Facebook Freelance Jobs

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1399 projects published for past 72 hours.
Job Title Budget
Non-Profit Fundraising for Over $50,000
600 - 20,000 INR 9 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$116'082 total spent
120 hires , 1 active
3 open job
5.00 of 5 reviews
Registered at: 25/07/2018
IN India
I am seeking an experienced fund raiser who can help our non-profit organization raise over $50,000.

Key Responsibilities:
- Plan and execute effective fund raising campaigns
- Engage donors through social media campaigns and WhatsApp
- Ensure that the target amount is met

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proven track record in fund raising for non-profit organizations
- Experience in managing social media campaigns and using WhatsApp for fundraising
- Strong communication and negotiation skills
- Ability to work towards and achieve ambitious fund raising targets

If you have a passion for helping non-profit organizations achieve their goals, and have a proven track record in fund raising, we would love to hear from you.

Skills: Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, Research Writing, Social Media Marketing
Fixed budget: 600 - 20,000 INR
9 minutes ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Sales & Marketing, Research Writing, Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Créateur de Contenu Numérique Francophone
250 - 750 EUR 9 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
FR France
En tant que créateur de contenu dans notre équipe, vous serez en charge de la promotion de nos services sur diverses plateformes de médias sociaux.

Votre travail consistera à:
- Concevoir des contenus captivants pour Facebook, Instagram, et Tiktok
- Mettre en valeur les services de nos clients
- Augmenter la visibilité de nos clients

Le contenu sera principalement en français, donc une maîtrise parfaite de cette langue est impérative.

Idéal pour les créateurs de contenu expérimentés dans le marketing des médias sociaux, possédant un sens aigu de l'esthétique, une connaissance approfondie des tendances actuelles et une compréhension des meilleures pratiques des médias sociaux. L'expérience préalable avec les infographies et les vidéos est un plus, mais pas nécessaire pour cette position.

Skills: Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, French Translator, Social Media Marketing
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 EUR
9 minutes ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Sales & Marketing, Translation & Languages, Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, Social Media Marketing, French Translator
Non-Profit Fundraising Campaign Manager
600 - 20,000 INR 9 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$116'082 total spent
120 hires , 1 active
3 open job
5.00 of 5 reviews
Registered at: 25/07/2018
IN India
I'm in search of a proficient and creative Fundraising Campaign Manager to support our non-profit organization. Our campaign targets to raise more than $50,000.

Key Responsibilities:
- Strategize and Execute Fundraising Campaign: We need someone who has experience in creating and managing successful fundraising campaigns. You will be responsible for creating a solid plan towards our target amount.
- Social Media and Google Ads Expertise: We aim to promote our campaign through social media platforms and Google ads. Any experience in these areas is a huge plus.
- Excellent Communication Skills: As our campaign manager, you should have excellent communication skills to reach out to our audience, keep them informed about our cause, and engage them in our fundraising activities.
- Strong Analytical Skills: You should be able to analyze campaign performance and adjust strategies as needed to ensure we're on track to meet our fundraising goals.

Ideal Candidate:
- Previous experience in fundraising campaigns, especially for non-profit organizations.
- Proven record of success in raising large sums of money.
- Expertise in social media campaigning and Google ads.
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
- Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and meet deadlines.
- Proficiency in using analytical tools to measure campaign performance and make data-driven decisions.

Looking forward to collaborating with you for our fundraising campaign!

Skills: Internet Marketing, Google Adwords, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Fixed budget: 600 - 20,000 INR
9 minutes ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Sales & Marketing, Internet Marketing, Google Adwords, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Web Development API
not specified 10 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$48 total spent
1 hires
16 jobs posted
6% hire rate, 2 open job
14.65 /hr avg hourly rate paid
2 hours
5.00 of 1 reviews
Registered at: 18/10/2021
IN India
Need help in

Setting up WhatsApp API, Facebook Business Manager, Instagram and Few Other Applications
Budget: not specified
10 minutes ago
Comprehensive Digital Marketing for Lead Generation
100 - 400 INR
16 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
IN India
I'm seeking a digital marketing specialist with proven experience in social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and email marketing. Your primary objective will be to increase our lead generation.

Key Responsibilities:

1. Social Media Marketing: Craft and execute strategies that will increase engagement on our social platforms, targeting professionals aged 26-40.

