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69 projects published for past 72 hours.
Job Title Budget
Social Media Marketing
150 USD 15 minutes ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
2 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/06/2024
IN India
Need someone to take care of advertisement from scratch making of ad campaigns to running them.
If, what you say about your skills is similar to your actual skill then you can expect a raise.😊
Fixed budget: 150 USD
15 minutes ago
Advertising Specialist
9 - 50 USD
19 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 09/07/2024
PT Portugal
Our company needs a marketing advisor with a developer's expertise and a profound understanding of cookies. We are looking for someone who can provide expert advice on setting up, managing, and using cookies, with a particular focus on compliance with cookie policies, data protection regulations, and cookie law. Your primary role will be to advise us on obtaining and utilizing cookie IDs from user visits to alter behavior in future visits. Moreover, you will help us understand how cookies can connect Instagram posts to Google Advertisements.

Key Responsibilities:
- Guide us on the proper setup and management of cookies in compliance with legal standards.
- Develop and implement strategies for using cookie IDs to personalize user experiences.
- Advise on the integration of cookies to link Instagram posts with Google Advertisement campaigns.
- Ensure our cookie practices comply with GDPR, CCPA, and other relevant regulations.
- Work closely with marketing and development teams to ensure seamless implementation of cookie strategies.

Skills and Qualifications:
- Extensive experience in marketing with a strong developer background.
- In-depth knowledge of cookies, including setup, retrieval, and usage.
- Understanding of cookie expiration, data protection regulations, and cookie law.
- Proven experience in connecting social media actions (Instagram) to Google Advertisements using cookies.
- Strong problem-solving abilities and analytical skills.
- Excellent communication and consultancy skills.

Preferred Skills:
- Background in digital marketing and advertising.
- Familiarity with global data protection standards like GDPR and CCPA.
- Prior experience in an advisory capacity for similar projects
Hourly rate: 9 - 50 USD
19 minutes ago
Marketing Advisor with Developer Experience and Expert Cookie Knowledge
250 - 750 EUR 42 minutes ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 28/11/2023
ES Spain
Our company needs a marketing advisor with a developer's expertise and a profound understanding of cookies. We are looking for someone who can provide expert advice on setting up, managing, and using cookies, with a particular focus on compliance with cookie policies, data protection regulations, and cookie law. Your primary role will be to advise us on obtaining and utilizing cookie IDs from user visits to alter behavior in future visits. Moreover, you will help us understand how cookies can connect Instagram posts to Google Advertisements.

Key Responsibilities:
- Guide us on the proper setup and management of cookies in compliance with legal standards.
- Develop and implement strategies for using cookie IDs to personalize user experiences.
- Advise on the integration of cookies to link Instagram posts with Google Advertisement campaigns.
- Ensure our cookie practices comply with GDPR, CCPA, and other relevant regulations.
- Work closely with marketing and development teams to ensure seamless implementation of cookie strategies.

Skills and Qualifications:
- Extensive experience in marketing with a strong developer background.
- In-depth knowledge of cookies, including setup, retrieval, and usage.
- Understanding of cookie expiration, data protection regulations, and cookie law.
- Proven experience in connecting social media actions (Instagram) to Google Advertisements using cookies.
- Strong problem-solving abilities and analytical skills.
- Excellent communication and consultancy skills.

Preferred Skills:
- Background in digital marketing and advertising.
- Familiarity with global data protection standards like GDPR and CCPA.
- Prior experience in an advisory capacity for similar projects

Skills: Internet Marketing, Instagram Marketing, HTTP, Google Ads
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 EUR
42 minutes ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Sales & Marketing, HTTP, Instagram Marketing, Internet Marketing, Google Ads
Unity Game Developer for Language Learning Vocabulary Typing Game Prototype
2,000 USD 3 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
2 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
US United States
I am seeking a skilled Unity game developer to create a working prototype for a language learning vocabulary typing game. The goal is to develop a game that helps users improve their language vocabulary and typing skills at the same time by spelling out the correct words. The premise of the game will be a defense RPG. You will have a character that runs up to the spawning orcs that have a word attached to them. Once your character does enough damage, the word will change colors and allow the user to type the word. Once the word is typed the enemy is destroyed. Survive the length of time or wave of enemies to complete the level! The prototype should be designed to be scalable, allowing for the addition of multiple languages in the future. As a developer, you will be responsible for implementing the core gameplay mechanics, and ensuring a smooth user experience. I can provide a lot of the visual assets even if they are still images with no animations yet. As well as effects for spells and what not. It will be a pixel styled game (you can see the video mock-up below).

