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1660 projects published for past 72 hours.
Job Title Budget
Homepage Navigation Overhaul
8 - 15 CAD
2 minutes ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$2'392 total spent
4 hires
1 open job
5.00 of 6 reviews
Registered at: 27/08/2023
PK Pakistan
I'm looking to revamp the navigation of my homepage to enhance the user experience and make it more intuitive. This will largely involve the about page as well to ensure a consistent flow for visitors.

Key Requirements:
- Improve Website Navigation: The primary goal is to make it easier for users to navigate through the homepage and about us page.
- Mobile-Friendly Design: The new layout needs to be responsive and work seamlessly on mobile devices.

Skills and Experience:
- Proven track record in UI/UX design and website navigation optimization.
- Strong understanding of responsive design and mobile user experience.
- Ability to adhere to brand guidelines and maintain design consistency.

Skills: PHP, Website Design, Graphic Design, CSS, HTML
Hourly rate: 8 - 15 CAD
2 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, HTML, Website Design, Graphic Design, CSS
QUICK MONEY: Core Web Vitals Developer
100 USD 5 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$95'560 total spent
326 hires , 130 active
716 jobs posted
46% hire rate, 27 open job
6.72 /hr avg hourly rate paid
8283 hours
4.83 of 164 reviews
Registered at: 06/08/2013
IN India
I have paid more than 96k+ USD to freelancers in last few months. I have worked with more than 130 developers here and currently working with 130 developers. I believe in long term relationships and not quick money.

We are seeking a skilled Core Web Vitals React /PHP Developer to fix the cumulative layout shift and largest content paint issue on our website. As our Core Web Vitals Developer, you will be responsible for optimizing our website's performance and ensuring a smooth user experience. This includes identifying and resolving issues related to cumulative layout shift and largest content paint. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of web performance optimization techniques and be familiar with tools such as Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights.

- Fix cumulative layout shift and largest content paint issues
- Optimize website's performance
- Identify and resolve performance-related issues
- Collaborate with the development team to implement improvements

- Proven experience in fixing cumulative layout shift and largest content paint issues
- Strong knowledge of web performance optimization techniques
- Familiarity with tools such as Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights
- Attention to detail and a strong problem-solving mindset

We are looking for a talented Core Web Vitals Developer who can deliver high-quality results within a fast-paced environment. If you have the skills and expertise required for this role, we would love to hear from you.

The budget is a placeholder at the moment. We will discuss and fix a price with shortlisted buyers.
Fixed budget: 100 USD
5 minutes ago
E-commerce Site: MySQL Duplicate Query Debugging
1,500 - 12,500 INR 8 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
$71'690 total spent
61 hires , 4 active
2 open job
4.99 of 17 reviews
Registered at: 16/06/2021
IN India
My e-commerce website is plagued by MySQL duplicate query issues that surfaced after some major updates. These queries are affecting the entire site, not just specific pages.

Key Tasks:
- Thoroughly review MySQL queries
- Identify cause of duplication
- Implement necessary fixes

Ideal skills for this project include a solid understanding of MySQL, experience in debugging E-commerce websites, and the ability to work swiftly to restore site functionality.

Skills: PHP, Joomla, MySQL
Fixed budget: 1,500 - 12,500 INR
8 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, Joomla, MySQL
Custom Windows Pop-Up Script
1,500 - 12,500 INR 10 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
2 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 23/12/2022
IN India
I'm in need of a skilled developer who can create a custom pop-up script specifically for Windows OS. The script should be triggered when a user exits the webpage.

The key requirements for this project are:
- The pop-up script must be compatible with Windows OS
- The script should be triggered when a user exits the webpage
- The script should be unobtrusive and user-friendly, providing a seamless experience for our website visitors.

Freelancers with relevant experience in Windows compatible pop-up script creation are preferred. When applying, please include your past experience in developing similar scripts for Windows.

