French Freelance Jobs

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253 projects published for past 72 hours.
Job Title Budget
Replicate a Shopify Website
not specified 22 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$980 total spent
1 hires , 2 active
3 jobs posted
33% hire rate, 1 open job
4.88 of 5 reviews
Registered at: 02/12/2023
AE United Arab Emirates
We are seeking a skilled web designer to replicate a Shopify website onto our own shopify store.

We have a logo and a mockup ready. The task involves copying the product page and homepage from the existing site. The entire website must be replicated, including any necessary coding.

Fluency in French is a plus, but not required. We are looking for someone who is independent and efficient.
Budget: not specified
22 minutes ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Ecommerce Development
translation English to French
14 USD 22 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
2 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 08/02/2024
KE Kenya
looking for someone who is a native french speaker to translate some social media content from english to french.
Fixed budget: 14 USD
22 minutes ago
  • Translation, Translation & Localization Services
French teacher for intermediate level student
100 USD 41 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 25/07/2024
IN India
Hello French speakers, I am looking for a teacher to improve my French!

I've been learning for 4 months but
I'm still not very good.

Listening is stronger than speaking, so I Wil be able to understand most of what you say.

I really just need someone talk to me in French. It will be an easy job for you.
Fixed budget: 100 USD
41 minutes ago
  • Translation, Language Tutoring & Interpretation
Assistant Virtuel pour Instagram
46 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
7 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 08/05/2024
FR France
Description du poste :

Nous sommes à la recherche d'un  assistant  virtuel pour gérer le compte Instagram d'une modèle.

Responsabilités :

Poster des réels

Poster des stories

Analyser les tendances

Qualifications :

Une expérience en gestion de compte Instagram est un plus

Bonne communication

Connaissance du français exigé

Pour postuler :

Envoyez un message en privé 



We are looking for a virtual assistant to manage a model's Instagram account.

Responsibilities :

Post real

Post stories

Analyze trends


Previous Instagram account management experience

Good communication skills

Knowledge of French required

To apply:

Send a private message
Hourly rate: 3 USD
46 minutes ago
Belgian French speakers needed for web research and data entry job
48 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
508 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 57 open job
4.74 of 480 reviews
Registered at: 17/02/2021
HU Hungary
A fast-growing company needs French-speaking freelancers for web research and data entry positions

Training will be provided.

Main requirements include:
- availability of 40 hours per week
- fast internet connection
- web research skills
- phone call skills
- fluency in English
- fluency in French

We offer:
- flexible schedule and work from home
- on-the-job training and opportunity to work with a diverse international team
Hourly rate: 4 USD
48 minutes ago
  • Admin Support, Data Entry & Transcription Services
French Audio Transcription
105 USD 59 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
GU Guam
We are seeking a skilled freelancer to transcribe audio recordings from French to English. The transcriptions must be accurately and neatly typed, with proper grammar and punctuation. This job requires excellent listening and writing skills in both languages. The freelancer must be able to work independently and deliver high-quality transcriptions within the given deadline. Attention to detail and accuracy are crucial for this project. The ideal candidate should be familiar with various accents and dialects in French. Knowledge of transcription software or tools is a plus.
Fixed budget: 105 USD
59 minutes ago
  • IT & Networking, DevOps & Solution Architecture
Optimize Google Ads Display campaign
50 USD 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$253 total spent
4 hires , 2 active
5 jobs posted
80% hire rate, 1 open job
5.00 of 2 reviews
Registered at: 13/07/2024
We are a media outlet specializing in KPOP news, targeting French-speaking audiences. We currently run ads through the Google Ads display network. We seek a skilled freelancer to optimize our existing Google Ads account and set up an automated system for running display ads based on new blog posts or Instagram feed updates.

Mission 1: Google Ads Account Optimization
Optimize our Google Ads account for improved performance and better results.

Our Google Ads account was initially set up by an agency and has been active for four months.
We paused the campaigns two months ago and are now resuming them with the goal of achieving the best possible results.

Account Review and Analysis:
Conduct a thorough audit of the current Google Ads account.
Analyze past performance metrics and identify areas for improvement.