Skills required:
- Proficiency in Unity game development
- Strong knowledge of C# programming language
- Experience implementing UI (I can provide/create all designs and mockups even if they are placeholders unless you can or are willing)
- Ability to integrate visual assets (I am a sound designer so I can do all the audio)
- It will be primarily a PC demo, but later down the line I do intend to port it to mobile, not sure if that will effect the development of the early prototype.
- The first language I want to create a level for will be using Korean. You don't need to know Korean, but you will need to know how to accept or convert input to match Korean letters. (I will ask for the best ideas for implementation with you when we talk)
- Ability to properly document / comment the code base for future development. (I have some coding experience so with proper documentation I can continue to work on smaller features)

For this prototype I will probably want my title screen / landing page to be functional, an inventory system (even if theres only like 3 items available), the "adventure button" will take you to a level selection screen, unlocking the next level upon completing the previous. Only 2 levels for now with a small pool of words should be fine for the demo. Would love your input on any of the implementation and what would be the smartest approach! (willing to negotiate higher pay for extra functionality like character selection or account creating / database work using playfab or firebase upon your consultation)

Please look at my mockups attached, including the gameplay visual mock up I made. This will be a lot more clear once you see that!

I would love to have a fun playable prototype this month but I honestly don't know how long it would take so I don't want to rush things. Let me know your estimates, plus everything else is negotiable as well.

Don't sweat about a professional big cover letter, main thing is just link me to your portfolio / anything you've worked on and what you did for that project.

I am looking for an intermediate or higher-level Unity game developer who has experience creating engaging and interactive games. If you have the skills to bring this project to life, we would love to hear from you. I plan to try and crowd fund / do an advertisement campaign so if this gets any funding I could reach back out for a more permanent position. I want this to be a huge fully developed learning method that feels more like a game than learning. With multiple classes, leader boards, skill trees, item/loot systems etc.
Fixed budget: 2,000 USD
3 hours ago
  • Web, Mobile & Software Dev, Game Design & Development
Lead-Generating Social Media Campaign Expert
30 - 250 USD 3 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
HR Croatia
I'm in search of a dynamic, creative, and highly organized individual to develop an effective social media advertisement campaign primarily on Facebook and Instagram. The main objective of this campaign is to generate leads.

Key Responsibilities:
- Design, implement, and manage a comprehensive social media campaign on Facebook and Instagram.
- Employ innovative and engaging strategies to capture potential leads.
- Regularly assess and optimize campaign performance to ensure lead generation targets are met.

Ideal Skills:
- Proven experience in creating and managing successful social media campaigns.
- Strong understanding of lead generation techniques.
- Exceptional creativity and organization skills.
- Ability to analyze campaign performance and make necessary adjustments.

Skills: Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Advertising, Social Media Marketing, Website Optimization
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 USD
3 hours ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Sales & Marketing, Freight, Shipping & Transportation, Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Website Optimization
Website and Product Advertisement Expert
50,000 - 100,000 GBP 3 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
3 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 19/07/2024
GB United Kingdom
I am looking for a seasoned professional to increase sales for my existing business. I have a target of 21472 sales for my products that are featured on my website. The website is

Key responsibilities include:
- Implementing strategies to drive sales and increase brand awareness for my products
- Utilizing various advertising avenues, with a particular focus on Email Marketing
- Ensuring that the website has a steady flow of traffic, leading to sales
- Working to generate as many sales leads as possible

Ideal candidates will have:
- Proven experience in online marketing, especially with tangible results in increasing sales
- A deep understanding of E-mail Marketing and how to utilize it effectively
- Strong analytical and data-driven thinking
- Excellent communication skills
- The ability to work independently and deliver results

Please note that the success of this project will be heavily reliant on the number of actual sales generated. It is crucial that you are confident in your ability to deliver on this target.