Skills: PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, Web Crawling
Fixed budget: 1,500 - 12,500 INR
10 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Mobile Phones & Computing, Design, Media & Architecture, HTML5, Web Crawling
Robust Web-Based SMS Messaging Portal
20 - 250 GBP 11 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
GB United Kingdom
I'm seeking a gifted developer to build an efficient, user-friendly SMS messaging portal on the web. This platform should allow for both sending and receiving messages seamlessly, have the capability for bulk messaging and scheduling as well. It should cater both individual users and businesses effortlessly.

It is critical that the platform provides comprehensive analytics tracking which includes user engagement metrics, SMS delivery reports, along with usage trend analysis. This will keep users informed on their communication outreach and help them strategize better.

Ideal candidates should possess experience in building similar platforms or possess deep understanding of SMS technology. Proficiency in web development, user interface design and analytics integration is necessary for this project. Crucial skills and experiences include:

- Web development
- User interface design
- Analytics integration
- Understanding of SMS technology

This is an opportunity to develop a tool that simplifies communication, and I look forward to collaborating with someone who shares the same vision.

Skills: PHP, Website Design, Graphic Design, MySQL, HTML
Fixed budget: 20 - 250 GBP
11 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, MySQL, HTML, Website Design, Graphic Design
Zapier Workflows & Python Expert Needed
10 - 30 USD 11 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method verified
$3'554 total spent
24 hires , 2 active
15 open job
3.24 of 4 reviews
Registered at: 09/06/2018
PK Pakistan
I am in need of a professional who is an expert in creating and optimizing Zapier workflows. Some experience in Python would also be beneficial. Your primary tasks would be to create automated processes that help in increasing productivity and efficiency.

Ideal Skills:
- Expertise in Zapier
- Proficient in Python
- Experience in automating tasks and workflows
- Ability to troubleshoot and optimize workflows

Skills: PHP, Python, Web Scraping, Django, Software Architecture
Fixed budget: 10 - 30 USD
11 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, Python, Web Scraping, Django, Software Architecture
Multi-Website Activity Monitoring and Alert System Development
750 - 1,500 USD 14 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
US United States
I'm in need of a software/website developer to create a sophisticated monitoring system that will track the activities of accounts on multiple websites, and send out alerts to designated phones and emails within 5 seconds. The following are the details.

1. Professional bidder will log into the websites
2. Once they submit the bid, I need the robot to grabs that information and send them to phones as text messages and emails.
3. The robot will then also get that information and go to multiple other websites and submit that same bid with higher or lower $ amount.

Key Requirements:
- The robot is required to monitor activities on Website 1, Website 2, and Website 3.
- Specifically, the system should track the account's bid entry activity.
- The system should be able to identify bid entry opportunities based on the professional bidder using the account.

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proficiency in developing monitoring systems, particularly for account activities.
- Experience in creating systems that can operate across multiple websites.
- Strong understanding of how to integrate alerts to phones and emails.

Skills: PHP, JavaScript, Software Architecture, HTML, Robotic Process Automation
Fixed budget: 750 - 1,500 USD
14 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Mobile Phones & Computing, Design, Media & Architecture, Engineering & Science, Software Architecture, HTML, Robotic Process Automation PHP Clone with Unique Twist
1,500 - 3,000 USD 17 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
US United States
I'm looking for a skilled PHP developer to create a website that is similar to, but with a unique design twist. The new website should include:

- User registration and login
- Shopping cart and checkout functionality
- Photo and video uploading and management

The ideal freelancer for this project should have prior experience in these key areas and feel comfortable blending familiar and new design elements to create a welcoming user interface and a seamless user experience.

Detailed project proposals are appreciated and will most likely to be taken in consideration. Your proposal should include the strategies you plan to implement to successful completion of this project. Ownership of any developed code will belong to the project owner.

Skills & Experience Required:
- Experience with PHP website development
- User Interface and User Experience Design
- Experience in creating Shopping cart and checkout system
- Photo and video uploading and management capabilities
- Proven track record of creating highly engaging and user-friendly websites.