Campaign Optimization:
Optimize existing campaigns for better targeting, ad placement, and budget allocation.
Refine ad copy, images, and keywords to enhance ad relevance and engagement.
Implement advanced bidding strategies to maximize ROI.

Performance Monitoring:
Set up tracking and analytics to monitor performance continuously.
Provide regular performance reports and actionable insights.

Mission 2: Automated Display Ads Based on New Content
Automatically run display ads on the Google Ads network based on new blog posts or Instagram feed updates.

Dynamic Display Ads Setup:
Create and set up dynamic display ads in Google Ads.
Ensure ads pull images and content from the latest blog posts or Instagram updates.

Feed Creation and Management:
Develop a feed that includes images, headlines, and descriptions from new blog posts and Instagram updates.
Ensure the feed is regularly updated with the latest content.

Integration with Google Merchant Center:
Link the content feed to Google Merchant Center.
Ensure seamless integration between the feed and Google Ads for dynamic ad creation.

Automation with Third-Party Tools:
Use tools like Zapier to automate the process of updating the feed with new blog posts or Instagram content.
Ensure that new content is promptly reflected in the dynamic ads.

Proven experience with Google Ads account optimization.
Expertise in setting up and managing dynamic display ads.
Familiarity with content feed creation and management.
Ability to integrate and automate content updates using third-party tools.
Strong analytical skills and attention to detail.
Excellent communication skills and ability to provide regular updates.

We look forward to working with a dedicated freelancer who can help us achieve our advertising goals and improve our overall ad performance.
If you have the skills and experience required for these missions, please apply with your relevant experience and approach to tackling these tasks.
Fixed budget: 50 USD
1 hour ago
Transcript reader for German Italian and French transcript
163 USD 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
6 jobs posted
4 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 16/07/2024
RO Romania
We are seeking proficient transcript readers for German, Italian, and French languages. This role involves accurately reading a 4-hour transcript in one of the specified languages.

Position: Transcript Reader (German/Italian/French)

Pay: 150€ per language

Job Description:

Accurately read a 4-hour transcript in German, Italian, or French.
Ensure the recording is clear and comprehensible.
Maintain the integrity and accuracy of the transcript's content.

Fluency in either German, Italian, or French.
Excellent reading comprehension skills.
Attention to detail.
Ability to meet deadlines.
Application Process:

Interested candidates must pass an audition to demonstrate their proficiency in the chosen language.
How to Apply:

Submit your application along with a brief cover letter highlighting your experience with the language.
Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the audition.
We look forward to your applications and hope to find dedicated individuals who can deliver high-quality work.
Fixed budget: 163 USD
1 hour ago
  • Admin Support, Data Entry & Transcription Services
UX/UI Design for Accountant and their client
400 USD 2 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$9'672 total spent
10 hires , 6 active
8 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 1 open job
6.84 /hr avg hourly rate paid
1044 hours
4.65 of 3 reviews
Registered at: 16/06/2016
US United States
Correct Refund UX Design Request

Objective & Company background

Our objective is to create a better version of our app and dashboard so clients can interact with our company easily. We also want to improve the workflow internally. It means that we want to automate processes wherever possible. Correct Refund CPAs & Advisors is providing tax and accounting services for individuals and businesses. We are located in Maryland but our clients are anywhere in the word. We speak with clients in English, French and Spanish. We were founded in 2015 and we have been focusing on providing low cost services to the community. We are focusing on leverage technology to automate easy services and focus on consultancy. We are a multifaceted firm.

Main Objective: To create a comprehensive UI/UX design for the dashboard and client portal.