2. SEO: Optimize our website to increase visibility on search engines, thereby driving potential leads to the site.

3. Email Marketing: Setup and manage campaigns to convert leads and maintain client relationship.

The ideal candidate should have evidence of strategic digital marketing approaches that resulted in lead generation for similar target audience.

Skills: Graphic Design, Internet Marketing, SEO, Facebook Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Hourly rate: 100 - 400 INR
16 minutes ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, Sales & Marketing, SEO, Graphic Design, Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Data entry, Excel, Ms word,copy typing, powerpoint
400 - 750 INR
22 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
IN India
I am in need of a freelancer who can help me increase brand awareness amongst young adults in a short span of time.

- **Objective**: The main goal here is to enhance the visibility of my brand and its products among the young adult demographic.
- **Target Audience**: The focus of the promotional campaign will be the young adult demographic.
- **Timeline**: The project needs to be completed within a week, so it is crucial that the freelancer has experience in executing fast-paced campaigns.
- **Deliverables**: The key deliverables are:
- A detailed strategy to target the young adult audience
- Engaging content (could be in the form of text, images, videos, etc.) that resonates with this specific group
- Metrics and analysis post-campaign to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign

Ideal skills and experience for this job would include:
- A track record of successful brand awareness campaigns, especially within the young adult demographic
- Proficiency in creating engaging content
- Strong analytical skills for post-campaign evaluation
- Ability to execute fast-paced projects without compromising on quality.

Skills: Data Entry, Excel, Facebook Marketing, Copy Typing, Creative Writing
Hourly rate: 400 - 750 INR
22 minutes ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Writing & Content, Data Entry & Admin, Sales & Marketing, Copy Typing, Creative Writing, Data Entry, Excel, Facebook Marketing
Facebook & Instagram Ads Management
not specified 28 minutes ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$30'537 total spent
33 hires , 5 active
116 jobs posted
28% hire rate, 4 open job
16.51 /hr avg hourly rate paid
1613 hours
4.86 of 23 reviews
Registered at: 03/03/2021
US United States
I am currently in search of an Instagram and Facebook ad specialist for my men's clothing brand. Not only should they have experience in creating successful ad campaigns on these platforms, but they must also be able to assist with content creation.
Budget: not specified
28 minutes ago
Crear una app móvil con Flutter
250 - 750 USD 36 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
2 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 05/10/2023
MX Mexico
# Proyecto: Aplicación Móvil de Grabación de Video de Alta Velocidad con Funcionalidades Avanzadas

## Objetivo
Desarrollar una aplicación móvil multiplataforma (iOS y Android) utilizando Flutter, capaz de grabar video de alta velocidad (hasta 120 fps) con un búfer circular de 10-15 segundos, permitiendo la captura retrospectiva de momentos, con funcionalidades avanzadas de gestión de usuarios, publicación de contenido y edición automática de video.

## Funcionalidades Clave

1. Módulo de Grabación de Alta Velocidad:
- Implementar captura de video a 120 fps (o máxima velocidad soportada por el dispositivo).
- Permitir al usuario seleccionar el FPS de grabación (30, 60, 120 fps).
- Desarrollar un búfer circular para almacenar los últimos 10-15 segundos de video.
- Optimizar el uso de memoria y rendimiento para manejar video de alta velocidad.
- Implementar sistema de monitoreo y gestión de temperatura del dispositivo.
- Asegurar compatibilidad con una amplia gama de dispositivos Android e iOS.
- Desarrollar sistema de selección de escenas clave:
* Mediante botón Bluetooth externo.
* A través de la interfaz táctil del teléfono.
- Implementar grabación automática de 3 muestras por defecto si el usuario no selecciona manualmente.

2. Interfaz de Usuario:
- Diseñar una UI simple y estándar para la aplicación móvil, con acceso a la librería para futuras personalizaciones.
- Implementar controles para ajustar la velocidad de grabación (30, 60, 120 fps).

3. Activación de Grabación Retrospectiva:
- Añadir un botón en la UI para guardar el contenido actual del búfer.
- Integrar funcionalidad para activar la grabación mediante un botón Bluetooth externo.