Skills: PHP, Website Design, Graphic Design, MySQL, HTML
Fixed budget: 1,500 - 3,000 USD
17 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, MySQL, HTML, Website Design, Graphic Design
Website Bug Fix & About Us Update
600 - 1,500 INR 18 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 17/10/2016
IN India
I'm in need of a web developer to address a couple of issues with my existing website. The primary focus is on fixing a display issue in the internal pages. This involves rectifying text alignment issues and resolving any broken links that might be affecting the user experience.

Additionally, I require an updated 'About Us' page to be posted on the site. This should include:
- A cohesive, engaging narrative of our company history
- Profiles of key team members

Ideal candidates for this project should have:
- Proficiency in web development and design
- Experience with fixing display issues on websites
- Adept at content creation and layout
- Strong communication skills to collaborate on the 'About Us' page

Skills: PHP, Website Design, CSS, Drupal, HTML
Fixed budget: 600 - 1,500 INR
18 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, Drupal, HTML, Website Design, CSS
Exam Platform Development
750 - 1,500 USD 19 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$12'932 total spent
15 hires , 1 active
1 open job
5.00 of 4 reviews
Registered at: 26/04/2018
SA Saudi Arabia
I need a developer to create a platform tailored for taking multiple choice exams. The platform should incorporate a couple of key features - it should be able to conduct timed exams and have a randomized question order to enhance the testing experience and prevent predictability.

Key Requirements:
- Develop a platform focused on multiple choice questions
- Implement timed exams feature
- Integrate a randomized question order

User Roles:
The platform needs to support two main user roles - Students and Administrators.

Ideal Skills:
- Proficiency in web development
- Experience with creating educational platforms
- Understanding of user role management systems

Skills: PHP, Website Design, Graphic Design, MySQL, HTML
Fixed budget: 750 - 1,500 USD
19 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, MySQL, HTML, Website Design, Graphic Design
E-Blood Bank Management System
12,500 - 37,500 INR 20 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 16/07/2024
IN India
I'm in need of a skilled web developer to build an E-Blood Bank Management System. This system is aimed at enabling users to donate blood, with an easy-to-use interface for donors and a comprehensive admin panel.

The system will primarily comprise of two panels; the Donor and Admin panels.

Donor Panel:
- Register as a donor
- Search for blood donors
- Schedule blood donation
- Manage personal information
- Send request for donation
- View current status of the request
- Obtain health card certificate
- Provide feedback

Admin Panel:
- Manage donor data
- View donor requests
- Approve/reject donation requests
- Generate health card certificates
- Send notifications to donors
- Manage feedback and reviews
- Add event images
- Schedule camps
- Monitor available blood

In terms of the donor's profile, it should include:
- Name
- Age
- Blood group
- Contact information
- Address
- Medical history
- Weight
- E-mail
- Gender
- Phone no.
- State
- City
- Password
- Confirm password

Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in developing web applications, particularly in building systems with user and admin panels. Previous experience in working on health-related systems could be an advantage. It would be great if you also have a strong understanding of user experience, as we aim to make the donation process as user-friendly as possible.

Skills: PHP, Website Design, Graphic Design, MySQL, HTML
Fixed budget: 12,500 - 37,500 INR
20 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, MySQL, HTML, Website Design, Graphic Design
PHP MYSQL Expert required
30 USD 23 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$3'088 total spent
39 hires
96 jobs posted
41% hire rate, 1 open job
4.93 of 31 reviews
Registered at: 05/11/2019
IN India
The Marathi/Hindi characters are not displaying correctly on my PHP/MySQL site's entire page. This issue makes the page not load properly.

Ideal skills and experience:
- Strong knowledge in PHP/MySQL
- Familiarity with handling multilingual websites
- Proficiency in character encoding and display issues
- Ability to diagnose and fix page loading problems

The successful freelancer will need to:
- Analyze the issue: Understand why the characters are not displaying properly on the entire page.
- Fix the Marathi/Hindi character display issue: Implement the necessary corrections to ensure the characters are displayed correctly.
- Ensure smooth page loading: After fixing the character display issue, ensure the page loads properly without any hindrance.