Previous work done:


Unclunking Your Accounting Firm, Starting With Your Software
Our website

Sample List of Pages
Pages/Screens for the Client-Facing App:
Login/Signup Screen:
User login
New user signup
Password recovery
Summary of pending tasks
Recent document uploads
Notifications and alerts
Quick access buttons (e.g., Upload Documents, View Documents, Messages)
Choose Service:
List of available services (e.g., Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, Financial Planning)
Service selection process
Upload Documents:
Select service before uploading (if not already selected)
Drag-and-drop area for document upload
File selector for browsing documents
List of recently uploaded documents
Status indicators (e.g., uploaded, in review, accepted)
View Documents:
List of all uploaded documents organized by service
Document categorization (e.g., income, expenses, receipts)
Search and filter options
Document preview
List of conversation threads
Messaging interface for real-time communication
Notifications for new messages
Calls and Texts:
Log of call history with recordings
Log of text message history
Ability to initiate calls and send messages through the app
Personal information (e.g., name, address, phone number, email)
Social Security Number (SSN)
Spouse information
Dependent information
Employment details
Financial information
Update profile details
Add and view notes related to specific services or tasks
Organize notes by date and relevance
Account Settings:
Update personal details (e.g., name, email, phone number)
Change password
Payment methods and billing information
Contact support form
Live chat (if available)
List of notifications (e.g., document status updates, messages)
Settings for notification preferences
Pages/Screens for the Internal Team Dashboard:
Login Screen:
Team member login
Password recovery
Overview of client activities
Pending tasks and deadlines
Recent document submissions
Quick access buttons (e.g., Review Documents, Client Messages, Client Profiles)
Choose Service for Document Review:
List of services (e.g., Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, Financial Planning)
Filter documents by service
Document Review:
List of documents pending review, organized by service
Detailed view of each document
Approval or rejection options
Comments and feedback
Client Profiles:
List of all clients
Detailed profile for each client (e.g., contact info, document history, SSN, spouse and dependents)
Client status and activity logs
Client Communication:
List of conversation threads with clients
Messaging interface for real-time communication
Log of call history with recordings
Log of text message history
Ability to initiate calls and send messages through the app
Task Management:
List of tasks and deadlines
Task assignment to team members
Task status tracking and updates
Reports and Analytics:
Financial reports and summaries
Client activity reports
Performance metrics for the team
Add and view notes related to clients, services, or tasks
Organize notes by date and relevance
Team member profiles and roles
Security settings (e.g., two-factor authentication)
Notification preferences
Internal documentation
Contact support form
Live chat (if available)
User Flow
Client Flow:
Login/Signup → Home/Dashboard → Choose Service → Upload Documents → View Documents → Messages/Communication → Calls and Texts → Profile → Notes → Account Settings → Help/Support → Notifications
Internal Team Flow:
Login → Home/Dashboard → Choose Service for Document Review → Document Review → Client Profiles → Client Communication → Calls and Texts → Task Management → Reports and Analytics → Notes → Settings → Help/Support
Example Flow for a Client:
Login/Signup: User logs in or signs up for a new account.
Home/Dashboard: User sees a summary of pending tasks and recent document uploads.
Choose Service: User selects the service they need (e.g., Tax Preparation).
Upload Documents: User uploads financial documents relevant to the selected service.
View Documents: User views all uploaded documents, categorized by service, with search and filter options.
Messages/Communication: User sends and receives messages from their CPA.
Calls and Texts: User views call logs and text message history and can initiate calls and messages.
Profile: User updates personal information, including SSN, spouse, and dependents.
Notes: User adds notes related to specific services or tasks.
Account Settings: User updates account details and payment methods.
Help/Support: User accesses FAQs or contacts support for assistance.
Notifications: User checks notifications for document status updates and new messages.
Example Flow for an Internal Team Member:
Login: Team member logs into the dashboard.
Home/Dashboard: Team member sees an overview of client activities and pending tasks.
Choose Service for Document Review: Team member selects the service to filter documents.
Document Review: Team member reviews uploaded documents, organized by service, and provides feedback.
Client Profiles: Team member views and updates detailed client profiles.
Client Communication: Team member communicates with clients through the messaging interface.
Calls and Texts: Team member views call logs and text message history and can initiate calls and messages.
Task Management: Team member assigns and tracks tasks and deadlines.
Reports and Analytics: Team member generates and reviews financial and performance reports.
Notes: Team member adds notes related to clients, services, or tasks.
Settings: Team member updates their profile and security settings.
Help/Support: Team member accesses internal documentation or contacts support.
Fixed budget: 400 USD
2 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Web & Mobile Design
Bilingual French and English Voice Call Customer Service Representative
not specified 2 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$2'251 total spent
4 hires , 2 active
7 jobs posted
57% hire rate, 1 open job
4.59 /hr avg hourly rate paid
478 hours
5.00 of 1 reviews
Registered at: 18/02/2022
CA Canada
Bilingual French and English Voice Call Customer Service Representative
Budget: not specified
2 hours ago
  • Translation, Translation & Localization Services
Development of a “10-year guarantee” signet for a brand
50 USD 2 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 16/04/2024
Development of a “10-year guarantee” signet for a brand. The brand or the brand logo must be integrated or recognizable in the signet. The signet must work on both light and dark backgrounds.