4. Procesamiento y Almacenamiento de Video:
- Implementar codificación eficiente de video en tiempo real.
- Desarrollar sistema de gestión de almacenamiento para clips de video.

5. Edición Automática de Video:
- Implementar generación automática de 3 versiones de cada video grabado.
- Desarrollar algoritmos para aplicar correcciones de color cinematográficas.
- Crear sistema para ajustar automáticamente la velocidad del video (30 fps en entrada/salida, slowmotion en punto de acción central).
- Generar automáticamente 3 imágenes still (una por cada versión del video).

6. Sistema de Usuarios:
- Implementar registro y autenticación de usuarios.
- Desarrollar perfiles de usuario personalizables.

7. Landing Page Personalizada:
- Crear sistema para que cada usuario genere su propia landing page accesible vía navegador web.
- Implementar generación de URLs cortas únicas para cada landing page.
- Desarrollar un CMS tipo WYSIWYG para que los usuarios añadan contenido.
- Permitir a los usuarios controlar la visibilidad de su contenido.
- Crear una interfaz de diseño avanzado para la landing page, con énfasis en UX y UI.
- Asegurar que las landing pages sean accesibles sin necesidad de tener la aplicación instalada.

8. Captura de Estado de Ánimo de la sesión de grabación:
- Diseñar interfaz para que los usuarios seleccionen su estado de ánimo antes de cada sesión.
- Implementar sistema de almacenamiento y análisis de datos de estado de ánimo.

9. Sistema de Retroalimentación de Coaches:
- Desarrollar sistema de gestión de coaches.
- Implementar generación de enlaces únicos para retroalimentación.
- Crear interfaz para que los coaches proporcionen observaciones cualitativas sobre los clips guardados.
- Desarrollar sistema de notificaciones por email para coaches.
- Implementar sistema de almacenamiento y visualización de estas observaciones.

10. Compartir en Redes Sociales:
- Implementar funcionalidad para compartir videos como historias en Instagram.
- Añadir opción para publicar videos en el feed de Instagram y Facebook.

11. Sistema de Documentación Inteligente:
- Configurar un LLM (Modelo de Lenguaje Grande) con el conocimiento del desarrollo.
- Integrar la documentación del código fuente en el LLM.
- Desarrollar una interfaz para consultar la documentación de manera intuitiva.

Arquitectura en boceto:

Skills: Android, iOS Development, Backend Development, Flutter, Video Processing
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 USD
36 minutes ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Websites, IT & Software, Mobile Phones & Computing, Engineering & Science, iOS Development, Backend Development, Flutter, Video Processing, Android
Personal Branding
not specified 36 minutes ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$9'624 total spent
12 hires , 3 active
22 jobs posted
55% hire rate, 0 open job
5.68 /hr avg hourly rate paid
1012 hours
4.98 of 7 reviews
Registered at: 13/09/2020
US United States
Need an experiance freelancer to handle personal branding and develop networking for a CEO of a Startup company in USA.
COntinues promotions need to be done on Facebook and LinkedIn forcusing on organic growth

detail will be discussed during the discussion. send in your proposals with previous success activities for referance
Budget: not specified
36 minutes ago
Social Media & Graphic Designer Needed
1,500 - 12,500 INR 39 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
IN India
I am in need of an expert social media creative and reels & graphic designer. My focus will be mainly on Instagram and Facebook. The goal of the project is to increase my brand awareness and drive traffic to my website.

Key Project Elements:
- Create captivating images and videos for Instagram and Facebook
- Design engaging graphics that reflect my brand
- Understand and follow social media trends to keep content fresh and engaging
- Work towards increasing brand awareness and driving traffic to my website
- Deliver content that is consistent in style and tone

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proven experience in social media content creation
- Proficiency with graphic design tools like Photoshop or Canva
- Strong understanding of Instagram and Facebook algorithms
- Creative and able to deliver high-quality content consistently
- Ability to understand and effectively communicate brand essence
- Experience with creating reels is a big plus
- Strong track record of increasing brand awareness and driving website traffic through social media

If you're confident in your ability to meet these criteria and are ready to make a real impact on my brand, I'd love to see examples of your previous work and hear about your strategies for this project.