Skills: Internet Marketing, SEO, Sales, Marketing, Advertising
Fixed budget: 50,000 - 100,000 GBP
3 hours ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Sales & Marketing, Freight, Shipping & Transportation, SEO, Internet Marketing, Sales, Marketing
Escort Directory Website Development
1,500 - 3,000 EUR 4 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2024
ES Spain
Looking for a skilled Full Stack Web Developer for a long-term relationship to create professional websites for escort business. The primary goal of this website is to serve as a platform for users to find escorts and for escorts to promote their services.

Key Features:
- 100% Responsive website design. Multiple devices mainly in mobile
- Search and Filter Options**: Users should be able to easily search and filter listings based on different criteria. Zip/post or cities searches is a must. Admin dmin could insert some profiles on results
- Profile Pages: Each escort should have a detailed profile with photos, descriptions, categories. Escort can login anytime to manage their profile, update profile details, change photo, pay for invoices. Escort Page Upgrades. - Escort verification (mail,..)
- Adult website disclaimer
- Profile likes & statistics
-Verification and Security Features: We need measures to ensure the safety and accuracy of the profiles on the site. Some information is hidden until you click
- Export/Import Profiles (bulk process): I'd like to enable the ability to export and import profiles using categories. Imported profiles will be visible little by little in the following days
- Admin Panel (admin area): An easy-to-use and comprehensive admin panel is essential for me to manage the website effectively. It should allow me to monitor users, ads, transactions, and overall performance. Managing all escort profiles.
- Multilanguage website
- Payment Gateway Integration: The website should have a secure payment system that supports different payment methods to facilitate transactions from escorts.
- Advertisement System: I would like a system where both paid and free ads can be posted. User membership packages and account upgrades to

- The overall design should be elegant and professional.
- No Wordpress website. React is preferable.

Ideal Skills:
- Full stack developer creating user-friendly and secure websites.
- Use of GitLab (provided by me)is a must.
- Experience with directory website development, particularly in the escort industry

Skills: Website Design, Cloud Computing, HTML, React.js, GitLab
Fixed budget: 1,500 - 3,000 EUR
4 hours ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, Cloud Computing, HTML, React.js, GitLab, Website Design
Cartoonish 3D Animation for Marketing
250 - 750 USD 5 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$3'585 total spent
4 hires , 1 active
1 open job
5.00 of 4 reviews
Registered at: 16/03/2019
PK Pakistan
I'm looking for a skilled 3D animator to create a cartoonish style animation aimed at an adult audience. The purpose of the animation is for marketing and advertisement.

The ideal freelancer for this project should have:
- Extensive experience in creating 3D animations, particularly in a cartoonish style
- A strong portfolio of work aimed at adult audiences
- Knowledge of current marketing trends and techniques
- Excellent communication skills to understand and interpret my vision

Skills: Animation, After Effects, Caricature & Cartoons, 3D Modelling, 3D Animation
Fixed budget: 250 - 750 USD
5 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Animation, After Effects, Caricature & Cartoons, 3D Modelling, 3D Animation
Animation video / 3d animation video / advertising video 10 second
15 USD 5 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$31'261 total spent
49 hires , 3 active
60 jobs posted
82% hire rate, 0 open job
24.07 /hr avg hourly rate paid
626 hours
4.89 of 35 reviews
Registered at: 30/10/2022
PL Poland
i need advertisement video for our project to show on led screen

Resolution 4m*8m : 512 x 1024
Resolution 8m*8m : 1024 x 1024
DPI: 72
time : 10s
Fixed budget: 15 USD
5 hours ago
Friendly & Realistic VFX for Barber Shop
30 - 250 USD 12 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$29'703 total spent
29 hires , 1 active
1 open job
5.00 of 8 reviews
Registered at: 31/12/2012
SA Saudi Arabia
I'm looking for a talented VFX artist experienced in Blender to create a realistic and engaging advertisement for my barber shop. The primary theme I want to convey through this advertisement is friendliness and community-focus.