Communication and interaction are very important to me. Therefore, actively ask me about the requirements of the label and ask the necessary questions. Please don't just start designing something without talking to me clearly about it first.

You guarantee me that you will do the work personally and not have it done somewhere in the background by a third party.

You design at least 5 variants of the signet and present them to me with your thoughts on them. If necessary, I will give you a sketch as an idea, which you will also work out as a variant.

The logo is developed in as many correction and adaptation loops as necessary. The more creative and professional you are, the fewer iterations are necessary.

The signet is initially created in English. At the end, it is also created in German, Italian and French according to my specifications.

As a result, I receive the logo per language in AI, TIFF, PNG and GIF formats.

If you are interested in this job, please send me references of such or similar work and tell me why you are suitable for this job.
Fixed budget: 50 USD
2 hours ago
  • Design & Creative, Graphic, Editorial & Presentation Design
Bilingual French and English Voice Call Customer Service Representative
not specified 2 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$2'251 total spent
4 hires , 2 active
7 jobs posted
57% hire rate, 1 open job
4.59 /hr avg hourly rate paid
478 hours
5.00 of 1 reviews
Registered at: 18/02/2022
CA Canada
Bilingual French and English Voice Call Customer Service Representative
Budget: not specified
2 hours ago
  • Translation, Translation & Localization Services
French Speaking Virtual Assistant
4 - 9 USD
2 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$280'378 total spent
51 hires , 4 active
69 jobs posted
74% hire rate, 1 open job
10.59 /hr avg hourly rate paid
25113 hours
5.00 of 47 reviews
Registered at: 07/12/2017
FR France
We are seeking a French speaking virtual assistant to join our team. As a virtual assistant, you will be responsible for a variety of tasks including writing proposals, creating PowerPoint presentations, conducting online research, writing procedures, using WordPress, and handling calls. The ideal candidate must have excellent communication skills in French and English, as well as strong organizational and multitasking abilities.

Skills required:
- Fluent in French and English
- Proposal writing
- PowerPoint presentation creation
- Online research
- Procedure writing
- WordPress proficiency
- Call handling

We are looking for a virtual assistant who can work efficiently and independently. If you have the necessary skills and are ready to take on this exciting opportunity, please apply with your updated resume and portfolio.
Hourly rate: 4 - 9 USD
2 hours ago
Prospection Linkedin
3 - 10 USD
2 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$48'925 total spent
32 hires , 31 active
58 jobs posted
55% hire rate, 3 open job
6.71 /hr avg hourly rate paid
7126 hours
4.97 of 13 reviews
Registered at: 22/09/2011
FR France
I'm looking for someone to make prospection on linkedin from his/her account.
you'll base your account in France, use your real pictures and just change your last job titles.
I'll give you a list of personn to "nurture", "add" and then prospect.
You'll react to some post etc...
after a while i'll plug a premium account.
your profile will be turned into a french or france based profiles + banner in the background.