Skills: Graphic Design, Banner Design, Logo Design, Photoshop, Facebook Marketing
Fixed budget: 1,500 - 12,500 INR
39 minutes ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Sales & Marketing, Graphic Design, Banner Design, Logo Design, Photoshop, Facebook Marketing
Urgent Facebook Social Media Marketing - 27/07/2024 01:12 EDT
15 - 25 USD
42 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 24/07/2024
ID Indonesia
I'm in urgent need of a proficient marketing specialist who can help me implement strategic marketing on Facebook.

Key Responsibilities:
- Devise and implement comprehensive social media strategies specifically for Facebook.
- Create engaging written and visual content for posts.
- Monitor and analyze social media traffic to adjust strategies accordingly.

Ideal Candidate:
- Prior experience in successful social media marketing with a focus on Facebook.
- Proficient in using Facebook's marketing tools.
- Exceptional communication and analytical skills.

Please only apply if you are available to start immediately and can commit to a fast-paced project.

Skills: Internet Marketing, Twitter, Facebook Marketing, Pinterest, Social Media Marketing
Hourly rate: 15 - 25 USD
42 minutes ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Websites, IT & Software, Sales & Marketing, Twitter, Pinterest, Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Facebook ads And Unity ads Mediation in Unity Game
5 USD 42 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
6 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 13/04/2024
IN India
Hello Developers,

Unity implement unity and Facebook ads please send proposals urgently.

I pay 5$ for this.

Thank you.
Fixed budget: 5 USD
42 minutes ago
Portrait Video Ad Editing
10 - 50 AUD 45 minutes ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$3'707 total spent
7 hires , 1 active
2 open job
5.00 of 1 reviews
Registered at: 24/09/2021
AU Australia
I'm looking for an expert video editor to enhance my 18-second portrait video ad for Facebook/Instagram. This is currently my best performing ad, and I want someone to edit it in a way that makes it more engaging and grabs attention.

This is the link to the current ad: https://business.facebook.com/100063130154928/posts/761525985961733/?dco_ad_token=AaqI_W0mUfFk3cPZTT3dcoZvh6C7ZJmkvm3Jdds0WIkxwjH9jWTXWhtonpgb_49pY_dAotfwaw8Fdf_J&dco_ad_id=120206047634980117

I want to take that video and edit it in a way that might improve the performance of the ad. For example, I want this kind of style of editing...

- https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=1163499531648843
- https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=2274581736206924
- https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=744053680716615

Basically, I want to incorporate a bunch of things on screen to keep the viewer engaged and add sound effects as well.

Skills: Video Services, After Effects, Videography, Video Production, Video Editing
Fixed budget: 10 - 50 AUD
45 minutes ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Video Services, After Effects, Videography, Video Production, Video Editing
FB ads unity ads mediation in unity
5 USD 46 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
40 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 07/04/2023
IN India
Hello Developers,

Unity implement unity and Facebook ads please send praposal urgently.

I pay 5$ for this.

Thank you.
Fixed budget: 5 USD
46 minutes ago
Bright & Colorful Laundry Website Design
1,500 - 12,500 INR 52 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$486 total spent
6 hires
1 open job
5.00 of 1 reviews
Registered at: 15/05/2021
IN India
I'm seeking a web developer to create a dynamic, 5-page, bright and colorful website for my laundry business. The site needs to be modern and minimalist in its usability but vibrant in its visual presentation.

Key Requirements:
- Full design and development of a dynamic website
- Hosting arrangements, including an SSL certificate and setup of email accounts
- Implementation of a live chat option, an enquiry form pop up, and social media integration (specifically Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp)
- SEO-friendly design
- cPanel and Admin Panel for website management
- A professional, corporate-level execution

Ideal Skills:
- Proficiency in modern web design and development
- Experience in creating visually engaging, user-friendly websites
- Strong knowledge of SEO principles and social media integration
- Familiarity with cPanel and Admin Panel setup

Ref website-
Tumble dry, Uclean

I am looking for a freelancer who can deliver a high-quality website that is both functional and visually appealing. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed.

