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1 projects published for past 72 hours.
Job Title Budget
Brand Designer need for Brand Refresh Project and Corporate Identity Update
18 - 42 USD
1 day ago
Client Rank - Good

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$2'209 total spent
1 hires , 1 active
1 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 1 open job
75.02 /hr avg hourly rate paid
28 hours
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Registered at: 28/02/2024
US United States
Purpose: To evolve FMG Leading brand identity, with specific focus on establishing a stronger presence in healthcare, and as long-term strategic transformation partners.


• Clarify and communicate project objectives and scope.
• Develop evolved brand identity/strategy.
• Develop updated communication collateral – internal and external.
• Launch new brand elements and marketing campaigns.
• Build consistency in how we describe grow FMG Leading throughout our entire team.
• Achieve a 20% increase in brand awareness within 3 months post-launch.

High Level Scope:

• Project includes the assessment and improvement of all brand-related assets and communication channels, including the website imagery and language, marketing materials and collateral, sales enablement tools, and internal and external communication strategies, with a focus on healthcare transformation.
• Project does not include changes to core solutions.
Project does NOT include NEW LOGO but rather how to leverage EXISTING LOGO.

Detailed Scope and Thoughts

• The biggest shift is moving from a brand that is largely focused on qualitative elements of our advisory business (the wise guide, walk with – HOW we do it themes) to a brand portrayal that shifts the camera toward the CLIENTS and the INDUSTRY in which they operate, as well as the specific challenges (the MOUNTAINS they are climbing and the TERRAIN they are traversing.

• HealthCare moves to the front, but not stethoscopes and thermometers. Rather, the elements of MISSION and CALLING. People serving people. Fundamental human issues. NON political, but rather HUMAN.

• Our brand statement should include a reference to the following facts in a “solvable, non-political way”
o US Healthcare is the largest segment of the largest economy on the planet.
 17% of the GDP, approx. $2T
 11% of all jobs
o US Health outcomes are lowest among the G20 in spite of largest/near largest per-capita spend.
o There are MANY organizations trying to solve that problem right now – to make the healthcare dollar go further in support of more Americans.
o We EXIST for those organizations. We serve them. We study them, we help them scale. (We get scaling, and we link that mandate to a human cause).
o 1 in 10 people in America go to work with a mission that is in some way related to delivering health to their fellow citizens. We exist for them.
o We DO NOT exist for the status quo.
o It is possible to do WELL as a healthcare business (solving the above problems by creating economic value) and do GOOD in society at the same time.

From a BRAND perspective, the way we describe a SEGMENT should include (a) referenceable client success, (b) business problems solved and outcomes, (c) talent/bios targeted at segment

• TRANSFORMATION and DISRUPTION are themes that should come through clearly. We serve organizations that are in the midst of massive adaptations and transformations.

• Right now, the brand residue and narrative portrays us as COACHES and GUIDES – leadership SERVICES, it needs to adapt to begin with ORG TRANSFORMATION and yet still include GUIDE imagery.
o This is not NEW. It’s just not made it to our brand.
• The brand needs to evolve even further away from the “THINGS WE DO” to “the types of BUSINESS PROBLEMS we help our clients solve” – if we only get one thing right in this brand evolution, it will be the pre-eminence of BUSINESS PROBLEMS we are called to solve.

• We have IMMENSE goodwill with our clients – let’s ensure their voices and this spring’s video tour inform that language.

What Not to Lose:

• We can’t lose the SIMPLICITY/INTEGRITY vibe.
• We can’t lose the ADVISORY posture our brand so effectively captures right now.
• We don’t want to ELIMINATE the leader-bias we hold, we just want to put it in context.
• We want to ensure we retain a focus on the PEOPLE of the HC industry, but with less Human Capital language

Visual Concepts

• Mountains/outdoors (ala brand emblem)
o Including concept of growth (embedded arrow up)
o Explore: using brand emblem as anchor: watermarks, cut in half, transparent, arrow up, motion (?), key elements etc. See PDF!

• Explore: use of Carabiners shape, Cairn Stones shape
o Concepts: Journey, Guides, Partners, Purpose, Mission
• Explore: tell this story with a splash/dash of healthcare ecosystem/health (do well – business- and do good)
• LESS: two people walking up a mountain. Less ‘coachee’ more ascent, rise, scale, grow, transform. Coaching moves to the back.

Brand Evolution Output/Deliverables & needs
• Updated 9-box Corporate Brand Identity Matrix (see attached for current state 9-box)
• Updated Brand Guidelines document
• Website refresh
o Imagery/descriptor language (please review current)
o H1/H2 Header Language* (the larger font on the page)
o Color palette
 Have identified casal/riverbed as primary base color (balance of outdoor green and healthcare blue): search “Hex: #345C69”
 Need complimentary /lighter accent colors
o Layout/UX update – have existing vendor already on standby
• Updated SOW Template, ASA Template
• Updated Client pitch deck (Sales)
• Updated Brand PowerPoint Deck/refresh
• Updated e-blast template (Hubspot)
• Internal comms deck with key talking points
• Internal sales enablement tool “library” via intranet
• Client focus groups (?)
o Existing 2021 brand audit report from R. Baker may still be relevant
• Finance/Invoice templates?

What we already have:
• 2024 Competitor Analysis
• Sales Enablement Tools
o Client Testimonials - 16 existing on website
o Case Studies – 9 existing on website – more to come
o Whitepapers – 7 existing on website
o Thought leadership published articles – 40+ on website
o Video content – 7 on website (multimedia page) and 30+ online (YouTube etc.)
 More under development

Hourly rate: 18 - 42 USD
1 day ago
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