Key Requirements:
- The advertisement should portray subtle animations of barber tools. These animations should be seamlessly integrated into the overall design to enhance the realistic feel of the video.
- The style of the advertisement should be realistic, not cartoonish or abstract. The focus should be on creating a sense of immersion and genuine connection with the viewer.
- The overall tone of the advertisement should be friendly and community-focused. It should appeal to potential customers by conveying a sense of warmth and approachability.

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proficiency in Blender and experience with VFX creation.
- A portfolio showcasing previous work in creating realistic VFX advertisements.
- A good understanding of animation principles and their integration into a narrative.
- A creative mindset and the ability to bring a unique touch to the project while meeting the client's requirements.

If you believe you have the skills and experience necessary to bring this project to life, I'd love to hear from you.

Skills: Animation, 3D Modelling, 3D Animation, Blender, VFX Art
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 USD
12 hours ago
  • Websites, IT & Software, Design, Media & Architecture, Blender, Animation, 3D Modelling, 3D Animation, VFX Art
Make a advertisement for instagram
15 USD 13 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$907 total spent
5 hires , 2 active
7 jobs posted
71% hire rate, 1 open job
5.00 of 3 reviews
Registered at: 14/12/2023
US United States
I need an advertisement for my business on instagram . I will take all the videos and pictures and you put them together to make a cool video and affect so I can advertise everywhere .
Fixed budget: 15 USD
13 hours ago
I need to have someone get back links to my website
5 - 15 USD
15 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$250 total spent
1 hires , 1 active
2 jobs posted
50% hire rate, 1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 16/07/2024
I use Rank Tracker SEO and LInk Assistant. I also use Ranker tracker Spyglass. I can see all my competitor back links and I want my site to have the same back links. I will send you excel spreadsheet with sites, forums, guest post blogs. I need you to make contact with the right people to see about getting my site linked on there site and / or posting a banner for advertisement. This will be a large project as I want as many back links and posts as possible from all different types. I am in the pet supplies industry. You will need to keep records on the excel sheets of who you contacted and who we can do business with. I will give you access to a corporate email account to email from. I need someone that know how to get quality links and how to negotiate with site owners to get this link in high DA sites. If you do not have 10K earned please do not apply. I want only highly experienced people that I can trust and work long term with.
Hourly rate: 5 - 15 USD
15 hours ago
Video Designer and Editor for Spiritual Community Advertisement
10 - 30 USD
16 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
$125 total spent
1 hires , 1 active
4 jobs posted
25% hire rate, 1 open job
14.99 /hr avg hourly rate paid
8 hours
no reviews
Registered at: 24/07/2021
AR Argentina
I am looking for a talented video designer and editor to create an advertisement promoting my spiritual community. The advertisement should be vibrant, energetic, and aligned with spiritual and esoteric themes.

**Job Requirements:**
1. **Video Design:**
- Create an attractive storyboard.
- Design eye-catching graphics and animations.
- Include relevant images and videos that we will provide.
- Incorporate footage featuring my face, showcasing the community.

2. **Video Editing:**
- Edit the video according to the storyboard.
- Add appropriate visual and sound effects.
- Ensure the video has a duration of 1-2 minutes.

**Required Skills:**
- Previous experience in designing and editing promotional videos.
- Proficiency in video editing software (Adobe Premiere, After Effects, etc.).
- Creativity and ability to capture the essence of spirituality in design.

**Materials Provided:**
- Text and key messages to include in the video.
- Images and videos related to the spiritual community.
- Footage featuring myself and showcasing the community website.

**Publishing Platforms:**
- The videos will be published on WhatsApp groups and my Facebook page, where I already have several followers. This will not be for paid advertising, but rather to engage with my existing audience.

**Community Focus:**
- The community is centered around spirituality, the third eye, personal growth, and discovering one's gifts.

**Delivery Deadline:**
- The video must be completed within 2 weeks from project acceptance.

**How to Apply:**
- Send your portfolio or examples of previous work.
- Include a brief description of your creative approach for this project.
- Indicate your estimated rate for this job.

We are excited to see your proposals and to work together to create a striking and engaging advertisement for our spiritual community.
Hourly rate: 10 - 30 USD
16 hours ago
Eye-catching Social Media Ad Design
12,500 - 37,500 INR 18 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 27/07/2022
IN India
I'm looking for a talented designer to create a compelling single image promotional ad for Facebook and Instagram. This ad needs to highlight the exclusive features of my platform, SvayamHub, in a way that will attract freelancers and startups to register.