Skills: PHP, Website Design, Graphic Design, WordPress, HTML
Fixed budget: 1,500 - 12,500 INR
52 minutes ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, WordPress, HTML, Website Design, Graphic Design
Facebook content creator and curator
240 USD 57 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
2 jobs posted
2 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 19/01/2023
IN India
You create content and curate our facebook profiles.

profiles: Swami Prem Paras, Osho Home Ashram

You engage with followers and interact. You enlarge our audience and boost our engagement organically. We are looking for real friends and followers who will finally visit our Ashram, listen to our music or interact with us in real life. The ultimate goal is to spread our music, our energy and to get in touch with more people worldwide who will visit our Ashram.

We provide you footage and pictures which you will transform into posts and reels.

You must be interested in meditation, osho and spiritual music.
Fixed budget: 240 USD
57 minutes ago
Facebook Awareness Post for Industrial Painting Business
5 USD 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
LK Sri Lanka
We are seeking a talented social media marketer to create a captivating Facebook awareness post for our industrial painting business. The objective is to increase brand visibility and generate leads. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of Facebook marketing strategies and be able to demonstrate previous success in creating engaging social media content. The post should highlight the benefits of our industrial painting services and showcase our expertise in the field.

Relevant skills include:
- Social media marketing
- Content creation
- Graphic design
- Copywriting

This is a small project that can be completed within one week. We are looking for an intermediate-level professional with experience in promoting B2B services on Facebook. If you have a creative flair and a solid understanding of the industrial painting industry, we would love to hear from you.
Fixed budget: 5 USD
1 hour ago
  • Upwork.com
  • Design & Creative, Graphic, Editorial & Presentation Design
Experienced Web Designer Needed for Facebook Ads Landing Page
10 - 20 USD
1 hour ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
IN India
We are looking for an experienced web designer to create a high-converting landing page for our Facebook ads campaign. The landing page should be visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for conversions. The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of user experience design and be able to create a compelling layout that drives action.

Skills required:
- Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Experience with landing page design and optimization
- Knowledge of UX/UI best practices
- Familiarity with A/B testing and conversion rate optimization

This is a medium-sized project with a duration of 1 to 3 months. We are seeking an intermediate level web designer who has previous experience creating successful landing pages for Facebook ads.
Hourly rate: 10 - 20 USD
1 hour ago
  • Upwork.com
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Web & Mobile Design
Extracting video from facebook and tiktok
10 - 12 USD
1 hour ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$485'686 total spent
95 hires , 32 active
145 jobs posted
66% hire rate, 10 open job
15.78 /hr avg hourly rate paid
9123 hours
5.00 of 59 reviews
Registered at: 20/01/2016
CA Canada
We need someone who can extract videos from facebook and tiktok. The candidate also needs to do some editing as required.
Hourly rate: 10 - 12 USD
1 hour ago
Professional Landing Page and Email Automation Expert
300 USD 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
AU Australia
We're searching for a skilled pro who can make an awesome landing page that gets lots of sales and set up email automation using gohighlevel. The main goal is to sell our online course by running really effective Facebook ads. The perfect person for this job should really know gohighlevel, Facebook ads, and email marketing strategies. They should be able to make a cool landing page that looks great and gets people to sign up. Also, they should know how to set up email automation that helps people become customers.

Skills needed:
- Good at gohighlevel
- Know a lot about Facebook ads
- Understand email marketing strategies

We're looking for someone with some experience who has made landing pages that get lots of sales and set up email automation that works.

If you love getting lots of sales and have the skills we need, we'd love to hear from you!
Fixed budget: 300 USD
1 hour ago
Social Media Executive
30 USD 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 jobs posted
2 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 26/07/2024
IN India
We are seeking a dynamic and creative Social Media Executive. He/she will be responsible for designing engaging creatives, developing comprehensive social media strategies, and managing posts across various social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram. This role requires a combination of creative thinking, content creation, and strategic planning to enhance our brand presence and drive engagement.

Key Responsibilities:
A. Content Creation:
1.Design visually appealing graphics, videos, and other multimedia content for social media platforms.
2.Write engaging and compelling captions, posts, and stories that align with the brand voice.
3.Develop and execute content calendars.

Social Media Strategy:
1.Develop and implement social media strategies to achieve brand objectives and drive engagement.
2.Conduct market research to identify trends, target audiences, and competitive insights.
3.Plan and execute social media promotions, and contests.

Social Media Management:
1.Manage and maintain the company’s social media profiles on Facebook, Instagram.
2.Schedule and publish posts, ensuring consistent brand messaging and optimal posting times.
3.Monitor and respond to comments, messages, and mentions in a timely and professional manner.

