Google Display Network Freelance Jobs

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1 projects published for past 72 hours.
Job Title Budget
Graphic Designer
3 - 5 USD
2 days ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$20'365 total spent
60 hires , 9 active
264 jobs posted
23% hire rate, 4 open job
3.95 /hr avg hourly rate paid
5029 hours
4.87 of 40 reviews
Registered at: 02/01/2015
SG Singapore
1. Create Advertisement Banners for Google Display Network
2.Create Advertisement Banners for Facebook / Social Media
3. Create Advertisement Banners for All Digital Marketing Advertisements

You should have similar experience to apply for this role
Hourly rate: 3 - 5 USD
2 days ago
  • Design & Creative, Graphic, Editorial & Presentation Design
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