Ideal Skills:
- Graphic Design
- Social Media Marketing
- Understanding of the Freelance and Startup Ecosystem

Please include examples of your previous work in your bid.

Skills: Graphic Design, Photoshop, Facebook Marketing, Advertisement Design, Social Media Marketing
Fixed budget: 12,500 - 37,500 INR
18 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Sales & Marketing, Graphic Design, Photoshop, Advertisement Design, Facebook Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Developer with Marketing Expertise and Advanced Cookie Knowledge
500 USD 18 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$25'593 total spent
5 hires , 1 active
14 jobs posted
36% hire rate, 1 open job
42.82 /hr avg hourly rate paid
731 hours
4.29 of 4 reviews
Registered at: 29/07/2020
GB United Kingdom
Title: Developer with Marketing Expertise and Advanced Cookie Knowledge

We are seeking a skilled Developer with a marketing focus and profound knowledge of cookies. This role requires expertise in setting up, retrieving, and using cookies, as well as handling cookie expiration and ensuring compliance with cookie policies, data protection regulations, and cookie laws. Your main task will be to advise our company on obtaining and using cookie IDs from user visits to influence future visit behavior. You will also provide guidance on how cookies can help connect Instagram posts with Google Advertisements.

Key Responsibilities:
- Guide the setup and management of cookies in compliance with legal standards.
- Develop strategies for using cookie IDs to enhance user experiences on future visits.
- Advise on the integration of cookies to link Instagram posts with Google Advertisement campaigns.
- Ensure our cookie practices comply with GDPR, CCPA, and other relevant regulations.
- Work closely with marketing and development teams to ensure effective implementation of cookie strategies.

Skills and Qualifications:
- Extensive experience as a Developer with a strong marketing background.
- Profound understanding of cookies, including setup, retrieval, and usage.
- Knowledge of cookie expiration, data protection regulations, and cookie law.
- Proven experience in connecting social media actions (Instagram) to Google Advertisements using cookies.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
- Excellent communication and consultancy skills.

Preferred Skills:
- Background in digital marketing and advertising.
- Familiarity with global data protection standards like GDPR and CCPA.
- Prior experience in an advisory role for similar projects.
Fixed budget: 500 USD
18 hours ago
YouTube Marketing Expert for Accounting and Tax Services Promotion
not specified 18 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$50'292 total spent
70 hires , 1 active
93 jobs posted
75% hire rate, 2 open job
9.59 /hr avg hourly rate paid
4070 hours
4.95 of 47 reviews
Registered at: 25/03/2012
US United States
We are looking for a skilled YouTube marketing expert to help us promote our accounting and tax services. Your primary responsibility will be developing and executing effective strategies to generate leads.

You will be tasked with creating YouTube videos by conducting thorough keyword research and creating captivating and compelling content. Prospects need to click the CTA "Learn more" in the YouTube video advertisement, then will lead to a landing page to complete their details.

Additionally, you will be responsible for monitoring analytics and providing regular reports on the performance of our YouTube marketing campaigns.

Required Skills:
- Demonstrated experience in YouTube marketing and promotion
- Proficiency in YouTube analytics and SEO techniques
- Excellent written and verbal communication abilities
- Creativity and ability to think innovatively
- Knowledge of accounting and tax services is advantageous

This is a medium-sized project expected to run for 1 to 3 months. We seek an intermediate-level YouTube marketing expert with a proven track record of successful campaigns and a comprehensive understanding of the accounting and tax industry.
Budget: not specified
18 hours ago
  • Accounting & Consulting, Accounting & Bookkeeping
Product Feature Image Design for Advertisement Listing
8 - 30 EUR 19 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$1'438 total spent
2 hires
1 open job
5.00 of 5 reviews
Registered at: 12/03/2020
NL Netherlands
I'm looking for someone that is able to turn screenshots of our SaaS-product into visually appealing images. The task is to create 5 visually appealing product images for our digital listing on an advertisement website. The images will primarily be used to inform potential customers about our product features.