A freelancer with a proven track record in resolving similar PHP/MySQL character display issues would be preferred.
Fixed budget: 30 USD
23 minutes ago
Mental Health Contain Citation
15 - 25 USD
23 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 13/07/2024
IN India
I'm the founder of a fitness startup focused on online workout programs, with a specific emphasis on weight loss. I am looking for a skilled and experienced developer to assist in the creation of an engaging and effective online platform.

The ideal candidate for this job has experience in both fitness and web development, and is able to combine these skill sets to create a platform that is not only user-friendly, but also effective in helping users meet their weight loss goals.

Key Project Requirements:
- Development of a user-friendly, interactive online workout platform
- Emphasis on weight loss through effective workout programs
- Integration of pre-recorded video sessions for user convenience

Ideal Skills:
- Fitness program development
- Web development
- Video editing and integration
- Understanding of weight loss strategies
- User experience design

Your goal will be to help create an online fitness program that is not only engaging but also highly effective in aiding users in their weight loss journey.

Skills: PHP, Website Design, Graphic Design, iPhone, HTML
Hourly rate: 15 - 25 USD
23 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Mobile Phones & Computing, Design, Media & Architecture, HTML, Website Design, Graphic Design, iPhone
Creative Website Developer Needed
2 - 8 USD
24 minutes ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$6'419 total spent
9 hires , 1 active
1 open job
5.00 of 5 reviews
Registered at: 01/02/2021
IN India
I'm in need of a web developer to create a website that has the same functionality as the one found at This website should be built using HTML and CSS.

Key Requirements:
- Inclusion of a Contact Form: This is a crucial element of the site, so it should be prominently displayed and fully functional.
- Incorporation of an Image Slider: The site should have an interactive image slider that showcases different images.
- Design style: I'm looking for a creative and dynamic design, so please keep that in mind when creating the website.

Ideal Candidate:
- Proficient in HTML and CSS: Necessary to replicate the design and functionality of the reference website.
- Experience with Contact Form Integration: Important for the site's usability and interactivity.
- Strong Portfolio and Detailed Project Proposals: I'm particularly interested in your past work and how you plan to approach this project.

Check this website for the reference:

Skills: PHP, Website Design, Graphic Design, CSS, HTML
Hourly rate: 2 - 8 USD
24 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, HTML, Website Design, Graphic Design, CSS
Productivity Tool in React Native
1,500 - 12,500 INR 31 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 10/04/2023
IN India
I need an experienced React Native developer to create a productivity tool specifically designed for Android. The app should be tailored to meet the essential requirements of a doctor.

Key features may include:
- Task Management: A system for tracking patient tasks, reminders and daily duties.
- Calendar Integration: Syncing with a calendar to manage appointments, deadlines and schedules.
- Note-taking: A built-in feature for jotting down observations, patient information or reminders.

Skills and Experience Needed:
- Proficiency in React Native and Android development
- Experience in developing productivity tools or similar applications
- Understanding of or experience in the medical field would be a plus
- Excellent communication skills for understanding specific doctor requirements.

Please only apply if you can provide a portfolio of similar projects.

Skills: PHP, Java, Mobile App Development, Android, PhoneGap
Fixed budget: 1,500 - 12,500 INR
31 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Mobile Phones & Computing, Design, Media & Architecture, Business, Accounting, Human Resources & Legal, PhoneGap, Mobile App Development, Android
Online Weight Loss Fitness Program Development
15 - 25 USD
35 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 13/07/2024
IN India
I'm the founder of a fitness startup focused on online workout programs, with a specific emphasis on weight loss. I am looking for a skilled and experienced developer to assist in the creation of an engaging and effective online platform.

The ideal candidate for this job has experience in both fitness and web development, and is able to combine these skill sets to create a platform that is not only user-friendly, but also effective in helping users meet their weight loss goals.