Hourly rate: 3 - 10 USD
2 hours ago
  • Sales & Marketing, Lead Generation & Telemarketing
FRENCH - Virtual assistant
not specified 2 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
GU Guam
'aimerais embaucher quelqu'un pour faire 1 heure de travail par jour à aller poster dans des groupes d'emplois via ma page Facebook qui aide les gens à se trouver un emploi. Il faut poster sur les groupes et commenter les statut des gens qui recherche des emplois pour les invites à appliquer sur notre plateforme :
Budget: not specified
2 hours ago
  • IT & Networking, Information Security & Compliance
Native French Male Voice over for a Catholic series of Videos
20 - 45 USD
3 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$1'555 total spent
1 hires , 1 active
5 jobs posted
20% hire rate, 1 open job
32.85 /hr avg hourly rate paid
55 hours
no reviews
Registered at: 19/12/2023
CA Canada
Looking for a native French Male Voice Over artist to narrate Kids videos with some voice acting.
It is important to note that the videos are dedicated to Christian Catholic education for young minds.

We are looking for someone who has a good french accent and can give an energetic tone
Hourly rate: 20 - 45 USD
3 hours ago
Talent Acquisition Specialist
10 USD 3 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$221 total spent
5 hires
12 jobs posted
42% hire rate, 1 open job
4.95 of 4 reviews
Registered at: 09/12/2015
ML Mali
Hello there

I am seeking a Talent Acquisition Specialist for a part-time position. In this role, you will source, interview, and hire top talent for our organization. You will work closely with a hiring manager to understand the needs and identify the best candidates for the job. Understanding French would be a big plus.

Let me know if this interests you
Fixed budget: 10 USD
3 hours ago
  • Accounting & Consulting, Recruiting & Human Resources
French female voice-over artist needed
40 USD 4 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$4'659 total spent
102 hires , 14 active
160 jobs posted
64% hire rate, 0 open job
5.38 /hr avg hourly rate paid
117 hours
4.59 of 70 reviews
Registered at: 28/02/2008
IN India
Hello Everyone,
I need a female French voice artist (young, energetic, 25-40 years old).

Budget: 40 USD

Attached is the updated script. If possible, please send 1 or 2 lines from the script for the audition.

To be more specific, it would be great if you could match the pace and timing of the US video script, here it is

Thank you.
Fixed budget: 40 USD
4 hours ago
Spanish subtitles for a one-hour French-spoken fiction video
not specified 5 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
FR France
Hi, I'm a French solo filmmaker looking for spanish subtitles for a one-hour-long self-produced French feature film.

I can provide the movie itself (of course) and the english subtitles I crafted myself, as an help.

Deadline : 16th of August 2024.

Thanks !
Budget: not specified
5 hours ago
  • Translation, Translation & Localization Services
SEO professional
100 USD 6 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$1'121 total spent
13 hires
48 jobs posted
27% hire rate, 4 open job
4.68 of 11 reviews
Registered at: 23/09/2019
TN Tunisia
Hello everyone,

I am seeking an experienced SEO professional to enhance the quality and ranking of my e-commerce Shopify store on Google.

As I am not an SEO expert, I conducted a brief audit using Ahrefs and discovered several pages that are not indexed, along with other issues. I need a skilled SEO expert to outline a clear roadmap for addressing these problems.

The website is in French and caters to the Tunisian market. If you have the expertise and a strategic approach to SEO, I am eager to collaborate with you. Looking forward to finding the perfect candidate!

Best regards,
Fixed budget: 100 USD
6 hours ago
Food Photography for Fries Shop
1,500 - 12,500 INR 6 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$370 total spent
1 hires
1 open job
5.00 of 1 reviews
Registered at: 28/02/2021
DE Germany
I am looking for a professional photographer who can help me with food photography for my French fries shop.

The key requirements and details of the project are as follows:

- Scope: The task primarily involves capturing high-quality, appealing photographs of a variety of French fries and dipping sauces, presenting them in an appetizing way.
- Post-Production: While I don't need elaborate editing, basic post-production work such as color correction and cropping is necessary.
- Usage: These photos and videos will be mainly used for social media content, so it's important that they are visually appealing and engaging to potential customers.

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Prior experience in food photography, particularly with fast food or similar products, would be a big advantage.
- Proficiency in basic photo editing software.
- Understanding of social media content creation, in particular for food-related businesses.
- A creative eye for capturing and presenting food in an enticing way.

