audience: Collectors of international candies and soda drinks, food enthusiasts, and gift buyers.

## Branding
- Brand Name: American Asian Market
- Color Scheme: American & Asian Market's logo features three distinct color variations: a primary combination of orange and cream, a black version, and a white version.
- Typography: Fun and playful fonts for headings, clean and easy-to-read fonts for body text
- Imagery: High-quality images of the products, happy and engaging photos of people enjoying the products

## Fatures
- Search Functionality: Allow customers to easily search for products
- Shopping Cart: Display selected items, subtotal, and proceed to checkout options
- Responsive Design: Ensure the website is mobile-friendly and looks good on all devices
- Social Media Integration: Links to your social media profiles and sharing options for products
- Newsletter Signup: Collect email addresses for marketing purposes
- Recommended Products: Display a list of recommended products on the product page

## Content
- Provided by Client: Product descriptions, images, brand story, and any other relevant content
- Needed from Designer: Placeholder text/images where client content is not yet available

## Competitor Websites
Fixed budget: 88 GBP
8 hours ago
UI/UX Designer Needed for Website design in Figma
200 USD 8 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
IL Israel
Hello, I'm looking for a UX/UI Designer, that can help me to build restaurant site in figma.

home page
Contact page
Events page with lead form
Menus page
About page
Button for deliveries that sends to an external website
A reservation button that sends an external website

Accessibility statement
Privacy Policy

Skills required:
- Figma
- UI/UX design
- Web design
- Responsive design
Fixed budget: 200 USD
8 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Web & Mobile Design
Website Layout Fix
20 USD 8 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$2'585 total spent
7 hires , 1 active
20 jobs posted
35% hire rate, 1 open job
5.00 of 5 reviews
Registered at: 22/08/2021
LV Latvia
We are looking for a skilled web developer to fix the layout of our website. The current layout is not displaying correctly on certain devices and browsers, and we need someone to troubleshoot and resolve these issues. The ideal candidate should have experience in front-end development and be proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They should also have a good understanding of responsive design principles and be able to make necessary adjustments to ensure the website looks and functions properly across different devices and screen sizes.
Fixed budget: 20 USD
8 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Web & Mobile Design
Website redesign and SEO optimize
not specified 9 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
2 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 26/07/2024
US United States
Website Redesign Plan

User-Friendly Navigation:
Category Organization: Create clear categories for merchandise (e.g., Clothing, Accessories, Home Goods, Electronics). Each category can have subcategories for easier browsing (e.g., Clothing - Men, Women, Kids).

Search Functionality: Implement a robust search bar that allows users to find products easily. Include filters for size, color, price, etc.

Visual Appeal:
Modern Layout: Use a clean, modern design with ample white space. Incorporate high-quality images and a consistent color palette that reflects your brand identity.

Responsive Design: Ensure the site is mobile-friendly, with a responsive design that looks great on all devices.

Fast Loading Speed:
Optimize Images: Compress images without losing quality to reduce load times.

Minimize Code: Remove unnecessary scripts and styles and use a content delivery network (CDN) for faster loading.

Enable Browser Caching: Allow browsers to store certain elements of the site to improve load times for returning visitors.

SEO Optimization:
Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords for your merchandise categories and incorporate them naturally into product descriptions, titles, and meta tags.

Content Creation: Start a blog or resources section with articles related to your products, which can help drive traffic and improve SEO.

Alt Text for Images: Use descriptive alt text for all images to improve accessibility and search engine visibility.

Engaging Content:
Product Descriptions: Write compelling, informative product descriptions that highlight key features and benefits.

Customer Reviews: Implement a review system where customers can leave feedback, enhancing credibility and encouraging purchases.

Social Proof and Engagement:
Social Media Integration: Link to your social media profiles and allow customers to share products easily. Consider embedding an Instagram feed showcasing customer photos.

Email Sign-Up: Create an email subscription form to keep customers updated on new arrivals, promotions, and blog posts .

Analytics and Monitoring:
Set Up Tracking: Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. This data can inform future improvements.
Budget: not specified
9 hours ago
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