Key Project Requirements:
- Development of a user-friendly, interactive online workout platform
- Emphasis on weight loss through effective workout programs
- Integration of pre-recorded video sessions for user convenience

Ideal Skills:
- Fitness program development
- Web development
- Video editing and integration
- Understanding of weight loss strategies
- User experience design

Your goal will be to help create an online fitness program that is not only engaging but also highly effective in aiding users in their weight loss journey.

Skills: PHP, Website Design, Graphic Design, iPhone, HTML
Hourly rate: 15 - 25 USD
35 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Mobile Phones & Computing, Design, Media & Architecture, HTML, Website Design, Graphic Design, iPhone
WordPress Site Project
600 - 1,500 INR 35 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 15/09/2022
IN India
I need a WordPress developer to create a website to a new WordPress site.

Key details:
- The original site has less than 5 pages.
- You will need to capture the look and feel of the original site and replicate it in WordPress.
- While the original site is not specified, please have experience with a variety of website structures and styles.

Skills required:
- Expertise in WordPress development.
- Theme customization experience.
- Proven track record in website migration.

This project would be ideal for someone who is meticulous about detail, a creative problem solver, and who can work independently.

Skills: PHP, Website Design, WordPress, CSS, HTML
Fixed budget: 600 - 1,500 INR
35 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, WordPress, HTML, Website Design, CSS
Next JS Server-Side Rendering & Debugging
8 - 15 AUD
36 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$352'860 total spent
282 hires , 11 active
7 open job
4.90 of 118 reviews
Registered at: 15/01/2019
PK Pakistan
I'm seeking a Next JS expert who can help me with the development of my project. Here's a brief overview of what I need:

- **Server-side rendering**: I'm looking to enhance my project with server-side rendering capabilities.
- **Debugging**: While I aim for a well-optimized project, I'm specifically looking for help with debugging, with a focus on ensuring my page consistently loads correctly.

Your role will be crucial in ensuring that the project is not only fully functional but also performs well. Your expertise in Next JS, particularly in server-side rendering and debugging, is key to the success of this project. Your ability to deliver results will make a significant difference in the final product, and consequently in the success of the project.

Skills: PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, jQuery / Prototype, Node.js
Hourly rate: 8 - 15 AUD
36 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Mobile Phones & Computing, Design, Media & Architecture, HTML5, jQuery / Prototype, Node.js
Fishing Game Scoring System Integration
30 - 250 USD 49 minutes ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$4'554 total spent
7 hires , 1 active
5 open job
5.00 of 1 reviews
Registered at: 27/03/2024
SA Saudi Arabia

I need help in adding a scoring system on this fishing game. when the character catches a fish, i need the the score to pop up such as each fish being $5. the blueprint and everything else is available in the project. just need to add the scoring system. the relevant files are GK_Player_TP. gamemode is BP_CGSF_GameMode.

Skills: PHP, Java, Game Design, Software Architecture, Game Development
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 USD
49 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, Business, Accounting, Human Resources & Legal, Game Design, Software Architecture, Game Development
Stock Market EdTech Website Development
12,500 - 37,500 INR 49 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
IN India
I require an experienced website developer to create a comprehensive educational platform for stock market learning. This website will feature engaging educational videos on stock market basics and advanced technical analysis.

- Subscription Model: The website should support multiple subscription types based on users' chosen courses. An innovative subscription model design is key.
- Education: It will primarily consists of educational video content on 'Stock Market Basics' and 'Technical Analysis'. Having experience in the creation of educational platforms or EdTech is highly desirable.
- Interactive Features: There should be an interactive quiz section to gauge users' understanding, and a discussion forum for seamless user engagement or query resolution. Experience in incorporating interactive features is required.
- Updates: An information tab is necessary to share timely market updates with our subscribers.

- Website Development
- Educational platform (EdTech) experience
- Subscription Model Development
- Interactive Feature Incorporation
- User Experience Design

Candidates with prior experience in educational website creation, particularly with the stock market focus, will be preferred.