If you're confident in your ability to deliver high-quality food photography for social media, please reach out with your portfolio and relevant experience.

Skills: Graphic Design, Photography, Photoshop, Photo Editing, Adobe Lightroom
Fixed budget: 1,500 - 12,500 INR
6 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Graphic Design, Photography, Photoshop, Photo Editing, Adobe Lightroom
PDF Checklist design in French
10 USD 6 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$1'523 total spent
17 hires
17 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 0 open job
4.92 of 10 reviews
Registered at: 08/08/2023
FR France
I've created a checklist of best practices for avoiding spam (for a French email marketing agency) and I'd like the document to look designer and professional., in PDF.

Here's the link to the checklist:

Please find attached the color palette and the company logo in various formats.
I'd like something fairly simple that respects the brand's identity (color palette, logo). I've attached an example of the style I'd like.
Fixed budget: 10 USD
6 hours ago
  • Design & Creative, Graphic, Editorial & Presentation Design
English to French Translation
50 - 60 CAD 7 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
$27'319 total spent
21 hires
1 open job
5.00 of 29 reviews
Registered at: 29/04/2023
US United States
I need a translation from English to Canadian French.

I have a document that needs to be professionally translated from English to Canadian French. The content is fairly straightforward and consists of general text.

I'm looking for an experienced translator who is a native French speaker or has native-level proficiency.

- Proficiency in English and French
- Translation experience
- Attention to detail

Skills: Translation, English (UK) Translator, Canadian French Translator, French Translator, English (US) Translator
Fixed budget: 50 - 60 CAD
7 hours ago
  • Writing & Content, Translation & Languages, Translation, English (UK) Translator, Canadian French Translator, French Translator, English (US) Translator
Google AdWords Specialist
10 - 50 USD
7 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$5'061 total spent
22 hires
34 jobs posted
65% hire rate, 1 open job
24.10 /hr avg hourly rate paid
135 hours
5.00 of 22 reviews
Registered at: 11/11/2012
BE Belgium
We are a Branding and Website Creation Agency specializing in Brandin, WordPress/WooCommerce and Shopify platforms. We are seeking an experienced Google AdWords Specialist to help us manage lead acquisition campaigns through Google AdWords in Belgium and France.

Develop, implement, and manage Google AdWords campaigns aimed at lead generation.
Conduct keyword research to identify high-performing keywords.
Create compelling ad copy and optimize existing ads to improve performance.
Monitor and analyze campaign performance data to identify trends and insights.
Make data-driven decisions to adjust campaigns for maximum ROI.
Report on campaign performance, providing actionable insights and recommendations.
Stay up-to-date with the latest Google AdWords updates and best practices.

Proven experience as a Google AdWords Specialist with a strong portfolio of successful campaigns.
Expertise in creating and managing Google AdWords campaigns for lead generation.
In-depth understanding of keyword research and competitive analysis.
Strong analytical skills and the ability to interpret data to make informed decisions.
Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Ability to work independently and manage multiple campaigns simultaneously.
Familiarity with the Belgian and French markets is a plus.
Knowledge of WordPress/WooCommerce and Shopify is a bonus.
Hourly rate: 10 - 50 USD
7 hours ago
French Audio Transcription
not specified 7 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
2 jobs posted
0 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 22/07/2024
FR France
Nous recherchons une personne pour transcrire en texte un document audio en français (sons d'interviews ou de conférences). L'audio est en français et doit être transcrit avec précision en texte écrit. Ce travail exige de solides compétences d'écoute et la capacité de comprendre et de transcrire le français parlé. Le souci du détail est essentiel pour garantir l'exactitude de la transcription. Il s'agit d'une excellente opportunité pour quelqu'un qui parle couramment le français et qui a de l'expérience dans le domaine de la transcription rapide. Il n'est pas nécessaire de modifier le texte mais juste de le saisir tel qu'il est dit.
Budget: not specified
7 hours ago
  • Admin Support, Data Entry & Transcription Services
Créateur de Contenu Numérique Francophone
250 - 750 EUR 9 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
FR France
En tant que créateur de contenu dans notre équipe, vous serez en charge de la promotion de nos services sur diverses plateformes de médias sociaux.