Analytics and Reporting:
1.Track and analyze social media performance metrics to measure the effectiveness of campaigns.
2.Prepare regular reports on social media activities, engagement, and growth.
3.Provide insights and recommendations for improvement based on data analysis.

Stay Updated:
1.Stay current with the latest social media trends, tools, and best practices.
2.Experiment with new features and tools to enhance social media presence.
Fixed budget: 30 USD
1 hour ago
Meta Ads Professional for Lead Generation
10 - 25 USD
1 hour ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 24/03/2023
AU Australia
I am looking for an experienced Meta Ads professional to set up and manage Facebook Ads campaigns from scratch for a service based business. The primary goal is to generate high-quality leads, starting with a modest budget that has the potential to scale based on performance.

I would like to work with the right person to set up the ads, and over the coming 3 - 6 months to manage the ad campaigns.


- Develop and execute a comprehensive Facebook Ads strategy tailored to our lead generation goals.
- Set up, manage, and optimize Facebook Ads campaigns.
- Monitor and analyze campaign performance data to make data-driven decisions.


- Proven experience in setting up and managing Facebook Ads campaigns for lead generation.
- Strong understanding of Meta Ads Manager and all related tools.
- Proficiency in audience targeting and segmentation.
- Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret data and make data-driven decisions.
- Excellent communication skills and the ability to provide clear, actionable reports.

If you have a proven track record in managing successful Facebook Ads campaigns please submit your proposal detailing your relevant experience, a brief overview of your approach to Facebook Ads, and examples of past campaigns you have managed.
Hourly rate: 10 - 25 USD
1 hour ago
  • Upwork.com
  • Sales & Marketing, Lead Generation & Telemarketing
Social media advertising guru
15 USD
1 hour ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$1'365 total spent
15 hires , 6 active
30 jobs posted
50% hire rate, 1 open job
3.86 of 10 reviews
Registered at: 20/07/2021
AU Australia
Require specialist in Facebook and Instagram advertising, ad placement and Meta Business Suite, to share screen and tutor and explain how to place ads and create online forms and audiences.
Hourly rate: 15 USD
1 hour ago
Online Marketing Specialist
10 - 35 USD
1 hour ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$48'551 total spent
20 hires , 2 active
38 jobs posted
53% hire rate, 1 open job
30.54 /hr avg hourly rate paid
477 hours
4.95 of 16 reviews
Registered at: 10/02/2017
US United States
We are seeking an experienced and highly skilled Online Marketing Specialist to assist us in planning and executing comprehensive digital marketing strategies. The ideal candidate will have in-depth knowledge of various online marketing platforms including Google Ads, Amazon Advertising, Facebook Ads, and other relevant digital channels. This role requires a strategic thinker with a proven track record of managing and optimizing advertising campaigns to drive traffic, generate leads, and increase conversions.

- Develop and implement effective online marketing strategies tailored to our business objectives.
- Create, manage, and optimize advertising campaigns across Google Ads, Amazon Advertising, Facebook Ads, and other relevant platforms.
- Conduct market research and competitive analysis to identify opportunities and stay ahead of industry trends.
- Analyze campaign performance metrics, prepare detailed reports, and make data-driven recommendations for optimization.
- Collaborate with our team to align marketing strategies with our overall business goals.
Assist in the creation of compelling ad copy, visuals, and promotional materials.
- plan budgets effectively and ensure campaigns are cost-efficient and deliver a high return on investment (ROI).

- Proven experience with Google Ads, Amazon Advertising, Facebook Ads, and other digital marketing platforms.
- Strong understanding of online marketing strategies, including search engine marketing (SEM), social media advertising, and pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns.
- Ability to analyze data and metrics to drive performance improvements and optimize campaigns.
- Excellent communication skills and ability to work collaboratively with team members.
- Experience with A/B testing, conversion rate optimization, and marketing automation tools is a plus.
- Detail-oriented with strong organizational skills and the ability to manage multiple campaigns simultaneously.
- Relevant certifications (e.g., Google Ads Certification, Facebook Blueprint Certification) are highly desirable.