We are open to your creative suggestions to make the images more appealing to our target audience.

The current (not very visually appealing ;-) images are added. Please note we do have new screenshots to use for the new product features.

Skills: Website Design, Graphic Design, Banner Design, Photoshop, Advertisement Design
Fixed budget: 8 - 30 EUR
19 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Website Design, Graphic Design, Banner Design, Photoshop, Advertisement Design
Email marketing
not specified 22 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$40'140 total spent
61 hires , 28 active
79 jobs posted
77% hire rate, 5 open job
13.51 /hr avg hourly rate paid
2331 hours
4.94 of 30 reviews
Registered at: 12/03/2022
GB United Kingdom
I am looking for a Mailchimp expert to send an advertisement to all of my previous customers. We currently have a customer database on WordPress and we would like to transfer all of the customer information to Mailchimp. The goal is to send an email and a WhatsApp message to these customers. It is important that the person we hire has experience in this field.
Budget: not specified
22 hours ago
Photo Editing Specialist
40 USD 22 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$4'028 total spent
18 hires , 3 active
20 jobs posted
90% hire rate, 0 open job
4.29 /hr avg hourly rate paid
718 hours
4.83 of 7 reviews
Registered at: 13/05/2020
AE United Arab Emirates
**Job Advertisement: Art Team Position - Photo Editing Specialist**

Are you a creative and skilled photo editing professional with a passion for bringing art to life through visuals? We're currently seeking a dynamic individual to join our art team. This role involves transforming raw images into studio-quality pictures and enhancing the overall presentation of our artworks.


1. **Photo Editing:** Transform raw images into high-quality studio pictures, ensuring a professional studio background appearance.

2. **Mockup Design:** Place artworks on mockups to give them a realistic and vibrant look, closely matching the original colors of the artwork.

3. **Quality Preservation:** Maintain the highest quality standards for all images, ensuring that the essence and details of the artworks are accurately represented.

4. **Perfect Retouching:** Execute flawless retouching techniques, paying attention to detail and precision.


1. **Experience:** Proven experience in photo editing, particularly in the art or design industry.

2. **Skills:** Proficient in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom) with a keen eye for detail.

3. **Creativity:** Ability to enhance the visual appeal of artworks and create realistic mockups.

4. **Communication:** Strong communication skills, openness to guidance, and the ability to collaborate with the art team.

5. **Quality Focus:** Dedication to maintaining the highest standards of image quality and retouching perfection.

**Additional Information:**

- The position offers the opportunity to work closely with a passionate art team.
- Guidance and support will be provided for effective collaboration.
- Remote work options available.

If you are enthusiastic about contributing to the visual aesthetics of art and possess the skills we're looking for, we'd love to hear from you. Please submit your resume, portfolio, and a brief cover letter outlining your relevant experience to [Your Contact Information].

*Note: This position remains open until a suitable candidate is found.*

We look forward to welcoming a creative and dedicated Photo Editing Specialist to our art team!

Instagram: (link removed)
Fixed budget: 40 USD
22 hours ago
  • Design & Creative, Graphic, Editorial & Presentation Design
Indonesian Voice Over Needed
10 - 30 USD 22 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
3 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 14/05/2018
SA Saudi Arabia
I'm in need of a professional MALE voiceover artist who can deliver an engaging, high-quality Indonesian voiceover (Native Indonesian) for an advertisement about Al-Hajj and Umrah , so the VO should contain some energy and spiritual feelings .

looking for VO with deep voice and correct pronunciation and isolated clear voice.

'' PREFERABLY understands Arabic''

Please submit a 'sample' of your previous work in your proposal.

Skills: Audio Services, Voice Talent, Commercials, Voice Artist, Voice Over
Fixed budget: 10 - 30 USD
22 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Audio Services, Voice Talent, Commercials, Voice Artist, Voice Over
Indonesian Voice Over Needed
10 - 30 USD 22 hours ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
3 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 14/05/2018
SA Saudi Arabia
I'm in need of a professional MALE voiceover artist who can deliver an engaging, high-quality Indonesian voiceover (Native Indonesian) for an advertisement about Al-Hajj and Umrah , so the VO should contain some energy and spiritual feelings .

looking for VO with deep voice and correct pronunciation and isolated clear voice.