Skills: PHP, Website Design, Graphic Design, WordPress, HTML
Fixed budget: 12,500 - 37,500 INR
49 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, WordPress, HTML, Website Design, Graphic Design
Expert Needed for WP Sheet Editor plugin, Google Sheets, WP, PHP, REST API, ANGULAR, CSS Tasks
100 USD 50 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$33'255 total spent
73 hires
97 jobs posted
75% hire rate, 1 open job
18.00 /hr avg hourly rate paid
16 hours
5.00 of 54 reviews
Registered at: 15/12/2019
US United States

- Troubleshoot & fix why some pages on WP frontend on site aren't being updated properly via the WP Sheet Editor plugin. (May involve PHP, Google Sheets, MySQL, REST API, Angular, etc.)

- Troubleshoot & fix why a frontend comparison tool isn't functioning properly (May involve PHP, Google Sheets, MySQL, REST API, etc.)

- Make sure the import & export on WP Sheet Editor is working properly (no duplicates etc.)

All changes should be theme update-proof (added to child theme?) or whatever way that works


Deadline 07/27/24
Fixed budget: 100 USD
50 minutes ago
Prestashop custom module upgrade -fix
10 - 30 USD 51 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$112'921 total spent
90 hires , 2 active
6 open job
4.29 of 21 reviews
Registered at: 05/05/2012
TR Turkey
I have an invoice module connects to tax authority. I need to upgrade the module to send some new details to the server.

Skills: PHP, Software Architecture, Prestashop, MySQL, HTML
Fixed budget: 10 - 30 USD
51 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, Software Architecture, Prestashop, MySQL, HTML
Wordpress elementor & search filter auto scroll posts
10 - 30 USD 52 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$532'989 total spent
360 hires
4 open job
5.00 of 127 reviews
Registered at: 25/04/2008
DK Denmark
as the project name suggests, i need help with configuration of autoscroll/load results when loading posts. i am using elementor and search filter plugin. the task must be done using teamviewer/anydesk. if not, don not bid

Skills: PHP, JavaScript, WordPress, CSS, HTML
Fixed budget: 10 - 30 USD
52 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Mobile Phones & Computing, Design, Media & Architecture, WordPress, HTML, CSS
Web-based QR Catalogue Development
2 - 8 USD
54 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$122'242 total spent
173 hires , 4 active
1 open job
4.88 of 22 reviews
Registered at: 28/04/2013
IN India
Project Modules
1. Product Upload Module:
o Allows users to upload product images and videos.
o Assigns a unique product ID or name to each upload.
o Also create page with same product ID (
(image name: 456.jpg and Video 456.mp4, so that same will be easily replace with editing option)
2. QR Code Generation Module:
o Generates a unique QR code for each product.
o Links the QR code to the respective product page. Also write link bellow the QR code
o Allow download QR Code in PDF format along with respective link for printing
o Put share option via directly to WhatsApp with link
3. Product Page Module:
o Displays options to view the product image or video.
o Ensures easy navigation and user interaction.
4. Backend
O Simple login Functionality
O Add, Edit, Delt option for the product and its resources
O Add search functionality (product ID, Sorting etc)
O From search or table add Edit/replace Image and video option (also add Delt option)
5. Product Page:
1) Product page should content Product ID. First button for Image, second Button for Video and 3rd Button For more Product (which will be redirected to a fix page/ website)

Skills: PHP, CakePHP, Codeigniter, MySQL, Laravel
Hourly rate: 2 - 8 USD
54 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, CakePHP, Codeigniter, MySQL, Laravel
Experienced PHP Developer Required for Project
not specified 55 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$123'848 total spent
68 hires , 17 active
141 jobs posted
48% hire rate, 12 open job
13.65 /hr avg hourly rate paid
1131 hours
4.38 of 39 reviews
Registered at: 10/12/2017
AE United Arab Emirates
We are looking for a PHP developer to work with us in the long term. We will start by engaging on fixed scope first and the proceed with monthly fixed contract for long term.
Budget: not specified
55 minutes ago
Solana Token Holder Expansion Bot
250 - 750 NZD 59 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
NZ New Zealand
I'm looking for a developer who can create a bot that can increase the number of Solana token holders.