Preferred Qualifications:
Experience in planning and executing digital marketing strategies for e-commerce or related industries.
Knowledge of additional digital advertising platforms and tools.
Ability to provide creative solutions and innovative ideas for enhancing marketing efforts.
Hourly rate: 10 - 35 USD
1 hour ago
Help & Complete A NFP WordPress Community Site Development
30 - 250 AUD 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 26/07/2024
VN Vietnam
I'm seeking an experienced WordPress developer to work on my community-based political forum, True News Forum(https://truenewsforum.org). The project involves a combination of site completion, feature addition, and plugin integration.

This is a NFP site funder solely by my Age Pension.

In a nutshell, this site is intended to work like a much better easy-to-use friendly highly functional political Twitter+FB - the good bits without all the lousy clunky dysfunctional coding.

Key Project Components:
The site should include all expected functionalities like -

- User registration
(Admin installed configured PI, User Registration, WP-Members)
- Discussion threads & commenting system
(Admin installed configured PI/s, BuddyPress+Yousify)
- Members & Subscriptions
(Admin installed configured PI, WP-Members)
- Sub Payments
(Admin installed configured PI, WP-Members, Stripe, PP)
- Gallery w public & user viewing
(Admin installed configured PI, WP Gallery, Omtimole, Media Library Folders)
- User front-end file uploads/downloads
(Admin installed configured PI, Adv FM Shortcodes Pro, Forminator Pro, WP File Upload)
- User & public feedback
(Admin installed configured PI, User Feedback, Forminator Pro,)
- Social media sharing options
(Admin installed configured PI, AddToAny)
- User Polls
(Admin installed configured PI, YOP Poll+Forminator Pro)
- Twitter Feed
(Admin installed configured PI, Twitter Tweets Pro)
- Inoreader RSS Reader RSS Feed
(NOT configured, WPGetAPI, Inoreader (external))

- **User Gallery Feature**:
Users should be able to view, like, and comment.
The gallery should also feature a filter and search system for specific content types.
Users should be able to upload images.

- **Social Media Integration**:
The True News Forum should have mechanisms to share articles and discussions on Facebook and Twitter. These integrations should be user-friendly and seamless.


Ideal Skills and Experience:

- Proficient in WordPress development, including custom theme and plugin development.
- Experience in community site development and integration of user-based features.
- Strong understanding of social media integration and sharing mechanisms.
- Familiarity with user gallery systems and user engagement features.
- Ability to work with and optimize existing WordPress plugins for seamless integration.

*** Outstanding communication skills and proficiency

Skills: Website Design, CSS, HTML, WordPress Design, WordPress Plugin
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 AUD
1 hour ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, HTML, Website Design, CSS, WordPress Design, WordPress Plugin
Solar Business Launch & Marketing Assistance
8 - 15 USD
1 hour ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
US United States
I am gearing up to launch my solar business and I require assistance in creating marketing materials and boosting my social media presence.

For marketing materials:
- Creating captivating Brochures and Flyers targeted at both homeowners and business owners who might be interested in solar solutions.

Social media assistance required:
- Regular, engaging posts and updates that resonate with my customer base and keep them interested in what my business has to offer.
- Effective paid advertisements that get my business in front of the right audience, boosting exposure and driving leads.

In addition to this, I am also looking for someone with experience in lead generation and cold calling.

Ideal Candidate:
- Experience in designing marketing materials.
- Proven track record in managing social media accounts and paid ad campaigns.
- Demonstrable experience in lead generation and cold calling.
- Previous work in the solar industry is a plus.

Let's brighten up the world with solar power, together.

Skills: Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, Advertising, Social Media Marketing
Hourly rate: 8 - 15 USD
1 hour ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Sales & Marketing, Freight, Shipping & Transportation, Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Lead Generation Expert for our digital marketing agency
12,500 - 37,500 INR 1 hour ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
2 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 11/05/2020
IN India
I'm seeking an adept lead generation specialist for my digital marketing agency. This role involves sourcing potential clients from both B2B and B2C sectors, specifically within the Technology, Healthcare, Education, and Real Estate industries.

Your primary focus will be on:
- Social Media: Utilizing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to identify and engage potential leads.
- Email Marketing: Crafting compelling messages to capture interest and drive conversions.
- LinkedIn: Leveraging this professional platform to connect with potential B2B clients.