Votre travail consistera à:
- Concevoir des contenus captivants pour Facebook, Instagram, et Tiktok
- Mettre en valeur les services de nos clients
- Augmenter la visibilité de nos clients

Le contenu sera principalement en français, donc une maîtrise parfaite de cette langue est impérative.

Idéal pour les créateurs de contenu expérimentés dans le marketing des médias sociaux, possédant un sens aigu de l'esthétique, une connaissance approfondie des tendances actuelles et une compréhension des meilleures pratiques des médias sociaux. L'expérience préalable avec les infographies et les vidéos est un plus, mais pas nécessaire pour cette position.

Skills: Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, French Translator, Social Media Marketing
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 EUR
9 hours ago
  • Sales & Marketing, Translation & Languages, Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, Social Media Marketing, French Translator
Shopify Seo And Mentoring
80 USD 10 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$1'541 total spent
33 hires , 1 active
140 jobs posted
24% hire rate, 2 open job
12.71 /hr avg hourly rate paid
11 hours
4.83 of 11 reviews
Registered at: 03/11/2022
TR Turkey
Hello, everyone, I would like to get both mentoring and help on SEO. I apologize for reopening the job posting because I couldn't find anyone who could help. Additionally, people who have no knowledge of the topical authority generally submit offers to my job posting. This is a sad situation for me. I will prefer people who have knowledge about holistic SEO and creating topical authority. The language of my store is French, and the target country is France. Also, since my English is not very good, we can handle the education issue through correspondence. Knowing French can be an advantage. But if you don't know French, that's no problem. Because I managed to rank my store for more than 300 keywords on Google without having to know French. Also, as you know, SEO rules are universal rules independent of the language spoken in any country. If you want to help please send me an offer. I don't have a huge budget for this job. I will not take up too much of the time of the person I will be working with. I also have a son with kidney disease. I also need to earn money for his treatment. I also have dreams that I want to realize. You can think of this job as helping someone rather than providing service. I would like you to price your offers on a monthly basis, thank you.

Things to do:
1- Adding a product or 1-2 blog posts every day to build topic authority. ( Video explaining how to add products to Shopify)
2- To hold regular meetings (1-2 hours a week) by communicating through anydesk software in line with our agreement.
3- Categorizing keywords according to difficulty and ease.
4- Determining new keywords by consulting with Ayndesk software when necessary.
5- Determining what needs to be done for SEO work on keywords.
6- Helping to do SEO work on keywords. (content update suggestions, backlink creation, etc.)
Fixed budget: 80 USD
10 hours ago
Voiceover experts needed - German,French, Spanish, Italian, or Portuguese
not specified 11 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
DE Germany
We are looking for who to regularly translate our voice videos for our YouTube channel,in German,French,Spanish, Italian, or Portuguese.
You must be a native speakers of one the languages and able to translate from the original script. It's ok to use some help from ai translation is ok.but you must be able to check it.
We need to do around two videos per month,each around 15 minutes long we are aiming to speed $300, but might consider a high rate.
Most of the content does not require dubbing ( no person is shown on screen)- for some videos. No dubbing is required for others. It's around 50% of the videos.
We need people who can complete the work quickly and to high standards. Please let me know what you would charge and how long it would take each time.
Budget: not specified
11 hours ago
  • Data Science & Analytics, AI & Machine Learning
Competent Developer Needed to Complete Instagram Bot for Sending Pre-Recorded Voice Messages
50 USD 13 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$60 total spent
1 hires
11 jobs posted
9% hire rate, 0 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 21/10/2023
FR France
We are seeking a skilled developer to finalize the development of an Instagram bot designed to send pre-recorded voice messages to new followers. The bot should operate naturally to avoid detection by Instagram's automated systems, thus preventing account suspension. The project is already partially developed, and we need a developer to complete it by adding additional features and ensuring it works seamlessly.