'' PREFERABLY understands Arabic''

Please submit a 'sample' of your previous work in your proposal.

Skills: Audio Services, Voice Talent, Commercials, Voice Artist, Voice Over
Fixed budget: 10 - 30 USD
22 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Audio Services, Voice Talent, Commercials, Voice Artist, Voice Over
Short Realistic CGI Commercial Creation
30 - 250 USD 22 hours ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$29'703 total spent
29 hires , 1 active
1 open job
5.00 of 8 reviews
Registered at: 31/12/2012
SA Saudi Arabia
I am seeking a proficient CGI artist to develop a brief, yet engaging, animated commercial for our office. The total length of the advertisement should be less than 30 seconds, and the animation style should lean towards realism.

The ideal freelancer for this project should have the following:

- Proficient in CGI animation
- Prior experience in creating commercials
- Ability to bring a realistic touch to their animations
- Flexible and able to work within a tight timeframe

Skills: Graphic Design, Video Services, Animation, After Effects, 3D Animation
Fixed budget: 30 - 250 USD
22 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Graphic Design, Video Services, Animation, After Effects, 3D Animation
Telugu Product Ad Video Editing
15 - 25 USD
23 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$3'442 total spent
7 hires , 3 active
2 open job
5.00 of 2 reviews
Registered at: 14/06/2023
IN India
I'm seeking an experienced video editor to create a short, impactful promotional video in Telugu for a product advertisement.

Key Aspects:
- Focus on highlighting the features and benefits of the product.
- The video needs to be under 1 minute in duration.

Ideal Skills:
- Proficiency in video editing software.
- Previous experience working on product advertisement videos.
- Native-level fluency in Telugu.
- Ability to understand and convey product features and benefits effectively.

Please provide samples of your previous work that aligns with this project. Thank you.

Skills: Audio Services, Video Services, Telugu Translator, Video Production, Video Editing
Hourly rate: 15 - 25 USD
23 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Translation & Languages, Audio Services, Video Services, Video Production, Video Editing, Telugu Translator
Telugu Product Ad Video Editing
15 - 25 USD
23 hours ago
Client Rank - Good

Payment method verified
$3'442 total spent
7 hires , 3 active
2 open job
5.00 of 2 reviews
Registered at: 14/06/2023
IN India
I'm seeking an experienced video editor to create a short, impactful promotional video in Telugu for a product advertisement.

Key Aspects:
- Focus on highlighting the features and benefits of the product.
- The video needs to be under 1 minute in duration.

Ideal Skills:
- Proficiency in video editing software.
- Previous experience working on product advertisement videos.
- Native-level fluency in Telugu.
- Ability to understand and convey product features and benefits effectively.

Please provide samples of your previous work that aligns with this project. Thank you.

Skills: Audio Services, Video Services, Telugu Translator, Video Production, Video Editing
Hourly rate: 15 - 25 USD
23 hours ago
  • Design, Media & Architecture, Translation & Languages, Audio Services, Video Services, Video Production, Video Editing, Telugu Translator
Real Estate Site Map Design
10 - 30 USD 23 hours ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 26/07/2024
SA Saudi Arabia
I'm looking to have a professionally designed site map for a real estate location. This map should clearly depict the relevant landscape features, with special emphasis on notable landmarks such as airports and ministries.

Key Requirements:
- Proficient in graphic design, particularly in creating detailed site maps.
- Ability to accurately and aesthetically represent landscape features.
- Experience in incorporating significant landmarks onto a site map.

The ideal candidate for this project should be able to deliver a clear, visually appealing site map that can be used for real estate purposes.