Key requirements:
- 1000 new holders per day: The bot should facilitate the onboarding of 1000 new token holders each day.
- Random Token Transfer: Each transfer should involve a random amount of Solana token, ranging from 10 to 30 tokens.

Bot operation:
- Identity & Selection: The bot should create a unique new token holder address and transfer tokens to them. It should not be based on any predefined list or specific criteria.
- Address Management: The bot should ensure that a new unique address is created for each new token holder.

This project aims to expand the Solana token community. The ideal developer for this project should have experience with blockchain technology, particularly Solana, and have a good understanding of tokenomics and community building in the cryptocurrency space.

Skills: PHP, C Programming, Java, Software Architecture, C++ Programming
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 NZD
59 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, Sales & Marketing, Business, Accounting, Human Resources & Legal, Software Architecture, C++ Programming
Experienced PHP Developer Needed to Fix Current Website
not specified 59 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$3'239'212 total spent
356 hires , 32 active
672 jobs posted
53% hire rate, 5 open job
19.22 /hr avg hourly rate paid
157810 hours
4.21 of 309 reviews
Registered at: 14/10/2009
JP Japan
We are seeking an experienced PHP developer to fix issues with our current website. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of PHP and be able to troubleshoot and resolve any problems efficiently. The main focus of this role will be to identify and fix bugs, enhance the website's functionality, and optimize its performance. The developer will work closely with our team to ensure the website meets our requirements and delivers an exceptional user experience.

Skills required:
- Proficient in PHP
- Strong problem-solving skills
- Familiarity with web development frameworks
- Experience with database management
- Attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines

If you have a solid background in PHP development and are looking for an exciting opportunity to contribute your skills to a growing website, please apply with your portfolio and relevant past projects.
Budget: not specified
59 minutes ago
Prestashop custom module upgrade / fix -- 2
10 - 30 USD 59 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$112'921 total spent
90 hires , 2 active
6 open job
4.29 of 21 reviews
Registered at: 05/05/2012
TR Turkey
I have an invoice module connects to tax authority. I need to upgrade the module to send some new details to the server.

Skills: PHP, Software Architecture, Prestashop, MySQL, HTML
Fixed budget: 10 - 30 USD
59 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, Software Architecture, Prestashop, MySQL, HTML
Restore Website from .wpress Backup
8 - 30 EUR 59 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$379'599 total spent
220 hires , 28 active
4 open job
5.00 of 88 reviews
Registered at: 24/07/2015
IE Ireland
My website needs restoration from a .wpress backup file. The task involves using the All in One Migration plugin that old developer used. The website backup file is a year old, our own developer tried to restore but failed but he only tried once. We have 2 other unique sites backup too they at worst we coul restore one of them and rename to our main site (all furniture brands) but ideally need main site restored which is very large site

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proficiency in WordPress
- Experience with All-in-One WP Migration plugin
- Ability to troubleshoot potential issues during restoration
- Excellent communication skills to provide updates throughout the process

Skills: PHP, Website Design, Graphic Design, WordPress, HTML
Fixed budget: 8 - 30 EUR
59 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, WordPress, HTML, Website Design, Graphic Design
Transform Import-Export Site into Responsive E-commerce
600 - 1,000 INR 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
2 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 16/07/2024
IN India
My current website, which provides information and services about the import-export business, requires a skilled web developer to convert it into a fully responsive mini shopping website.

Key Responsibilities:
- Modify the existing non-responsive site to be mobile and PC compatible
- Ensure the site is user-friendly and can accommodate e-commerce features in the future

Ideal Skills:
- Proficiency in web development and coding
- Experience with e-commerce site development
- Understanding of responsive web design principles

This project does not currently require any additional e-commerce features, but the site should be designed with future upgrades in mind. The primary aim is to ensure the site is responsive and suitable for both mobile and desktop users.

Skills: PHP, JavaScript, Website Design, CSS, HTML
Fixed budget: 600 - 1,000 INR
1 hour ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Mobile Phones & Computing, Design, Media & Architecture, HTML, Website Design, CSS
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