Ideal candidates should have:
- Proven experience in lead generation across these platforms.
- Prior engagement in the specified industries.
- Exceptional communication and networking skills.

Your role will directly contribute to our agency's growth and success.

Skills: Internet Marketing, Sales, Leads, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Fixed budget: 12,500 - 37,500 INR
1 hour ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Sales & Marketing, Internet Marketing, Sales, Leads, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Website Designer Needed for Bornfidis Sportswear Brand
15 - 30 USD
2 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
2 jobs posted
50% hire rate, 0 open job
70.73 /hr avg hourly rate paid
no reviews
Registered at: 04/07/2024
Job Description:
Hi there! I'm Brian Maylor, founder of Bornfidis, a new sportswear brand dedicated to high-quality, sustainable, stylish apparel. We're seeking an experienced website designer to create a professional, user-friendly, and visually appealing website for our brand.

Project Scope:

Homepage: This is a captivating homepage with an engaging design, highlighting our brand mission, featured products, and latest collections.
Shop Page: This is a clean, easy-to-navigate shop page showcasing our products, complete with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and a smooth checkout process.
About Us Page: A page that tells our brand story, mission, values, and the team behind Bornfidis.
Sustainability Page: A dedicated page showcasing our commitment to sustainable practices and eco-friendly materials.
Blog Page: This is a blog section for sharing fashion tips, brand updates, and articles related to sportswear and sustainability.
Contact Page: A contact page with a form for inquiries, customer support, and other communications.
Key Features:

Responsive design for optimal viewing on all devices (desktop, tablet, mobile)
Integration with our existing social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, etc.)
SEO optimization for better search engine ranking
E-commerce functionality with secure payment gateways (e.g., Stripe, PayPal)
User-friendly CMS for easy content updates
Analytics integration for tracking website performance

Proven experience in website design and development, preferably in the fashion or e-commerce industry
Strong portfolio showcasing past projects
Expertise in responsive design and SEO best practices
Ability to deliver high-quality work within agreed timelines
Excellent communication skills and responsiveness
Budget and Timeline:

Budget: [?]
Timeline: ["1-2 months"]
If you are passionate about fashion and have the skills to bring our vision to life, we would love to hear from you! Please include your portfolio or examples of previous work in your proposal.

I look forward to working with a talented professional to create an exceptional online presence for Bornfidis!

Best regards,

Brian Maylor
Hourly rate: 15 - 30 USD
2 hours ago
  • Upwork.com
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Web & Mobile Design
Professional Website Developer Needed
30 - 250 AUD 2 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 11/12/2020
AU Australia

I hope this message finds you well.

I am seeking the expertise of a professional to develop a website that either utilizes a WordPress template or is built from scratch, provided it meets the following criteria:

Professional and aesthetically pleasing presentation.
Optimized for search engines to enhance visibility.
Designed to present IT courses, with each course having a dedicated page displaying its price and available booking times. The platform should enable customers to book courses online, choose convenient times, pay fees, and receive immediate confirmation.
Inclusion of social media links, such as Facebook and Instagram.
For reference, please review the example below to understand the desired functionality and layout:
New Horizons Course Example

While my courses are exclusively related to IT, the fundamental idea aligns with the example provided. The objective is to achieve a superior presentation.

Thank you for your attention to this request. I look forward to your response.

Best regards,

Skills: PHP, Website Design, Graphic Design, WordPress, Website Management
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 AUD
2 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, WordPress, Website Management, Website Design, Graphic Design
Social Media Video Marketing Guru
750 - 1,500 USD 2 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 26/07/2024
PH Philippines
I'm looking for an expert to help increase my brand awareness through engaging videos on social media.

Key Responsibilities:
- Develop a strategic plan focusing on social media platforms.
- Create, edit and optimize videos for maximum engagement and brand visibility.

Ideal Skills:
- Video production and editing
- Social media marketing
- Brand development

Experience in increasing brand awareness through social media video content is a definite plus. Looking forward to your bids.

Skills: Twitter, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, YouTube, Social Media Marketing
Fixed budget: 750 - 1,500 USD
2 hours ago
  • Freelancer.com
  • Websites, IT & Software, Sales & Marketing, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook Marketing, Marketing, Social Media Marketing
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