I have attached the real estate location from google map as well as an example of a professional designed advertisement which something similarly should the project go around

Skills: Graphic Design, Photoshop
Fixed budget: 10 - 30 USD
23 hours ago
Remove background from subject
not specified 1 day ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$57'388 total spent
55 hires , 7 active
70 jobs posted
79% hire rate, 1 open job
63.68 /hr avg hourly rate paid
756 hours
3.73 of 35 reviews
Registered at: 17/10/2019
US United States
I need the background removed so that only the person and what he is holding remains. It will be used in an advertisement. the final banner will have a black background, so the bottom edge (legs) should have a fade to black effect.
Budget: not specified
1 day ago
  • Design & Creative, Graphic, Editorial & Presentation Design
Radio Advertisement Producer / Editor
24 - 48 USD
1 day ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$168'039 total spent
72 hires , 12 active
63 jobs posted
100% hire rate, 1 open job
48.63 /hr avg hourly rate paid
1188 hours
5.00 of 66 reviews
Registered at: 11/02/2015
CA Canada
You're a clever and talented audio producer and editor! We're looking for someone to help us produce radio advertisements (15 and 30-second spots) to drive awareness and solicit donations for a local nonprofit.

You'll join us in creative concepting meetings, but ultimately, you'll take the lead in sourcing royalty-free audio and voice talent to make the ads come to life.

Ideally, you are a native English speaker and can accommodate meetings in Eastern Standard Time.
Hourly rate: 24 - 48 USD
1 day ago
Virtual Assistent - Customer Service
1 day ago
Client Rank - Risky

Payment method not verified
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 26/07/2024
NL Netherlands
Virtual assistant (VA) - Customer service

Customer Service Representative:
We are looking for a friendly and enthusiastic employee to strengthen our customer service team for our webshop. As a Customer Service Representative, you will be responsible for providing excellent customer service to our customers via email. You will be expected to answer customer questions, provide information about products and services, handle complaints, and process returns or refunds.

- Answer customer questions via email in a timely and professional manner.
- Provide information about products and services to customers.
- Handle returns and complaints from customers.
- Exhibit excellent communication and problem-solving skills.
- Ability to multitask and work in a fast-paced environment.
- Strong organizational skills and an eye for detail.
- Proficiency in Microsoft Outlook.
- Ability to work independently.
- At least 1+ year of experience in customer service and customer contact.
- Flexibility to work on-call if necessary.
- Willingness to learn and grow.

Additional Tasks:
- Use ChatGPT.
- Conduct product research on Facebook Ads library.
- Search for videos (creatives) in the Facebook Ads library.
- Edit creatives (photos & videos) for campaigns and the webshop on Canva or another editing site.
- Add banned (negative) words on the Facebook page.
- Respond to Facebook page comments and advertisement responses. Or delete them when negative.
- Work with
- Work with Google Drive.
- Work with Shopify. (At least 1+ year of experience)

- X hours per week (More in the future).

Additional Questions:
1. How many years of work experience do you have in customer service?
2. You will be translating emails into English, do you have any experience with this?
3. How many hours per week are you available?
4. Do you have experience with product research in de Facebook Ads Library?

Please don't respond when:
- No experience with Shopify
- No experience with Ecommerce
- No experience with Customer Service

If this job description aligns with your interests, please contact us!
Hourly rate: 3 USD
1 day ago
Advertisement Website Google & Social Media
not specified 1 day ago
Client Rank - Medium

Payment method verified
2 jobs posted
1 open job
no reviews
Registered at: 01/07/2024
AU Australia
Google Ads & Social Media Ads Google or Facebook and use A/B testing to optimize ad performance. I would like to look at packages for this detailing the best way forward to promote.

Thank You
Budget: not specified
1 day ago
Video Maker for Applicant Ad
not specified 1 day ago
Client Rank - Excellent

Payment method verified
$81'759 total spent
27 hires , 3 active
45 jobs posted
60% hire rate, 1 open job
18.09 /hr avg hourly rate paid
3939 hours
4.95 of 26 reviews
Registered at: 05/05/2023
CH Switzerland
We are looking for a skilled video maker to create a captivating 15-second clip for our cinema advertisement. The video will be used to attract more clerks to join our company. We want the video to have a cool and trendy vibe, with eye-catching animations. The clip should be visually appealing and able to grab the attention of our target audience.
Relevant Skills:
- Video editing
- Animation
- Graphic design
- Storyboarding

If you have experience in creating impactful videos and can deliver high-quality work, we'd like to hear from you. Please provide examples of your previous video projects for review.

Size: Small
Duration: Under 1 month
Expertise: Intermediate
Budget: not specified
1 day ago
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