Project Overview:

We have a partially developed bot that automates the process of sending pre-recorded voice messages to new followers on Instagram. The primary interest of this bot is to efficiently manage and send these messages across a large number of Instagram accounts. The existing code is executable, and many core functionalities are in place. We need someone competent to bring it to completion.

Key Requirements:

1. Natural Operation:
- The bot must mimic human behavior closely to avoid detection by Instagram's automated systems. Emphasis on creating a natural interaction pattern to prevent account suspension.

2. Core Functionalities:
- Automatically send pre-recorded voice messages to new followers on Instagram.
- Ability to send multiple voice messages in sequence.
- Option to set a delay between messages and between followers to simulate natural behavior.

3. Proxy Support:
- Option to use SOCKS5 proxies for connecting to Instagram accounts.
- Ability to rotate IP addresses using a proxy API between sending messages from different accounts to enhance security.

4. Profile Management:
- Ability to save and manage multiple Instagram profiles.
- Option to select and send messages from multiple accounts simultaneously.

5. Customizable Schedule:
- Set specific hours during which the bot is active (e.g., 20:00 - 02:00, French time).
- Ensure the bot only sends messages during the defined active hours.

6. User Interface:
- An ergonomic and visually appealing interface.
- Clear options to manage and select Instagram profiles and proxies.
- Intuitive controls to set delays and active hours.
- Real-time progress tracking of message sending.

7. Message Order:
- Allow users to upload multiple voice messages and set the order in which they are sent.

8. Testing and Error Handling:
- Provide buttons to test proxy connections and Instagram login.
- Display success or error messages for all actions.

Existing Progress:

- Executable Code: The bot is currently executable with core functionalities implemented.
- Basic Interface: An initial user interface has been created, allowing basic interactions and settings.
- Proxy and Profile Management: Basic functionality for proxy support and profile management is in place.


- Complete the development of the Instagram bot, ensuring it meets all specified requirements.
- Fully functional and polished user interface.
- Comprehensive testing to ensure natural operation and prevent detection by Instagram.
- Detailed documentation for using and configuring the bot.

Additional Requirements:

- Experience with Instagram API: Prior experience working with the Instagram API and developing bots is a plus.
- Attention to Detail: The bot's behavior must be carefully crafted to avoid detection.
- Communication: Regular updates on progress and any challenges encountered.

How to Apply:

Please include the following in your application:
- A brief overview of your experience with similar projects.
- Examples of past work related to bot development or Instagram automation.
- Your approach to ensuring natural bot behavior and avoiding detection by Instagram.
- Estimated timeline and cost for completing the project.
Fixed budget: 50 USD
13 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Scripts & Utilities
FRENCH | Social Media Marketing | Social Media Manager
10 - 40 USD
13 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$194'356 total spent
33 hires , 22 active
37 jobs posted
89% hire rate, 3 open job
8.30 /hr avg hourly rate paid
22306 hours
4.83 of 9 reviews
Registered at: 03/04/2020
AU Australia
We are on the hunt for an enthusiastic and experienced Social Media Expert & Media Buyer fluent in French to join our dynamic team.

We are brand in Australia who recently expanded to France and set up a new store with a professional translator to suit the French market.

The brand is in Female industry and looking for a marketing expert to work with us to take it to new heights in this market.

The Job:
This is a part-time role, based online, where you will be an integral part of our small but mighty team! Your role is to create compelling visual content in French, launch ad campaigns, manage our website updates, and run socials.

Your Responsibilities:

- Creating engaging static ads for Facebook and Instagram
- Designing graphics for our website and social media
- Collaborating with the marketing team to ensure brand consistency
- Running ad campaigns on Meta/Google
- Updating and maintaining our newly established French domain store


- Fluency in French and strong communication skills
- Media buying experience
- Proven track record in creating static ads for social media
- Excellent English for team collaboration
- Living in France/Live in France and have experience in the market

Think you fit all these roles? Start your application with the word RED and make sure you meet all the required criteria before applying. We look forward to seeing your application and having you on board!
Hourly rate: 10 - 40 USD
13 hours ago
  • Sales & Marketing, Marketing, PR & Brand Strategy
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